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Everything posted by NEBranch

  1. Bad play calling, poor tackling, and decent Poke football did my team in. Hopefully that's the only disappointment this week, and my other team will be good to go.
  2. Let's hope those Week 6 ticket prices start falling after this not-so-great display by KC.
  3. Correction, looks like two USED to play, one played at Clemson, but now just does academics at Ohio St. Youngest is a HS soph.
  4. Worked out for him. His kid plays college ball so now Kirk can watch his kid's games.
  5. No complaints here...working great....lots of Amazon commercials though!
  6. Listen to the Aikman broadcast...I'm guessing he's used the word "Fangio" at least six times already.
  7. I became nauseated hearing Buck's voice rather than that of a Manning...8 mins to go.
  8. Hope Taylor false starts 3 or 4 times the next time he plays.
  9. Singletary is liking his odds of sticking around next year.
  10. Why did they show that? Someone needs to invent a smoking Billbo.
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