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L Ron Burgundy

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Posts posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. 9 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    In the category of "even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while," I can't disagree with my old friend BigBlitz on this one. Neither party has a monopoly on wackos. 

    But right now, anyone has to admit it's this Cawthorn creep.

    Law School Exam Question of the Week: if I'm a Florida teacher discussing Madison Cawthorn, can I say gay?

    He's living the old punchline: the only way a Republican won't get reelected in his district is if he's caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy.


    EDIT: you gotta see the video. The headline says it all: "Naked Thrusting Cawthorn ..." 

    OP - could you please change the title to "Naked Thrusting Cawthorn?"

    I agree but are aoc or Omar close to mtg and Maddie C?


    I say no.  Though Omar is getting in the ballpark.  AOC Says batty stuff on occasion but is at least smart.


    Absolutely both sides are electing schmucks I would never disagree there.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. This is hilarious.   As always most will stick their heads in the ground as if the right had some sort of moral superiority.   Cawthorn is what the republican party is becoming and it's sad.  Does the left have even one character like him Boebert or Mtg?  Nope.  There are a few whackos of course but nothing to this level.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
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  3. 8 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    What negatives can you suggest about your party?


    I’ll offer a few tidbits that bother conservatives:


    Russia investigation, Trump walks away untouched, allegations of treasonous behavior,  an illegitimate presidency, 4 years derailed. 

    The fact that Obama and Biden were debriefed on the Clinton connection very early in the Trump admin and said nothing about it.  

    Biden’s acknowledgement that he directly tied taxpayer funds to the removal of a prosecutor in a sovereign nation. 

    The character assassination of Brett Kavanaugh.


    What bugs you about the home team or if not your team, the other guys? 


    Wokeness in any form.  Can't stand it.  I think and hope most of the craziness is a stupid phase that will pass.  Don't love the freedom of speech repressions but they are trying to combat mass misinformation campaigns.   Much of which you can see working on the zombies in this forum.


    From the right?  There's a ton but I'll stick with 2.  The religious zealots that control that side and blatant corruption.   I don't see any way anyone can say there's more from the left than the right though I know the majority of you will whine more about Hunters laptop.

    • Haha (+1) 1
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  4. On 4/29/2022 at 9:19 PM, T master said:


    Yah i'm so glad Biden & Pelosi both have such law abiding upstanding people of the community for sons like Hunter & Pelosi's boy their in no way anything like them other scum bags of which you talk if only they hadn't conveniently lost Hunters computer dammit that would have proven just how great of a person he truly is .


    Your such a douche canoe it's not even funny . You know if you would just judge each side the exact same way instead of calling one this and not seeing or saying anything about the other some here might give you a bit more respect but due to your undying support for those that are lying you just prove each time you reply that you are in fact that big of a douche canoe ...

    Who cares about Bidens son?  He's not in government.   If something ties him to his father officially toss them both in jail.  Something fools on the right will never say about the infinitely corrupt trump family. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Westside said:

    It’s a big nothing burger. The crooks are the dnc and the clinton crime family. But keep on accusing Trump. That’s what you’re programmed to do.

    You are like a soundboard for qanon BS.  Anything negative about your party you just swing to usual lines of crap.  Use your brain for just 5% of your day.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  6. On 3/25/2022 at 2:30 AM, Westside said:

    Kind of like having a father in politics who sets you up on the board of an energy company while making hundreds of thousands of dollars with absolutely no experience!

     Is that what you’re talking about?

    Except there was likely nothing Joe did to get his son the job.  Companies hire names sometimes.   It's sad and a dumb practice but reality.   If on the other hand Joe did wrong flay his arse.   

    • Disagree 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. 39 minutes ago, Tiberius said:


    "It is time for the entire MAGA movement, the greatest in the history of our Country, to unite behind J.D.'s campaign because, unlike so many other pretenders and wannabes, he will put America First," Trump said in a statement Friday announcing the endorsement. "In other words, J.D. Vance has my Complete and Total Endorsement. He will not let you down. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

    The guy is trying so so hard to become a politician it's sickening.   First flip flopping on trump then getting cozy to Gaetz and mgt.  F him.

    • Like (+1) 3
  8. 9 hours ago, Niagara Bill said:

    Genocide to a Christian nation, to a nation loved and trusted for 100 years by the west is being terrorized. We defended Afghans for goodness sake. We defended Vietnam, WTF are we doing. If this was Italy what would we do. 


    Putin must be stopped. NOW.  Remember 1938.

    Eh, loved might be a bit much.  Ukraine is a fairly corrupt country though theyd been making progress.  Were they loved someone would have already stepped in more actively.  I know that's harsh but just keeping it real.

  9. 3 hours ago, ALF said:


    In 2021, the European Union imported 155 billion cubic metres of natural gas from Russia, accounting for around 45% of EU gas imports


    Was gonna mention this.  Poland and others are making moves to switch to Norway for their gas.

    2 hours ago, 716er said:

    Interestingly enough the first 30 or so pages of this thread are full of folks saying the war won't happen.

    In Poland I can say everyone I've spoken with didn't think the war would expand either.  By all accounts Ukraine wasn't even sure- they thought Putin was posturing.

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  10. I'm still in eastern Europe not too far from Ukraine getting international news.  One super interesting thing I heard was about a group of 30 Ukrainian soldiers that helped stall that 30 mile long convoy near Kiev.


    Sorry if someone already mentioned...They rode 4 wheelers and used drones.  The Ukrainians are using some really interesting tactics to make the Russians look absurd.  Many east euro nations are worried what Putin has planned next but based on their shortcomings in Ukraine it'd be crazy if they tried for more.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 1 minute ago, PetermansRedemption said:

    I find a lot of the news coming out to be pretty difficult to believe. It seems most of the news we are seeing is coming from extremely pro-Ukrainian sources, so I’m taking most of it with a giant grain of salt. Some of it is just too hard to believe, like the reports of Russian soldiers sabotaging their tanks so they don’t have to fight.

    I agree but there's zero way to spin that Putin isn't a gigantic POS.  Some outlets siding with him are just nuts.  Poles hate Putin (not much love for Ukrainians either though they're helping them) so literally all the news I've seen lately is pro Ukraine.   But I mean if you're showing the actual current footage you're bound to come off that way.

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. On 3/1/2022 at 5:58 AM, SCBills said:

    All this talk of Russian propaganda.. I honestly couldn’t even tell you what the Russians are even saying.  

    I can tell you that I’ve heard of the mythical ghost of Kyiv and dead (now alive) soldiers at Snake Island.  Multiple videos/pictures of random conflicts portrayed by media & politicians as current.  

    Then factor in the incessant reporting in Western media of unverified dead Russians, destroyed tanks, shot down planes in numbers our own defense officials say are next to impossible.  


    We can all root for Ukraine without being sold the Michael Bay version of war. 

    Nobody has good Intel right now because both fighting sides are playing misinformation and social media campaigns.   The Russians are trying to show they're not inept and Ukraine is begging for help.


    Some of the Ukrainian stuff has been hilarious other stuff sad as sad can get.

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