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Everything posted by Ralonzo

  1. That’s the galling part. One sided narrative. What are you gonna believe, us, or what you saw with your own two eyes?
  2. “This is what Josh Allen always does, he needs to cut that out of his game to ever be a real QB” -**** Coddleswab after the grounding “He’s been great running in the first half but not throwing it, apart from one to Diggs” -Al Michaels after 200 yards and 2 Td in half
  3. After the GB preseason game I was ok with that. After Pittsburgh…. Eh. But unless who have guys on the D line who can win off the snap, a lot, I don’t think that will stymie the Bills O.
  4. That second touchdown was like throwing a marble through a floorboard crack. I mean all three were sick in different ways.
  5. 38-20 doesn’t sound as impressive as 43-21 but they were kinda the same game. What the opponent got was fluky and the contest as a whole was not as close as the final score.
  6. didn’t you love the NBC Halloween graphic animation about these awful offenses the Bills throttled, but NOW they’re up against big scary KC who will BOOOry them…. Meanwhile score is like 31-13 and Chiefs are on another lifeline thrown by the zebras who were their offensive MVP
  7. There was a play, think it was a failed 4th down try where Poyer tipped it? Addison I think had a path to mahomes and instead just maintained his leverage to not let him escape to the side. Some with other end (Hughes?) End result, Mahomes had 8 seconds in the pocket. Yet, Buffalo’s zone shell held, mahomes tried to force it, turnover on downs. That is some kind of defensive scheming.
  8. KC had two ref-sustained drives and two figs. They never looked like a threat to the Bills, in a fair game. Call it both ways and that’s what 45-6 looks like.
  9. Yeah but I’m sure someone out there really misses Trent Murphy… anyone?
  10. I don’t mind if they call it tight but call it both ways. The holds by Dawkins and Morse called, the ones on Rousseau and Hughes ignored. The defensive holding on every effing third down by the Bills and Chiefs getting stops on clear PIs. The only wash was the dueling RtP’s against Miss Mahomey and on Josh The Unit.
  11. How about some 4 minutes offense right up your ***** NFL, KC, refs, Vegas, Coddleswab, Nick Wrong, etc etc
  12. Chiefs MVP http://a3.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=%2Fphoto%2F2014%2F0225%2Fny_penaltyflag_kh_1296x729.jpg
  13. The only thing I’m worried about in this game is the refs. KC can’t sustain a drive without them. Their D can’t stop the Bills without committing an uncalled PI.
  14. End 3rd quarter Bills 38 minus 7 from refs Chiefs 6 plus 7 from refs
  15. Two third downs in a row stop with PI by grabbing Diggs arms
  16. Even the cameraman couldn’t believe Rousseau did that
  17. Late? Below the knee? trust us, don’t believe your lying eyes.
  18. They spent too much money on the “Bills defense is a mirage” animation not to use it, despite the scoreboard.
  19. I benched Buffalo defense in fantasy which guaranteed they were gonna make a house call. You’re welcome.
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