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Posts posted by stevestojan

  1. Steve,


    Once again you have proved your a moron.  It doesn't matter how long you have been in the league you still need to practice everyday.


    If you haven't noticed this sport is called football and people hit each other.  You can't babysit someone like that.



    Kota - did i hook up with your sister and dump her ugly ass or something? Whats with the bug up your ass towards me? Do like everyone else, and take what i say lightly. Im not here to win the god-damn nobel prize of message boards, but I can see with your ability to use such amazing terms like "moron" that you indeed are. My question was out of simple concern of "if bledsoe goes down, we have a full season with T Brown as our starter". So, thank you for your input, go !@#$ yourself, eat s#it and choke on it, and get back to work. I know retail stores normally only give employees 15 minute breaks.

  2. Seriously, I know there are some GREAT shows out there, with intelligent writers, etc, but never has a show had me in tears like Family Guy. Just some of the RANDOM, off-the-wall stuff they pull is so damn funny.


    A favorite line of mine is when Stewey and Brian (the dog) go to pick up Brians dead mom. It turns out the owners had stuffed her and made her into a coffee table. Well, They are carrying her to go bury her, and stewey has her by the tail, and it breaks off. Brian gets upset.. stewy goes "Oh, settle down, its not like the old gal had much to wag about these days" ... oh man, tell me that isnt classic (of those that saw that one). Or stewey eulogy when they bury her... priceless.


    I have yet to see an episode that didnt have me in stitches... cant say the same for such crap as "Friends", etc.

  3. Yes - but now you can grab 4 at once from the fridge/cooler and when you get to the last one it will still be cold.  Less trips and more efficient beer consumption.



    Damn - can't believe i didnt think of that...


    Im starting to like this...


    I've seen alluminum bottles before.. there is an energy drink (forgot the name) that comes in an alum bottle...


    Less trips to the fridge = more football = good thing

  4. I personally think that if, at his age, he still needs practive, then we are in trouble anyway. I think he should practice with the team (in a NEON PURPLE jersey, so as to stick out better than red), and that's that. I know the coaching staff wont do that, but he better see VERY limited play for the next two games. If he goes down, and we dont even have the HOPE that JP Losman can be a rookie phenom, our season would be in the crapper, just like Miami's.


    Question is, do you think he should see less time now that JP is done?

  5. I wonder how Travis is feeling knowing that finally Willis will get to play against the first team his entire time out there.


    I know he will publicly support him, but anyone else think in the waaay back of his mind, he is hoping for him to get stuffed?


    I am just so happy we have two potentially great RBs. Its awesome. But, human nature brings on feelings of not wanting someone to do a better job than you.

  6. Where else can you watch athletic women pat each other on the ass and roll around with each other in the sand in celebration?  <_<



    My church's last lawn feit, but I'm pretty sure that someone spiked the punch.

  7. If that happened in the US, the focus of the story would have been about 'excessive use of force' by the cops.



    you're waaaaaaaaay off.. the first thing you would have heard was Jesse Jackson's loud mouth spouting off about it being a racial thing. Let's just hope the cop was black or else Mr Jackson might have to book a flight to visit our neighbors up north.

  8. wow- great post... its not the end of the world (unless Drew goes down), but there is nothing positive about this.


    The thing about "maybe it will teach him to slide" is BS, because why would he slide when wearing the red shirt? Also, if you watched Sounds of The Game, McGahee asked him why he doesnt slide and he said "It feels very uncoordinated. I feel like I would hurt myself". Well, maybe some practice in that would have helped, but that's hows he's always played. Its a freak accident, but it sucks.


    And i also think that if drew went down or sucked, MM would have shocked most of you by putting the rookie in.


    Hell, in NYC, Manning might be the starter still. Now, Losman cant even practice for a good portion of the year, and if Bledsoe goes down, we are stuck with TB.


    Its not the end of the season of course, but I agree with Labatt, we dont have to wear the rose colored shades, either.

  9. Losman going down Blows. Even with the couple posts saying its not the end of the world, or its even good for him mentally (talk about rose colored glasses!), this does suck. It blows, we've seen it happen to other teams, and didnt care, but now its us and it sucks.


    Ok, that out of the way, s#it happens. Now what? I now we played several years with only 2 QBs. Do it again? Or do we go shopping? Or do we go with that #4 guy i saw standing looking confused in a picture somewhere?


    Just wondering what you guys think the best idea is as far as salary cap, roster space, and simple need.

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