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Posts posted by Beerstm

  1. I was w/ Psycho Ward 86 @ the 'game' between the Ravens and the Steelers today, then we went to Sliders (where our 2 tailgates before Bills-Ravens games were held) for food and drinks afterward.  They didn't have the Bills game on there, so all I have to go by are the reports I read on the screen, as I don't even recall seeing any highlights.  I suppose I'll watch the game tomorrow after work, since I did tivo it.  I guess I'll brace myself for the shock and horror.



    I'd wait if I werer you. Watch the Penn State MSU game instead!!!



  2. Once I saw Brees and LT march straight down the field, I knew the Bills had their hands full.


    And after the second TD drive, I knew that was that.  I've never called a game over in the first 15 minutes before.  And Losman didn't even have that bad of a game! 


    They looked like the Keystone Kops out there, especially the vaunted Bills' defense.  Obviously, Takeo is a big loss, but he's been gone for eight weeks and isn't coming back until August.  Nobody has bothered to take his game to the next level.


    Oh well.  At least the Browns shut out the Dolphins, so that keeps the Fishies behind the Bills.






    OH well, but hey Mike! OSU beat that team up north.. All is good!!!

  3. I look at the team Bill Polian has built. And it didn't take long on his watch for the Colts to be a real contender.


    Look at the team AJ Smith has built in less time than TD.


    Look at the team Marvin Lewis has built in two years on the job. His GM has nothing to do with it. He buys the groceries.


    I could go on and on, but you know what I mean.


    I'm tired, so tired of the mediocrity. Tired of TD's soft excuses. Tired of the same old problems, year after year. How many years now have fans screamed OFFENSIVE LINE?


    And TD thinks he's done enough, and we just haven't gelled yet.


    Always a reason.


    TD and his crew have hit on quite a few good players, but their overall performance is worthy of a firing. I have defended him and defended him and defended him. But I'm out of ammunition. I'd like to see him succeed in the end but I have ZERO faith.


    And he's 0-2 in selecting coaches. I like Mike in so many ways, but I just don't think he has the elite smarts to take a team very far. He hasn't shown anything, so how could I think otherwise?


    The Bills are heading for 7-9, 8-8 at best.


    What's the 5-year record again? What's the home record? Where is this offense ranked on average through 5 years?


    If only this was an all-special teams game.




    Very well said! Great post! Exactly how I feel!

  4. I agree with most except Mularkey hasn't proven he can coach, yet.  We know he doesn't know how to call plays or manage a game as he indicated in having JP ground the ball with 1:30 left in the second quarter amongst other questionable calls in his two years.




    I know what your saying, but is going to take MM time to be a solid Head coach in the NFL. Marvin Lewis made mistakes his first couple of years. The difference is that he had more control of what players were brought in. Lewis took control of the whole team. MM is just a manager trying to figure this all out

  5. 1.  Unsucessfully replacing P. Williams, Tucker and J. Jennings with R. Edwards, B. Anderson and Gandy.

    2.  Believing that JP was ready to start.

    3.  Believing that M. Williams and the o-line had talent and would improve.

    4.  No impact free agents (see #1 above).

    5.  No impact draft picks (at least this year).

    6.  Inability to win on the road or against quality teams.

    7.  A coach and OC in over their heads.


    Much to fix.




    Let me sum this all up for you in two words.



  6. OSU may have won the Big 10, but Penn State won the Big 11 title!  Seriously though, any of the 3 teams can talk smack to the other 2, since they took turns beating each other this season (OSU beat Michigan, who beat Penn State, who beat OSU).




    LOL Big 11 that's good!!!


    Gotta love College Football.. Hey OSU beat michigan.. it makes the Bills loss easier to handle!

  7. 1. Ohio State beats that team up north! Wins Big 10 Championship. What a great way to close out the 2005 season. Nothing is sweeter then beating the wolver-weenies on thier own grass! Congrats OSU


    2. Penn State- Congrats on winning the Big 10 Championship. Jopa deserves all the credit in the world. I’m so happy to see Jopa get his first BCS bowl bid.


    3. Tony Stewart- Great way to end the season. 2 time cup Championship! Way to Go. You make Columbus, Indiana proud!!


    Now To my Beloved Buffalo Bills:


    1. Nate Clements- Time to move on. Even with my love for OSU, you have worn out your welcome in Buffalo. I'm glad you have a huge ego. Too bad your play is no where close to where your confidence is.


    2. Jerry Gray- You should have learned more from Williams and Labeau on how to put togeher a defense. He is hoping you become the next head coach of the Rams. I look forward to having the Bills face any team you are in charge of!


    3. Tommy D- Holy Crap! Time to exit Western New York. You know how to fill the stands. Too bad you don't know how to field a team. Your ego was too big for Pittsburgh. Catch this Tommy: Pittsburgh is still one of the best football teams in the NFL without YOU! You have taken all the pride and hope and dreams of Western New York fans and flushed them into Lake Erie! Thank you for getting us out of Salary Cap Jail, and thanks for an exciting couple of years. Too bad the excitement came in the off season.. not during the season.


    4. Mike Mularkey: I'm sorry the Bills front office has not given you the players you need to coach this team. You would not have been my first choice to coach the Buffalo Bills. However, I do believe you can coach. I believe you can in time, if given time, can lead the Bills. You need to be more vocal and let the front office know where they have screwed up. I feel for you.


    5. Ralph Wilson: Please, Please help this team. Make the changes needed. I beg you. Don't be content with a full stadium. Please make the changes needed. Whatever it may be.


    6. Mike Williams: You suck! Wasted talent. I hope you invest your money well.

  8. I will be at the game tonight, first time at the ketchup field.....My buddy is a life long steel fan and me 42 years of the bills misery...........I love the bills but have recently come to the conclusion that at least cowher can coach his ass off for 16-18 games a season.....I think it might be time to make that hat purchase, black and gold!!!!!!    Flame away my fellow bills fans!!!!!!!!!!




    best news i heard all day.. bye bye.. hope to never, never read any filth you spew on this board again!

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