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dollars 2 donuts

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Posts posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. On 4/15/2024 at 3:20 PM, Allen2D̶i̶g̶g̶s̶TBD said:

    I don't think it makes any sense to trade for a star receiver considering we can't pay them without getting into cap hell. 


    I'd rather use the draft picks we have to take a chance on a top wr in the 1st and have them under contract for up to 5 years for a low cap hit.



    I want 2.


    One is not going to cut it.  Absolutely on board as long as they get two.


    And when I say "two" I don't mean round 1 and then round 7.


    Get two, meaty good ones that are reasonably not speculative by comparison...both third round or sooner.  


    • Like (+1) 1
  2. On 4/4/2024 at 10:15 AM, DapperCam said:

    I really like Aiyuk. I would do a deal that doesn’t include this year’s first rounder. Then I would structure an extension that gives him a low cap hit this year.


    On 4/4/2024 at 10:15 AM, Royale with Cheese said:


    I would rather draft one too but I think Aiyuk could be a good #1 as well.  He got 105 targets last year and I think if you give him 30 more with the Bills...I think we could see a Diggs from MN to Buffalo type of increase in production.


    From what I know about Aiyuk is he's a yac guy and we need more of that.


    On 4/4/2024 at 10:32 AM, nedboy7 said:

    Yes I’d love Aiyuk. He’d fit perfectly in this offense.  


    On 4/4/2024 at 10:38 AM, Warriorspikes51 said:

    If we can keep pick 28, I'm listening



    On 4/4/2024 at 10:44 AM, Mat68 said:

    2 twos? 60 and the the Vikings 2nd.  Ayuik last year had more yards and Tds than diggs on over 50 less targets.  I would be all in on Ayuik.  Instantly, steps in as a number one.  Opens the first rd back up.  I think if he is in play Beane will wait and see until draft night.  


    Next year’s second and maybe something more to do this deal and I do it in a second.


    Hopefully we can work something out with him that money will come later or in June when more is freed up (I know, I know, but please just let may have this for the sake of the argument)


    I honestly believe he can be a “quiet” 2024 #1.  What I mean by quiet is 80 plus grabs, in the style of offense it seems like we are going to have.  Plus, let’s not discount the fact he is a veteran.  My goodness, a 1st round WR (Legette, Ladd, Thomas Jr.?), Aiyuk, Samuel, Shakir, and a spritz of Shorter, along with Kincaid (maybe the true #1), Knox and Cook…How would anyone not love that offense?!


    Additionally, the true number 1s, or league top 3s, likely are going to be commanding 30-35 million per.  I think, as others have speculated, that Aiyuk may be more in line with Diggs average dollars.


    I would be pretty OK with this move.


    Go Bills!



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  3. On 4/11/2024 at 10:24 PM, NoHuddleKelly12 said:

    While Josh enjoys a round of golf ️ now and then to the chagrin of many here instead of posting his workout sessions…

    If I were a Jests fan, I’d start being very afraid that my supposed all-in QB fresh off of his Achilles is going to let me down this year too…just a hunch! 🤷🏼‍♂️




    Some gems 💎 from this guy’s latest pod…


    Due to Kennedy’s views, as well as his family history, Rodgers believes the independent candidate is ‘in danger.’

    ‘They killed his uncle, killed his dad,’ Rodgers said. ‘We know the CIA was involved. I mean, they can’t declassify it because it’s so damning. We know the FBI was involved…”


    Bobby’s in danger. He’s putting himself on the line. Why? Because he f***ing believes in this country.

    That is, like I said earlier, the archetype of everything we love about Luke Skywalker and Han Solo,’ Rodgers continued, ‘everything we love about Frodo and Sam and Eragon, and Gandolf, and Merry and Pip. Everything that we love about Gamora and Groot and Rocket and Drax… These people believe in something.’ “

    Is it just me or is this guy sounding a little too checked out even by off-season standards? 


    I won’t say much, because people in glass houses should not throw stones.


    Due to the fact that I honestly believed for the last two years HUDS has been slowly poisoning me in my Swanson Hungry Man Lasagnas.


    Why didn’t I stop if I thought this was the case?


    They are just so yummy and I realize I have a problem. 

    Go Bills.




    • Haha (+1) 5


    Respectfully, not if they get two and two good ones, possibly back to back early.


