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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. You know this comes down to a defensive holding or Pass interference.
  2. Why not take the penalty and get 1st down at the 2? Was that extra yard worth a missed down?
  3. Do those of you who blame the refs just look at the scoreboard, see it’s not the Bills with more points, and blame the refs by default? We suck. Period. We’re not just a “bit off.” The team is a shell of what it was 2 years ago. Every team has injuries and the good ones overcome them. This team isn’t prepared. And if McD says there is 0 chance of a change at OC, and wants to stay that stubborn about it, Beane needs to look at his buddy Sean.
  4. When Taryn Johnson can’t absolutely manhandle a WR, he’s useless.
  5. Remember when we were an above average team? That was fun.
  6. To think this is the easy stretch of our schedule.
  7. We need to trade for a big name. Like Von Miller or someone similar.
  8. The game plan on defense seems easy from here on out. BLITZ THAT TURD 100% of the time. Let up a big play maybe? Sure. But Mac Jones will get rattled. He’s not good.
  9. We’re scared. Should have called a TO on that third down. We’re happy to go in with a 10 point…. Deficit.
  10. Hey, morons. Maybe when your teammates have the guy wrapped, don’t come in and tackle him FORWARD for another 2 yards.
  11. The flags on the posts didn’t move an inch.
  12. Game day threads like we’re in the Losman era again. This really sucks. even if we somehow get lucky and sneak out a win, this team is done.
  13. Remember when James Cook was running all over this defense? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
  14. Couple more great plays by cook then it’s Murray time right? That’s the “process?”
  15. Love watching these morons get all hyped after letting them into the redzone and then making one decent play. act like you’ve been there before. And like you’re down by a TD.
  16. I’ll never forgive Frazier/McD for 13 seconds. It’s like wide right. Initially we were “ok” with it; fans rallied because we knew we had more cracks at it. The more I watch this team, it’s a shell of what it was just 2 years ago. And 13 seconds seems more and more like this team’s chance. This is - at best - an above average football team now.
  17. Didn’t we draft a guy named Justin Shorter? What ever happened to him?
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