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Posts posted by Beerstm

  1. Apologize to Sherman after the shiite he pulled (I believe what SOP's source said because I kind of suspected that would happen)?  He can go fark himself.  I just wish he wasn't getting $6.5M to sit home and do nothing.  Oswipe.




    That Oswipe is far more qualified then DICK.


    Oh yeah.. DICK was cheap!

  2. yes she does...now I have a question for you turncoat...if your new team, the Steelers,  lose, will you be looking for a new team, or do you like the direction they are going in...




    Seriously.. I doubt, i'll ever root for any team but the Bills... Sorry to be so mean.. I'm so pissed. (BTW, hope your wife doesn't beat U, sorry about that comment!). I'm just so upset. I have followed this team for so long. I thought, really thought things were going to be different.. But you can only get craped on so many times. Eventhough I'm upset, I stll love looking at the Bills Logo and I can not wait for next year. I don't like the coaching decision. I'm not going to pretend to like it. I think this poor choice could lead to the ultimate demise of the Bills in Buffalo.


    So I guess, I took my anger and frustration out on you.. Not acceptable.. my bad. Your just a fan like me. Any Bills fan is better than a Steelers fan any day!


    However, I'm still pissed!

  3. Move the team? Give up your seasons...wtf is wrong with you people...all of this nonsense makes me believe that we have quite possibly the stupidest fan base in all of the NFL...




    Yes your right.. At least I know what is going on.. You make me sick.. just sit back and take it up the rear year after year after year!!!!


    Well go for it.. I do not have to be content or like it. It doesn't make me a bad fan. It just means I want to win. I'm not content with losing. I'm glad your so eager to settle for less! <_<

  4. I am pissed that it's not Mike Sherman. But there is a few different ways of looking at it:


    1.) It's not Mike Mularkey! : We all wanted a new HC and anyone is better than having the Steelers connection around.


    2.) We have the potential of having coordinators with HC experience : With Sherman, we probably would have gotten Bates and someone else he brought from Green Bay. But with Jauron, we may grab Capers or Hasslett on the D side.


    3.) Dick Jauron has HC experience


    4.) He won HC of the Year in 2001


    5.) NO MORE GADGET PLAYS! : I was going to shoot someone if I saw Roscoe Parrish or Eric Moulds line up under center ever again.


    Jauron seems to be well respected around the league and brings a normal, old school approach to Buffalo. Marv is comfortable with him and I guess that helps (?). Again, I wish it was Sherman; but it could be a lot worse.


    Let's give the guy a shot and I look forward to knowing who our new coordinators are. No use crying over spilled milk.




    NO I will not give this guy a shot until he proves he can coach... the choice sucks.. everyone knows it.. The NFL knows... And the fans just have to take it in the back side. NO NO NO


    So we get DJ as coach of this team?

    I cant say anything yet about Dick and his plans here but this clearly a pocketbook move by Ralph.

    Ralph wants to win the big one before he dies?  Right.....

    Ralph is a cheap bastard.  TD put the asses in the seats for 5 years, Ralph knew things would change with the fans turning on the team and TD.


    So Ralph made his switch, hire Marv (A guy from the early Bills 90's glory that saw FOUR STRAIGHT superbowl loses) thinking this will keep the asses in the seats.  (UPNOTE)  Marv didnt build that team, some guy named Bill did....

    So here we are...  Another proven LOSER at the wheel and the fans of this city are forced to buy tickets or see Mayflower pull a overnighter at the Ralph moving them West....

    2006 slogan...  "We already hit rock bottom, now come watch us dig!"




    I'm ready to see this team move... I've had it... bye bye

  6. All these negative posters are more than likely Sherman supporters, present company included.




    NO just fans who want to win.. experience a playoff game.. fans who still are interested after week 8 of the NFL season..


    Just be commited to winning.... Marv and Ralphie Just are not commited to anything else but playing management.

  7. Honestly.  Is this someone to get excited about?  He is very boring.  Hasn't produced a good team in 5+ years.  He will be run out of town if they get off to a bad start and has no credibility as a coach if they start out poorly.  It will be here we go again--another Jauron team that sucks.  I can't believe this, I really can't!




    No this is not someone to get excited about. There is nothing to get excited about. Except the steelers!!!

  8. That said, the Steelers are an EXTREMELY well-run organization, that drafts well, coaches well, and signs the players they need to have.



    And the bills are an Extremely awful run organization, they draft decent and hire cheap inexperienced or loser coaches. The Bills can not sign the players they need because no one wants to sour thier career in WNY.