    Just as an example, (because I am not fully set yet, nor is anyone, so just go with it and don't analyze the actual picks), but if that room is McConkey, Legette, Samuel, Shakir, Shorter among the guys (Isabelle, the other guy) I am not sure your screaming that you have to have a name in there.  


    Do you need someone?  Yes, sure.  Do you need a name and are their questions?  I don't think so.


    I am not vouching that the rookies will be knockouts, I'm just saying Beane and the coaches will like the room.



  5. 12 hours ago, Tipster19 said:

    Here are the 5 worse secondaries from last year ranked.


    #28 Colts

    #29 Giants

    #30 Cardinals

    #31 Raiders

    #32 Bears


    if so it would soften the compensation it would take to move up with any of these teams. How Elam’s value is perceived is something I’d be curious to know. 


    12 hours ago, uticaclub said:

    He has little to no value at this point, better to keep him and see if he turns the corner for us.



    Honestly, it is interesting to consider, but at the end of the day Utica is spot on with this one.


    Man, at this stage and with where he is at so far a team would be insanely stupid to even give a 5th for him.  However...here...well, let's see what might happen.


    Go Bills.


  6. 5 minutes ago, Warcodered said:

    I'm pretty sure he wrote a book.


    But now who will continue the search for the real killer?






    His unrelenting shading of OJ eventually got Norm fired from SNL.



    Man o man, Norm was a Legend.  I miss him greatly. 





    • Like (+1) 4
  7. 1 minute ago, NoHuddleKelly12 said:

    An artist’s rendition of the “dad life” goings on over at the Donuts household…





    The funny thing is HUDS, in truth and no lie, we get our Christmas tree on the Monday or Tuesday of Thanksgiving week and and keep (in great shape, too) until just after New Years.


    In Donuts' household we consistently get 40 days plus out of our tree.  


    We dig Christmas!


    • Thank you (+1) 1
  8. 45 minutes ago, NoHuddleKelly12 said:

    LeGO Donuts!





    HUD,  I have not been as obsessed with a Bills draft in maybe 25 years.  I'm not kidding.  Very interested in 2018 for the QB draft, but just didn't know where we were going to end up.


    I can't stop watching videos of WRs.  I know more about some of these prospects than my own child.


    And to my kid, boo-hoo, get a better 40 time and maybe you get ice cream.


    Go Bills!



    • Like (+1) 1
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    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  9. I’m proud of you all as a fellow Board member that through 136 pages we have not once read, “Let’s get Legette Lenow,” if for no other reason than puns.


    Btw, acceptable negative responses would be “LeNO.”




    Go Bills


    • Haha (+1) 1
  10. 6 hours ago, DJB said:

    We have too many needs to double dip early. I do think we are taking one in the first two rounds and possibly late but I don’t expect two to be drafted in the first thee rounds



    2 hours ago, RyanC883 said:

    I'd trade up for Thomas, but the suggested trade seems too much.  Perhaps omit the 2025 or 2024 pick.  I'd also take another WR at 60.  


    I hear you, DJB, but I don’t just need bodies at wideout, I need good bodies and if the next best player available at 60 (barring a trade down) is another WR there that they covet I am in.



    • Like (+1) 2
  11. On 4/6/2024 at 7:15 AM, Dibs said:

          Here I stand, watching the Chiefs celebrate, alone on the field. My teammates have all gone. Not that they don't have drive and passion, or feel the sting of loss. They do, but not like me. I feel the sting like no other. That is why my teammates, my friends, my Brothers have gone inside, and I stand here, alone on the field.


          I am going to the hospital to see my fallen comrade and Brother in arms who defied death on the field today. I go as is required by what is true and right, for there is no greater bond than that of Brothers under fire. I do not think less of my teammates or coaches for all going back to Buffalo. There are not many who are burdened like I am. My heart and determination drive me onward. Though you be in a coma Dalmar, fear not, for I am coming.


          I do not know for how much longer I can hold this team at this level. I tell them they need to do the things that I do to sustain greatness, but they do not listen. They do not understand for they are just Josh, or Sean, or Tre, or Von, and I am Him. I am Him upon whom my Brothers can rely. I am Him who will work, and toil, and bear the load for all. I am Him who will always stay loyal to those I love. I am Him, but they will not listen, and I fear that they will not be helped.



