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Posts posted by Boxcar

  1. 38 minutes ago, Halloween Land said:

    It's a trade for Ertz, she just gave it away by saying people are already on it in the responses. Most of the responses are about Ertz. Nothing really to be excited about, I rather have had Hunter Henry. 

    Yeah, was gonna say the same thing. People were on this before she said anything. Speculating on Mack isn't her fault, though, that was just wild Bills Mafia dot connecting.


    Still, Ertz was hurt last year (on top of all the other nonsense in Philly) and he's not that old, so there's a nice potential for a bounce back season. I'll be happy.


    I just don't understand how you go from pursuing JJ Watt to saying "ahh ***** it" and committing to Mario Addison. I feel like there must be something coming on the edge. There has to be.

    • Agree 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Virgil said:

    Again, I have no issue discussing someone’s appearance. And I agree that most in the entertainment world are hired partially because of it.  That’s how you know John Clayton is a genius.  

    It’s when it becomes the topic of conversation in a thread that originally had nothing to do with it, that I think we start to perpetuate the wrong narrative.

    Tom Brady wears Ugg’s btw.  That’s all that needs to be said  

    It's 20+ pages based on like 4 short tweets. Eventually, you run out of conspiracy theories.

    • Agree 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, Virgil said:

    Do we do the same for male reporters, ever?


    For clarity, I personally wouldn’t care if that were the sole point of the conversation.  It’s the fact that her credibility is somehow tied to her appearance.  That’s what’s crap 

    I will "clean up" comments


    A) we don't, but people who find men attractive do.


    B) no one tied her competency to her appearance.

    2 minutes ago, NewEra said:


    Idk.....I think you should lighten up gentleman. It’s a message board.  People talk about attractiveness.  


    people’s looks are objectified 24/7 in this world.  People enjoy looking at beautiful people of the sex they are attracted to.  It’s been like this since forever.  Sensitive world rears its head.  

    if it’s against the TOS to talk about looks, I won’t talk about looks.  I’ve long thought that she, as a football “analyst” was fugly and shared my thoughts on a message board about football in a thread about her.  I said she should get a nose job.  Then her father chimed in and said I was a dinosaur.  What’s worse, attacking someone’s nose or attacking someone’s character?  

    Regarding if “we” ever talk about mens looks, I know women that do.  Lots of women (and men) talk about Tom Brady’s good looks all the time.  Or is it different for him because he’s a player rather than a reporter?  


    I called you a dinosaur because of your fervent opposition to computer models, not because you find her unattractive. I actually agree that you should be able to have an opinion on her without judgment. I also don't really think that was an attack on your character as I don't know anything about you other than what I read there. Chill out, friend.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  4. 5 hours ago, stosh64 said:

    I guess that makes you a SIMP,  you probably even 'pay' Frelund for her "sure bets".

    Finding a woman attractive is not the same as being a simp. If you don't know what a word means, best not use it.

    4 hours ago, NewEra said:

    Dinosaurs roamed the earth for 165ish million years. Your kind has been around for 10-15 years. Let’s see how long you last

    I enjoy talking smack.  My friends and I talk smack to each other all day.  It’s fun.  We laugh.  If Cynthia were to read this and her feelings were hurt because she has a big schnoz, I might feel bad.  But she won’t read this and the only feelings that might get hurt are the oversensitive.  I’m old school and my wife loves it.  

    Stop being so sensitive world. 

    You know which creatures survived when the dinosaurs went extinct? The ones that adapted to the changing times.

  5. 17 minutes ago, wppete said:


    Well this is pretty simple. Either she has these messages or she doesn't. If the law suit goes to court we will know. if Watson settles out of court we will know the truth and if she drops the case then we will know she was lying... Now they will let the process play out but either way this is a blow to Watson. Horrible. 



    At face value, this isn't even close to sexual assault. The continuous use of the word "masseuse" is also throwing me off, because massage therapists and masseuses are different things.


    There's also really only one area that isn't potentially touched by an RMT, so if she was asked to massage his ass, that's completely legit.


    My god, even assuming all this is true, him asking for the lady to jerk him off is worth a six figure settlement?!

  6. 24 minutes ago, JoPoy88 said:

    how can you blame journalists when it was the plaintiff’s attorney that announced this suit via a crazy facebook post implicating a famous pro athlete? 

    A lack of criminal investigation or charges does not preclude someone from filing a civil suit.

    If this was about seeking justice, why the hell would there be no criminal charges or allegations? Just a civil suit for money?


    Doesn't smell right.


    Also, a masseuse is someone at a rub n' tug. My sister is an RMT and they don't tolerate being called masseuses.

  7. Journalism in 2021: 

    2 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    No details

    No information at all

    What timing

    I love journalism in 2021. Instagram post from shady lawyer comes across desk, no need for investigation, just blow it up on Twitter.


    Also, pardon my ignorance, but isn't sexual assault a crime that would involve...police? And not just a civil suit?

    • Like (+1) 2
  8. 1 hour ago, NewEra said:

    I’m not a fan of her computer generated nonsense.  

    Some guy- “What’s your prediction for the game Cynthia?”


    cynthia- “Niners 27.6 to Seahawks 25.1”. 

    guy- “how can they possibly score fractions of a point Cynthia?”


    cynthia-  “idk, I just read the teleprompter and try and angle my nose so it doesn’t explode through the screen.”

    I believe guys like you are referred to as "dinosaurs"

    28 minutes ago, IronMaidenBills said:

    If we didn’t just sign Sanders, I would be more receptive to the idea of Golladay being the excitement. Maybe she is excited about Ertz, because since she is an analytics girl, maybe she feels he would overperform in our system. All I know is, if I’m a Lions fan, I’m not getting excited enough about Ertz to switch teams lol. I really hope she truly knows something, I’m pumped about a big trade putting this team over the hump and bring our first super bowl victory to the city!

    If I was a Lions fan, probably would take a lot less than most other teams to get me to switch tbh.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
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  9. Just now, IronMaidenBills said:

    Yeah, he might be the only one. Even then, if you were a neutral fan looking to join a new team, is it worth that much drama to sway you? Now if it was a person like Mack, I’d tend to agree. The problem is, I don’t see how exactly we will clear enough money for something like that. 

    Maybe she saw how awesome we are and just wanted an excuse to jump on the bandwagon

  10. 1 minute ago, Einstein's Dog said:

    I'm hoping/thinking the non-offer had to do with the size of the reduction in salary that the Bills are thinking.  Smoke was not a budget friendly option, he was 9 million.  If the Bills are trying to fill the position with a 3-4 million option, you can't even bring it up to Smoke until after he tests the market.


    I hope Smoke didn't burn his bridges with his statements.  Maybe they can frame this as Josh going to management and asking to see if they could bring Smoke back, and Smoke decided to give a team friendly deal for Josh.

    I'm sure that Smoke being distraught over being pushed off a team he didn't want to leave isn't going to make Beane hold a grudge. If anything, that should make him feel better. Smoke really wants to be here, so I hope this is correct and he dips his toes into FA to find it's not as receptive to

    him as he'd thought.

    I like Gabe Davis and Hodgins is interesting, but neither is the caliber of player a healthy John Brown is, at least not yet.

  11. 4 minutes ago, dave mcbride said:

    All of this is certainly putting to rest the happy talk on this board about players not wanting to go to NE.

    Is it? The amount they are paying these guys is far above what they were projected to get. Meanwhile, we locked up our cornerstones for below market deals.

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