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Posts posted by Beerstm

  1. What in the world? That's one of the few things TD has done right. Henry sucks and never was nor never will be a good running back. I bet the guy never rushes for over 400 yard in a season again. He took this nothing player and turned him into a high 3rd round pick.


    Not to mention that Travis absolutely refused to play in Buffalo anymore. So taking a guy that will not play for your team and getting a pick for him is also impressive.



    I dont totally agree.. if TH sucked and will never again get over 400 yards.. why did TD pick him in the second round.. i don't see how wasting a 2nd round to just trade it for a 3rd later is a good move

  2. I look on the board, and see our line sucks, our QB sucks, our coach sucks, our GM sucks, our defense sucks.


    Granted, there is truth in some of it- but doesn't one part being bad make the others look worse than they are?




    exactly.. and it starts at the top.. so cut bait and start building a winner.. not a cash cow

  3. Good game today.. Went down almost how I expected and how I hoped. Except for moron Josh Reed. I have never been a Reed basher until today!


    Scoring a TD in the last minutes to avoid a much needed shut out???


    Fine time for this tool to hang on to a pass and show heart!


    I was really hoping for a shut out! But I guess getting spanked at home will just have to do


    Kudos to the coaching staff and players and the front office.

  4. Face it.  We had New England and Miami.  We could've beat Carolina.  Bad coaching, bad luck.  But truth is, had this team played just a little differently, we would be 6-6 or 7-5, at least tied for first.


    That's how ridiculous this season is.  Had JP not thrown the interception, we would've won that game.  Probably.  And we'd all be in much better spirits.  Bad call.


    I don't know how you overcome stupidity.  If you're that dumb, maybe it's easier to put it behind you.


    I don't think they can win many more games, but I do believe they will beat New England this Sunday.




    Wait a minute... Is this Tom Donahoe... is this you tommy d?

  5. here is one accomplishment!


    He has turned me from a loyal 27 year Bills fan- supported them during the early and mid 80's.. never waivered during the mid 90's or the Flutie-RJ years, stuck by them during Big Wade and confused Gregg years


    BUT NOW MM has the accomplishment of turning me into a fan that :

    Could care less about his lame, uncoached, poorly coached, useless, no for good, overrated, no talent, horrible play callin', player suspendin', embarassin', laughing stock of a team.



    Thanks Mike! You can't leave quick enough!


    PS. PUH LEASE take your silver haired proud, pious piece of Crap General Manager with you! what? what was that Tommy.. I'm a JERK! From you that is a compliment!!!!!!!!!!

  6. ... i cant believe the people who have just turned their backs on Moulds - its sickening.


    10 years - 2nd all time in nearly every category - has nearly NEVER caused a problem - always a team player ... DISGUSTING on the fans part in my opinion.


    I hate to admit it, because I am part of Western New York, but I am slowly starting to understand Tom Donahoe's comments about Western New York people and being ashamed of them ... and I NEVER wanted to agree with that comment until I saw this crap.


    Its amazing Jim Kelly was'nt ran out of town after losing the 2nd Super Bowl.




    they did throw snow balls at him in 1989 when the team lost to the Saints!

  7. I'm pissed!!!!!!!!!!!


    Screw You Tom Donahoe!!!


    Screw You Mularkey!!!


    You both can not leave town quick enough!!!!


    Thanks for NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    This team is not worth wasting my time over!!!!!!!!!!! My only joy will be looking forward to them falling apart the next month!!!!!!!!!



  8. Forgive me for probably bringing up an old subject. But I just watched MM press conference on BB.com. I am amazed with how disrespectful this organization has become to their fans. You just don’t say Moulds has been excused from practice for the next two days without any explanation. MM looked like a total tool! His reaction to the press what classic “I’m in over my head, and I don’t know what to do”


    Someone help me! What in the World is going on???? What makes me the most upset, is that there is nothing I can do about it!!! I’ll always be a Bills fan, but until there are some changes, I am not going to concern my self with this team or their results. I’m so thankful for Tivo. At least I can fast forward the disaster every Sunday.


    I have no confidence in Ralph Wilson as an owner, Tommy D as a general manager, or Mike M as a head coach. They have only proven that they know how to mess up a once proud organization and take advantage of loyal fans. I feel sorry for the players. This team is messing with their lives and their families lives.


    This whole team and situation with Moulds is unacceptable, but because I am just a fan. I’ll have to just take it! That just in itself is just wrong!!!!!

  9. i like the new uni's


    keep them dump TD


    Now some may look at that nice listing and say the glass is "half full."

    I, on the other hand take a different view.

    The glass is damn near empty.


    One can only hope that any off-season house cleaning that occurs at OBD will begin with those Gawd-awful uniforms. They look like they were designed for a gay roller derby team - not that there's anything wrong with a gay roller derby team mind you. But even a CFL team wouldn't want to wear them. I can't imagine many of The Bills really like them. Maybe that's why they're playing so crappy - they're getting a lot of smack talk about 'em on the field.


    Anyway, Rian Lindell's having a great year. Moorman's still pretty good. The throwbacks are nice too.


  10. This is a terribly run football team, but not a terribly run organization.  TD has actually run the financial side of the team well.  On the field however, his performance has been awful.


    Leave him in the executive role, he's a good bean counter.  But remove him as GM and bring in someone who knows football




    that is an excellent post. Your right TD has been a good president of the Bills, but not a good GM.


    great point!!

  11. So having one good year gives you a big pair!!!


    Don't get mad at OSU for being co big 10 champs


    Get mad at the Big 10. They should have a championship game.




    Ohio State would love another shot at Penn State.


    But until then... learn to share.. and enjoy it while it lasts my Penn State friend..

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