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Posts posted by Heathcliff

  1. I personally dont see ANYTHING from Byrd that Searcy wasnt providing......jmo


    And what was thought to be a weakness has in fact turned into a strenghth with the emergency of Robey......all the other guys are pretty much playing the way I expected them to.


    I would like to see Gilmore start to get more picks


    Doesn't Searcy backup the Strong Safety (A. Williams) with Leonard backing up the Free Safety (Byrd)?

  2. Take some solace that inept coaching has cost this team, in my estimation, anywhere from 3-5 wins almost every year for the last decade. The cliche goes something like "a good coach puts his players in the best position to win". I don't think either Chan Gailey or Dick Jauron did that on a regular basis.


    I don't believe that the talent level on this roster is that much worse than so many other teams in the league. Now, that still may not translate into a playoff apperence, or a winnging record, but lets give the new HC the benefit of a doubt. There is a tendancy (and I am guilty of it too) of holding the current team responsible for the failures of the last...as it turns out, we have had a horrendous decade or so of bad football, but there is no reason that has to continue. I get that none of us are real excited at the prospect of heading into a year with Ryan Fitzpatrick and Tarvaris Jackson as our QB options...but in the right offense, and a coach that doesn't expect more out of them than they can deliver, either guy, with their experience, might be able put up a respectable season...


    But you have to have a QB behind center that can hit a 20+ yard pass more than 5% of the time. If you limit your offense to 10 yard passes or less you will go no where. Look at the past 3 years for proof. I agree that the running backs were not used enough, this is a no brainer. But no downfield game hurts the running game also. Please find a QB that can hit the 20-40 yard downfield pass consistently.............

  3. Cromartie's antics aside, the Jets are going to try to run the hell out of the ball in Week One. Wannstedt already knows it.


    Think about it: Jets have OL issues, a brewing QB controversy, and not exactly what you would call an imposing cast of WRs. Rex sees the D line Buffalo has built and does not want to put either Sanchise or Tebow in a position to be pummeled.


    Buffalo's run defense will be tested early and often.


    Agreed. Haven't they been successful running the ball against us for the past few games? I believe 200+ yards/game has been surrendered by the beleaguered bills front 7. I sure hope the paper view translates to the field.

  4. I posted this before. I had a chance to talk with Fitz's dad before the Cowboys game. He said after the Fletcher hit Fitz was real hurting. He was amazed he was able to play the way he was walking around the house the next week. He was trying to convince him to wear a flack jacket. But to no avail. So I know he was hurt and I can't imagine playing with that injury let alone trying to throw the ball. The downturn was in part the rib injury and the Freddy injury. No coincidence.

  5. This is not going to be a popular opinion, but come on man the bet should be cancelled. There is noway he could of won money on this bet as the odds were to onesided. As Tom stated Miller gets one sack & it is just about breakeven time, Miller gets 2 sacks & now he is oweing you. This guy was the 2nd friggin pick in the draft, even if he had a bad year based on his draft status one would assume he would get at least 4-5 sacks. Maybe Tboner should pay you the money out of stupidity & my initial guess is he is not a betting man but my personal take on this is that there would be no Casino in Vegas that would take this bet & the bet should be cancelled based on the fact that you took advantage of a fellow poster with these effd up odds. I am usually not one to tell people to stiff on bets but these odds were not fair, although I will say if he threw the odds out(I did not read the initial thread) then maybe he should pay you out of pure stupidity/arrogance.


    one word - Maybin

  6. The games always have and always will be won in the trenches - both sides of the ball. This would include a high quality TE and great LB's to go along with great line play. This is where the focus needs to be. The really good teams understand this. The Bills continually miss this........ Getting better with Wood, Levitre, and Darius in the past few drafts. Focus here Mr. Nix, PLEASE!

  7. It's not just a feeling. It is fact.

    Fitz was hurt bad in the Washington game. I went to the Cowboys game and had an opportunity to chat wuth Fitz's dad before the game. He told me Ryan could barely walk around the following week. He could not believe he played the next week. He had told Ryan to wear a flack jacket but he refused. You could tell the general fatherly concern. I was a bit surprised he divulged this to me in fear of it getting out to the opposing teams. I kept it under wrap until now. Some other things I learned: Ryan wears his ring during the game because he fears if he takes it off he wil loose it. Ryan scored 1580 out of 1600 on his SAT without really studying for it. His wife is the smarter one in the house. He got his intelligence from his mom. It was a nice chat with a really nice regular type guy. His dad also missed the awesome tailgating that happens at the Ralph but certainly not in Jerry's Parking lots..... He loves and admires the spirit and dedication of Bills Nation.


    Broken ribs can be really painful and he is likely still playing through this pain. He also watches Thigpen in practice and probably realizes the Bills will never win with him.

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