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Everything posted by AlfaBill

  1. No. Murray ran right into the defender. Geez. It was good call. Move on
  2. I just rewatched. 28 ran into the defender and knocked him down leaving Knox wide open. Good call
  3. Was that him who flew back and landed on his butt after the run play?
  4. This dude really knows his x and o’s. Football is so much more complex than it seems
  5. Women weaken legs. Nah. Josh sucks. The coaches suck. The Bills suck. That sounds much better.
  6. Most of team is black. Why Marshawn? He was half a thug for sure but maybe truth to the officers wife story?
  7. She looks like a special needs fan
  8. And son many Bills fans were saying the pass was bad. We see good players make plays for their QBs but only Diggs does it for Josh. That’s probably why he ignores the others. They suck It’s not cool to kick FGS anymore. Going for it on 4th used to be rare. Now it’s usual
  9. That last Palmer catch was very similar to Josh last pass which Knox dropped. To those who say it was a bad throw… Our wideouts never get that YAC!
  10. That last Palmer catch was very similar to Josh last pass which Knox dropped. To those who say it was a bad throw…..
  11. I can’t say for sure but I don’t think fans are upset with Gabes production insomuch as his mistakes or disappearance in game He knows something!
  12. Anyone catch Bermans fastest 3 minutes reference to Kurt Schultz?
  13. If that was Josh’s right bicep being pulled on by a DLIne man, the dline man would’ve travelled 40 yards along with the ball for a completion.
  14. I would disagree. Josh has shown that he is a smart and dedicated athlete who can change his game. I just think they haven’t yet found the correct mix. They went from scorched earth Josh to this version which is too conservative. I’m sure by the playoffs they will have it figured out and ride it to a SB championship
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