    These thoughts were those solely of Dibs' imaginings and should in no way be taken or inferred as to be factually from Diggs' head.

    Diggs perspective in short…


    Here I sit

    broken hearted

    I came to ****

    but I only farted


    On your way out still just remember to flush the air biscuit, as a courtesy. 

    Go Bills.



  12. IF, and it is a big if right now, the Bills win the division in 2024 they will have won the division title five straight seasons which has never been done before in franchise history and the team will have made the playoffs for 7 out of eight seasons which has never been accomplished by one singular Bills GM (noting he didn’t do the 17 draft, but he was the gm for the season and subsequent draft moves).


    Edit: also tying a team record of six straight playoff appearances.



  13. 30 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    no chance.  he may not be worth even that after his one season in Houston.


    Even if he some how manages to go 80+, for more than 1,000 yards and even 10 TDs (given the compliment of talent there, that would be a stretch) the most someone will offer him (MOST) is 15 million per, especially and primarily heading in to a 32 year old season and maybe just for 1 year.

    However, he could choose to go to Dallas, the Rams or KC, where he likely wants to be…and most certainly not at the money I mentioned above.  In those instances shrink that to 6-8 million.



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  14. 2 minutes ago, Goin Breakdown said:

    To me it's not all about "why the Texans" as it is why don't we value WRs like other teams do?  Texans have 2 great WRs and go out and get a third for example. Buffalo need a good WR 1 or 2 (depending how you felt about Diggs) and they trade him. Then there's losing Gabe Davis (again, how do you feel about him?) but it all comes down to Buffalo ever only having 1 true guy defenses had to worry about in Diggs. At this moment we have none. Ok, sorry we have Curtis Samuel. 



    I am not going to poo-poo you at all, GB.  I badly wanted at least one season of a 1(A) and 1(B).


    Right now we are: 1(HOPEFULLY in the draft), 2(somebody?), a solid and productive TE, and a 3 (whichever of Samuel or Shakir isn't possibly the 2).


    It is OK, though, the Sabres didn't value offense when Hasek was here.  They didn't get him any help and it didn't really hurt them.



    • Thank you (+1) 1
  15. I wanted just once in Josh's career for him to have a 1(A) and a 1(B) and see what happens if even for a single year.


    There is no indication we will  ever see that before he leaves his prime.


    That is is likely my one and only issue with the trade.


    Please save your charts and quotes and potential this and potential that.


    I wrote what I wrote and you're not going to change my mind. 


    I always remain positive with Beane, but I am always weary of the chance, as I have stated before, that we may "Hasek" Josh Allen's career.


    I would draft at least 1 WR in the first 3 rounds every remaining year of Josh's tenure here.  The same way people used to perceive drafting QBs when you don't have one.


    We have one of the best QBs in the league, which should always be followed by, "and you can never have enough good WRs."


    Go Bills.


  16. 19 minutes ago, CaliBills said:

    Weirdly, I think Josh has a better year than the last 2 years with Diggs and Davis gone.


    Sometimes we think the current situation is better than the future (look at him and his ex-gf where it definitely impacted him mentally during the season they ended things to now dating Hailee Steinfield and seemly super happy). 


    Granted the unknown is scary but it is also exciting because it allows for a different opportunity to thrive.


    Now we at least know we will see something different on the field with out our EX WR1 and WR2.  






    If this is the case, and Hailey helped Josh to be happy and take things to the next level, then we (and mostly Josh) might as well go big or go home...





    Git'er done, Beane.  Make Josh super happy and get this Town its first Super Bowl.





    (* It doesn't necessarily have to fit)


    Go Bills





    • Haha (+1) 3
  17. 11 hours ago, Andy1 said:

    I think Diggs probably has wanted out since last year and Bills knew he wasn’t going to play nice with a new alpha receiver the Bills plan on drafting. That would only make the diva drama worse so it was time to cut the cord now for team chemistry. Diggs is on the downside of his career trajectory. Some alphas can’t live with another alpha. He probably wanted no part of teaching his replacement. That’s just the way uber competitive guys are sometimes. 


    This is a great and accurate take.



    13 hours ago, MarkyMannn said:

    Could this be a TBD record for how quick a thread hit 100 pages? 8 hours!


    Damn proud of it as a Board member, too.




    11 hours ago, Andy1 said:
    • Haha (+1) 1
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