    Maybe we should all be steelers fans! Steelers will probably be in the super bowl again before Buffalo even stumbles into the playoffs!

  9. Don't put me on that list. Im sure good ole Dick thought he had a good coaching staff in chicago. I'm sure he will think he has one here... NOT!


    I'm sure he will wow people with his footaball knowledge at the press confernece. GW and MM looked good when they were hired. At least didn't know at the time they sucked. We already know Dick sucks! NO Good Loser!


    Thanks Marv! Your better days are behind you!

  10. If he is hired, he's ours and he should be supported until he tanks.




    I normally agree with your posts.. Why should he be supported. He has proven nothing to me. There is nothing in his past that says this guy can lead a team to the Super Bowl. At this point, with the the Bills recent track record of coaches, I do not feel like I should support any coach, especially one who has such a horrible winning record (it is still winning that matters?) I don't feel I owe it to the Bills to even support them. If I did not live and die Buffalo Bills I would walk away and never watch another heart breaking out coached loss again.


    I just don't see why I need to be all happy and excited, when I don't see anything to even be positive about. At least Sherman has a great record. I could get excited about that.

  11. While watching the Steelers game I saw a team who loves its city.


    A Team who loves thier owner. A owner who is loves his coach.


    A organization who has seen consistnt success in the NFL.



    And as a Bills fan, I have no faith in management. Any decent GM the Bills have had has been run out of town (where they still experienced success).


    A team who plays for the name on the back of the Jersy instead of the city or fans they represent.


    A team who is more content with saving $$ and filling seats instead of putting the best product on the field.


    I'm convinced the Bills of the 90's got lucky. Levy was a lucky hire. Polian and Butler were great GM's who happen to use Buffalo to launch thier career.


    Fact is: I doubt Buffalo will ever be a serious contender in the NFL. The people in charge are not as commited to winning like the Rooney's. Just not as classy.


    As a fan, I just want to experince the joy of watching a playoff game that means something to me. With Jauron as HC, I doubt I'll get that chance anytime soon


    Congrats to the Steelers- especially to thier fans. You do not know or even realize how lucky you have it.

  12. Dick Jauron??????  You've got to be kiddng me.  He's a bum.  He wasn't even an elite defensive coordinator.  What a piss poor choice.  This franchise has hit an all time low.




    I don't have season tickets, but I do try to go to as many home games as I can travel to. This year I will not be investing ANY of my money into this team. All Marv has done is prove to me that the Bills are not serious about being a contender in the NFL.


    I'm not going to waste my money, If Ralphie is not going to shell out his $$$ for proven talent..


    Thanks for NOTHING MARV.. Go back to Detroit Wilson.. Western New York will be a better place without you

  13. Folks, we are all overreacting.  Here is why:


    (1) The media could be wrong--it has happened before! (See the 2000 election: ABC News--"Gore has won Florida!")


    (2) Even if Jauron is the HC, let Marv speak about the hiring process.  Let Jauron introduce himself to the fans. Since when do you judge a man from hearsay, and not for yourself??


    Lets hear about his program and plans, his OC and DC, etc.  All of these things might make a difference in how we feel about the hire.


    Finally, I would like to say that with Jauron, you get a defensive-minded coach.  All things being equal, I would rather have that than an offensive-minded coach.  Why?  Defense wins championships, and with a defensive-minded coach, it is less likely for the defense to be ignored, and more likely to get a championship defense.




    Yes lets just sit back.. and smile and hold hands and all get excited about how the Bufflalo Bills are on thier way back to being contenders in the NFL. Bull.. this sucks.. I'm pissed and I think it is time to react..

  14. I am so sick of this black-and-white, on-and-off, knee-jerk reaction BULL.


    Here's how most of the whiners on this board think the interview process should have gone:


    Marv:  Did you have a winning record?

    Sherman:  Yep.

    Marv:  Do you want an H2 or a BMW SUV?


    Marv:  Did you have a winning record?

    Jauron:  Um...not really.

    Marv:  Do you realize you have a piece of spinach in your teeth?

    Jauron:  Um...spi-nach?

    Marv:  Goddarn Yalie.  Get out of my sight.


    There are many NFL head coaches who did poorly for one franchise and went on to great things with another.  Ever hear of something called PERSONNEL?  Do you really think that Jauron had a prayer of having a winning season in Chicago or Detroit with the players there? 


    Did Kraft looked at Belichick's W-L record before he hired him?  It was 36-44.  Belichick was considered a failure as a HC by most.  Give Jauron a chance, will ya? 


    GO BILLS!!



    It is all about winning.. I hope your excited about this teams lame future


    go Steelers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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