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Posts posted by Beerstm

  1. It's too bad My fond memories of Levy have to include this horrible coaching hire

    way to go marv.........."Who would I rather have coaching right here right now?" Sherman, marv that's who.


    DJ may prove to be an excellent coach. but I'm not going to get all excited about another no nothing coach.. who has a chance to be the next great one.


    It is not a good day to be a Bills fan!!!!!

  2. I hear you, BUT:


    If you're looking at Jauron's career coaching record to project his success in Buffalo, think Bill Belichick.


    Belichick was 41-55 as a head coach before his first winning season in NE. When the patriots picked him up, do you think the fans were ecstatic about it? I doubt it. So before we throw this guy under the bus, let's have some patience and see what happens.




    Nope... He is going to have to prove it to the fans.. until then.. I don't ecpect the Bills to win

  3. he may turn out to be a great coach for the bills -- no one knows at this point. he's clearly smart, and he's run good defenses in the past. let's give him a chance -- the worst thing to do is to B word and moan until september and revel in your own negativity. that's pathetic.




    i did that with GW and MM.. not going to be sold how great this team will be..

  4. marv was brought in to baby sit mularkey who's now gone.  it makes sense that marv would be a liability to a seasoned competent coach like sherman.  seems like there's signs this is in fact the case.  marv's expanded role beyond GM responsibilities will cramp any good coach they can bring in -- for the good of the team, admit marv's not necessary in light of recent events, pay him some reduced compensation and keep him as a "special consultant" or something, but by all means do whats right for the team and lose the guy.




    stupid post.....senseless. I don't even know how to respond..just ignorant

  5. A coach has to be a good motivator and a good administrator. The fact is, for anyone to be a great coach and succeed in the NFL, You have to have good assistants. Right now there are good assistants out there in the NFL who are being interviewed by other teams.


    My fear is that it will take a year or two for the new coach to assemble their coaching staff. That probably means more losing seasons in Buffalo no matter who the coach is. The fact that the Bills expect to make an announcement by Tuesday disappoints me greatly. Yes, I’m curious , and I’m a know it all fan. But fact is. The new coach needs time to assemble his team…


    I just can’t imagine that Levy and Wilson thought that highly of Sherman just to interview another handful of candidates. Any optimism I had is quickly dissipating

  6. DC candidates out there right now:

    Jim Bates, Dick Jauron, Donnie Henderson, Dom Capers, Jim Haslett


    OC candidates:

    Mike Martz, Mike Tice, potentially Heimerdinger if Mangini doesn't retain him...


    I haven't heard many more names thrown out there than these  - any choice picks?




    please, please keep Tice out of Buffalo.. PUH LEASE!!!! that thought makes me sick :o

  7. If the Kubiak rumors are true (and I have no reason to doubt them), add the Texans to that list, too. Everyone's looking for the next Gruden or Reid, but I'd be willing to bet at least a couple of the teams listed above will find out they've ended up with the next Mornhingweg or Gilbride instead.




    Dont you mean the next GW or MM?


    how soon we forget!

  8. In the AFC, more HCs come from the defensive side of the ball, period.  Last season, there were only 5 of 16 HCs with offensive backgrounds.  Of those 5, only 2 had success recently (Vermeil and Shanahan), for a 40% rate.


    Of the 11 HCs with a defensive background, however, the "recent success" rate is 8-3, or 73%.  One could also argue that 2 of the 3 "question marks" will be successes (Crennel certainly has an upside, and Fisher has experienced success in the past).


    I define "recent success" as a playoff berth in 2004 or 2005.




    Belechick -- D

    Cowher -- D

    Lewis -- D

    Dungy -- D

    Del Rio -- D

    Shanahan -- O

    Schottenheimer -- D

    Vermeil -- O

    Saban -- D

    Edwards -- D


    Failures/Question Marks:


    Mularkey -- O

    Fisher -- D

    Crennel -- D

    Turner -- O

    Capers -- D

    Billick -- O (he DID win a SB, but certainly not because of the offense)

    In the NFC, a different picture emerges.  7 of the 9 offensive HCs (78%) have enjoyed recent success.  However, 5 of 7 defensive HCs (71%) were also successful.




