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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. Call me when you get 7 feet of snow in 5 days. I'll come help you shovel. 18 inches in Buffalo is nothing. Supposed to get 10 inches tommorrow and nobody even as much shined their snow shovel. Good Luck and be safe. So post your phone number. I will take you up on your offer.
  2. I only heard the end of the high light tape at noon. Did I hear this right??? I checked out the company myself, I am respected in the business community (???), I only tried to help people make money. Was he talking about 5linx???? Is 5linx a scam or did it fail?? Anyone!!!!!!
  3. I am not saying donations of money. I am talking about items to display. Most of the items of interest are in private collections. Hell, the HOF in Canton works on donations as well, not paying for their items. I think Denny has been working on the museum for 5-6 years now........ I think he had a budget of $30,000..... I think he said when the museum is done, he is out of a job..... I think........
  4. Denny Lynch is working on that as we speak. They need donations of items, however. Denny Donations???? The Bills are worth how much??? New York and Erie County give the Bills how much $$$$$$ per year. There was very little snow removal cost the last 2 games, perhaps with the $$$$ saved....
  5. Now working for the Bills (Bills digest) former gr and empire guy The Respected Chris Brown, (game day stadium announcer) former empire TV sabers announcer and currently Buffalo Bandits radio announcer, John Gurtler. They have a good base to start a Bills Network. The problem will be $$$$$$$$$$$$ The Bills have NOT built a LONG promised Football museum ??????$$$$$$ So unless it's somebody elses money (step up MarkVI), I don't see it happening.
  6. They will be going of the air. 36 people will be losing there job. Thank You to all who help provide TV coverage of Pro, semi pro, and high school sports in New York. YOU WILL BE MISSED.
  7. Actually I don't have a problem with this. Clearly, when someone is intoxicated they don't have control of their situation. This guy wasn't just drunk, he was HAMMERED, and Aramark had a big part in that. HAMMERED, I think he was clearly OVER SIX PACKED!!!!
  8. 9.00 is a joke. I'd love to know how much the Big Tree is paying for them. I've never been in the Big Tree. Is the rest of their menu outrageous or fairly normal? I know $9.00 is a joke as I question the bartender. It must be a Big Tree Inn "football special price" just like $3.25 for a Molson on game day. Just like the ad on wgr sez, check out the daily Molson special at the BTI, Dannys, etc. BTI must have gotten too PRICEY even for the players as after a game they might stop in for a beer then they head off to INN CAHOOTS to party till 4am.
  9. The RV "party lot" is not like it use to be., but than again it's what you make of it. The RV lot (stadium side) opens at 6pm sharp on Fridays. RV's are lined up wednesday???? on drive 2. usually the same retired people. You Pay $30 on Friday. Forget getting the prime first three rows next to one bills drive as meyers rv has ruined, er taken over. These spots were great as players and coaches and even the big man would stop and talk with the RV'ers. Not any more. Meyer does throw a party saturday that you might be able to crash. The warmer the weather the earlier you will want to arrive to get into the stadium side rv lot. You should check the Bills web site for the NEW RV parking lot rules. This year double spacing and skipping of rows between RVs. No bikes, gulf carts, All rules for your safety. Big Tree Inn, Dannys, Mulligans, Savanahs, Louie's Shi%%y Canoes, all within walking distance. Walk a little father down Abbott Road to PINO'S. The best food around the Ralph.
  10. I ordered 12 wings to go from the Big Tree Inn last night . $9.00 How much is a dozen (thats 12) wings where you live?
  11. Honestly, if this was due to a nail gun backfiring, I think he has grounds for a lawsuit that would at least pay his medical bills, plaus loss of income and some pain and suffering besides. I have used nail guns for over 20 years and have never had a nail gun backfire. Lawsuit???? Maybe for operater error.
  12. Sad just sad. Where is the security??? I guess when one does not respect them self, they will not respect any one else. IT'S ONLY A GAME.
  13. I saw that he had one foot in bounds than fell on the ball. Thanks for explaining, I thought it was a new "Patriots" rule of some sort.
  14. I thought the band was going to be for the celebration of the Bills not buying out of the Gorski stadium lease (notification due by feb 28 midnight) Or the opening of the long promised but yet to be delivered Western New York Football Museum to be built by the Bills. Or the hotel that Ralph was going to build on the stadium grounds.
  15. on the non fumble call @ the 2:11 make 2nd qtr eagles vikes game.What the hell does that mean?
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