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Posts posted by uninja

  1. 1 hour ago, Beck Water said:


    Interesting that you see it that way.  I see Roman as providing the perfect system that works to Lamar's talents.  I'm not saying there aren't other systems that Lamar could excel in, but I think there are definitely some that would not suit.

    The problem with Roman is his play calling gets stale and he isn’t the greatest at creating and calling good pass plays. Best run game coordinator in the league, bar none, though. 

    It’s the same ***** when he was in SF. Run game was always amazing. The rest? Eh…

  2. 2 minutes ago, RiotAct said:

    in hindsight, yes, we probably could have rested JPhillips against the Steelers.

    I think Phillips may also want to be out there too badly and may be downplaying the issue. He may also legit feel good on his hammy at practice speed or in training but even if comes to blast his 340lb body off the line at full game speed the soft tissue just goes “you thought wrong”. 


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  3. 1 minute ago, Bills!Win! said:

    If you had a Bills team with Josh Allen as QB, and all the bills current backups as starters. The bills could beat the following teams










    Anyone else ?

    I think they could give the Cardinals a run for their money. 

  4. 1 minute ago, JDubya76 said:

    I honestly can’t believe that they talked about the Snyder thing on the air. Isn’t it protect the shield time? That’s some dirty azz laundry to hang out there. Maybe they feel like no one is watching this slightest anymore.

    Dan Synder is a complete dick and everyone knows it. Everyone’s sick of his ***** and just wants him to go away. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, Magox said:

    Looking better




    Jones back to full is low key awesome, guy has been an absolute anchor at the 1T spot. Him not playing would be a big loss, especially with how the Chiefs OL is run blocking with their guards. The tackles are the weak link there. Our edge guys should feast and be able to be disruptive.


    Would really prefer if we had a decently healthy Edmunds, Knox and Poyer for this matchup. Chiefs have a lot of weapons to throw to and we need our best out there in coverage.


    Not expecting Phillips to play, unless this is just a chronic issue with his hamstring and we can use him rotationally on a pitch count. 

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  6. 37 minutes ago, Stank_Nasty said:

    i think a lot of that has to do with us having Allen gobbling up a lot of the praise.... But i have to admit i've been a bit surprised by the lack of national talk surrounding our defense.

    I dunno, if you catch all the Bills highlights on all the morning sports shows they regularly bring up the insane defensive stats like scoreless 3rd quarter. Only 7 points after half. Biggest point differential etc. 

    SF and Dallas are getting more praise because those defensives are literally carrying those teams, but everyone in sports knows that the Bills defense is no ***** joke. 

  7. 27 minutes ago, Bigvinny said:

    He came back in the game afterwards. He also jogged off the field after he went down. Didn't seem too serious.

    He took himself out after a couple of plays. Wasn’t being effective and likely tweaked it again. It’s been a recurring issue with him since his stint with Arizona. Hope the s&c team can get him right, even if that means him missing this week and potentially getting shut down until later in the season. 

    Feel like he just has too much mass for how violently he bursts off his spot on the line. Puts a lot of stress on the soft tissue in his legs. 


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  8. 1 hour ago, Matt_In_NH said:

    He did but he also seemed to reaggravate the injury and this team is pretty conservative with those injuries, I would not be surprised if he sits this one out.   It is best he be fully healthy when he can kick butt.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if they shut him down for longer to let it heal up. He’s had a recurring hamstring issue since his days with the Cards and it’s big reason he was shut down for a lot of games and eventually released. 

    Guy wants terribly to be out there but hammies are weird and can linger. At this point I hope it isn’t something chronic and worst comes to worst we shut him down until the post season. 

  9. 6 hours ago, RunJoshRun said:

    FINE???   He couldn't cover anything thrown his way and has tackling was terrible!  Why do you want to cover him up?

    I don’t know what you’re expecting from Elam? He’s not gonna go full Darrell Revis and embarrass WRs week in week out. Pickens is good, like really good. Pickett is also, despite being a rookie, quite accurate and decisive. He throws a good ball. 

    Yeah, Steelers offense marched up and down the field between the 20s but couldn’t do ***** when it mattered. Classic bend, don’t break. Box score tells you everything you need to know. 

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