    Reid -- O

    Holmgren -- O

    Coughlin -- D

    Gibbs -- O

    Parcells -- D

    Tice -- O

    Smith -- D

    Gruden -- O

    Mora -- D

    Fox -- D

    Martz -- O

    Sherman -- O


    Failures/Question Marks:


    Green -- O

    Nolan -- D

    Mariucci -- O

    Haslett -- D

    Overall, 18 of the 32 HCs last season were defensive oriented, and have a recent success rate of 72%.  The 14 offensive oriented HCs have a success rate of 64%.


    Does this mean anything?  The AFC has recently been the dominant conference, and it is heavily defense-oriented.  Should Jauron therefore be the pick?


    Anyway, I found your point interesting so I took a few minutes to compile this info.




    wow.. nice math... nice point...


    would u coach the Bills?

  9. For you Bills fans who want Bill Parcells and Jimmy Johnson as HC- take a breather.  I feel Bills fans who yell "Fire him and hire Parcells" after two games are no doubt lacking education and common sense.  People in Buffalo need a sense of football smarts.  Because a Jauron hasn't won a Super Bowl and was given a raw deal in Chicago - take an educational approach and look at who fits in Buffalo.  Sherman I feel already wants more power than he will or will not receive if hired.  Great players make great coaches.  It comes down to this - Buffalo fans are lacking a sense of education on how this process works and fans are too darn fickle.  I find it tough to talk with some fans because FIRE FIRE FIRE comes up.  People Marv Levy is of utmost intelligence as is Dick Jauron.  Say what you want - you can FIRE me too! and swear at me-kick my dog- throw eggs at my house- but guess what I don't give a fat mother Fuker.  GO DICK JAURON!!!!! as our next head coach.




    They seem to have won a lot of hardware in their careers!

  10. Sports Illustrated's Top 20 draft prospects lists Mcneil, an OT from Auburn, as their #18 prospect.  His little write-up is pretty impressive also.  Four-year starter, never allowed a sack, and paved the way for two Top-5 RB's last year.


    This guy seems to have been thrown aside with all of the D'Brick nut-cupping that's been going on around here.  Anyone know anything about this monster?




    Wasn't Mike Williams thrown aside by McKinnie? It wasn't until after the combine I kept hearing his name

  11. Am I the only one getting ready to tie on my cement shoes and jump off the golden gate bridge in the event DJ is hired????




    um. no.. I'll be right behind you...


    of course I'll have to retrieve them from when I jumped when MM was hired

  12. it has been stated by several sources that Bates would come with Sherman. Just a question to throw out there-


    what makes Bates so special? I not being sacastic either just wondering what has he done?






    He coached with Sherman.. give him a contract...!!


    I guess I really want Sherman as HC

  13. If the Jets dont draft  D'Brickshaw will he fall to the Bills? Jets would have to be crazy to pass on him and then let another AFC East team get him. He might be the best since Orlando Pace or might be the best ever.




    Isn't there always a OL compared to the Pace or Odgen??? Oh yeah, wasn't mike williams going to be one of the best ever???

  14. -Am I the only one who is wondering why  Sherman is still available on January 19th???  Proven coach.  Proven success.  Will bring quality assistants... Why is he still available?


    -Am I the only one who thinks the NFL is trying to catch lightening in a bottle with discovering the next great coach from the assistant ranks.  If you find gold your rich!  More times than not, a first year head coach uses that team as a learning experience. 


    -Am I the only one who would rather have Sherman as a proven coach.  Then to take the chance Jauron would learn from his failure in Chicago??


    -Am I the only one who could care less about Marv's ties to Jauron????


    -Am I the only one worried that Marv could ruin his legacy in Buffalo with picking another GW or MM?


    -Am I the only one wondering if the Bills faithful will continue to support and put up with another coach learning as he goes? 


    -Am I the only one freaking about how big this decision is for this team.  The wrong-choiced could ruin this franchise forever in Buffalo! 


    -Finally am I the only one who thinks the only choice is Mike Sherman???




    My thougts exactly.. I was wondering if i was the only one who thought this!!! <_<

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