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Everything posted by Ralonzo

  1. What's interesting is he's at RT this week, rather than LT like last week.
  2. Curious to see if Shorter can catch a ball while not falling down.
  3. I guess if the guy is double-covered, throw it as hard as possible and hope you knock one of the defenders down.
  4. Anderson out, Mancz in. Can't be a good sign for 62.
  5. OT: Have you tries that Overpack'd or whatever thing? 3 each IPA, 2xIPA, Juicy, Hazy and Tropical IPA's. I thought that would last a little longer than it did, really good and good value.
  6. Man this is sad when a 60-year-old running back like Greg Bell is ripping off 8-yarders.
  7. Only you know and I know? (jk, i get the reference)
  8. TD right behind Anderson. I think the Bills will regret it when they lose that guy. Not as much as Teller but still.
  9. interesting that Dodson is in the game in the 4th Q with the shoe clerks.
  10. Steenbergen is one of the worst blocking TEs. He's like Gesicki who can't catch.
  11. Did I hear that right? Danny Smith is the Steelers ST coach that is owning the Bills tonight? That Danny Smith??
  12. I'm gonna need to rewatch the replay, but I'm liking Anderson at C, and of course the RB immediately tries to blow out his knee.
  13. Boy if you could just take Doyle's toughness and transplant 1/5th to each of the starters on OL, they'd be something.
  14. At the presser I really hope someone asks McD what he thinks of his team's execution tonight.
  15. Darren 10 continues the first half theme on the KR.
  16. If I had to sum up that half in one tweet... guess which one is Pittsburgh and which one is Buffalo?
  17. It's either those, or Blue-Blockers to protect his retinas from the visual horror of the Bills performance.
  18. Would have liked to have seen a replay of the uncalled push-off that I'm 99% sure happened there.
  19. The last two minutes of this half have gone on longer than a basketball game from the 70's.
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