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Posts posted by FLFan

  1. I agree with your sentiments on the Bills track record, but Merriman might be worth the risk. He clearly has not been healthy. A drop off in the year after a major knee injury is to be expected, and he has had an achilles problem this year. He did perform very well in the year after the steroid controversy. I think it is mostly about contract with San Diego, and the fact that they have viable options. The Bills do not. Why not take a chance, assuming a contract agreement could be reached which minimizes the risk? Are we worried about wasting a bit of RW's money? We are so bad at LB right now, SM at 75% of his former ability would be a huge upgrade. Sometimes you do win the lottery - "Hey, you never know."

  2. To answer the question, probably not, but I think the Bills should make a play. This seems to be more about contract dispute than injury. Worth the risk in my opinion. Perhaps even worth a future conditional draft pick to keep him from being an unrestricted free agent. This would be complicated, but given their current linebacking corp, a big potential win.

  3. I suspect the Bills will make at least one more player move during the bye. They have been getting Howard ready to play tackle, and Urbik at guard, so Green getting cut would not surprise me. Maybin is useless but he gets the year I think. McCargo is a very likley candidate as well. They just signed an OL and a DL to the practice squad which makes me think these areas being targeted.

  4. John,


    Thanks for the good article. However, if I may be so bold, don't write about Ralph anymore. The ingrates on this board don't deserve to hear what he has to say.


    I've rarely seen so many insensitive, uncaring, beligerent, disrespectful people in one place. And people wonder why quality posters leave this board? It's because more and more it seems like the posters around here are so full of themselves that they can't have the common decency to show a little respect and humilty.


    I understand the Bills suck. I understand they've sucked for a decade. I understand none of us want to hear that there's a 3 year plan. But, that doesn't mean people have to act like classless idiots spouting off about something that know little to nothing about. Just shameful. It's threads like this that make me question why I would want call myself a Bills' fan and be associated with these posters.

    Thanks Dan for the post. After reading through this topic I was just about to post pretty much the same thing.


    First, to John, major props. Good article and excellent work getting through to Mr. Wilson for an interview. He obviously respects your work or you would not get the access you do. That's a great deal more than can be said by the other "journalists" who cover the Bills, locally and nationally. I think your tone and questions were fine - respectful and informative.


    Second, many of the postings on this thread are truely sickening. For most of these people, I would not call them fans any more than I would refer to them as decent human beings.


    It has been clear for some time that RW is not well. He rarely, if ever, appears in public anymore. He does not attend league meetings or games. Despite this some people continue to believe that RW is somehow the puppetmaster behind every personnel decision the team makes, pulling every string to fatten his wallet while the poor fans suffer. This is the worst kind of crap. Ten years from now, when the Bills are long gone, perhaps the people of WNY will realize what they had and lost.

  5. I'm glad someone brought this up. I thought of it as well - Incognito was released after playing well for a team with a terrible O-line when our starting G wasn't even ready to play - but still, he was pretty good, and we didn't even replace him, let alone upgrade. And what about Cameron Wake!!! This really blows my mind. The Bills switch to a 3-4, have no capable OLB's, and this guy is sitting there ready to be had - could have been brought in - AT A POSTION OF DIRE NEED - and we don't go after him! What? Whoever is making the personnel decisions in Buffalo doesn't have what it takes to be successful - the examples go on and on, and are still happening. We should not have missed on Wake - there are a lot of people on this site who mentioned him regularly for awhile before he was picked up. It's not like he wasn't known - our people didn't consider him to be an upgrade - AND THAT A BIG PROBLEM FOR US - WE CAN'T EVEN RECOGNIZE TALENT WHEN IT IS AVAILABLE - SOMETIMES ON OUR TEAM!!!

    Incognito was not released - he was a free agent. Do you know whether the Bills offered him a contract? I don't. Cameron Wake was signed by Miami in 2009 when he was a free agent coming out of Canada. Many teams had him on their radar actually, including the Bills, who offered him a contract. He chose to play in Miami. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3844396



    Rant on.

  6. Well, Meredith is an OT and Incognito a OG. So you're off there. Incognito knew that Bflo drafted 2 guards high, wisely wanted out and now he plays next to the best OT in the game. Incognito rid himself of the Bills, not the other way around.


    There's plenty of stuff to complain about, but this is just whiney crap to me.

    Absolutely right. Incognito was not cut as some people seem to believe - he was free agent. I cannot blame him for wanting a chance to start. Who knows if the Bills offered him a contract or not. None of us certainly do.

  7. This never gets old.

    Actually, this is really old. Just the latest in a long line of rants from the OP. We have, after all, played one game, which should be more than sufficient to judge the tenure of Chan Gailey. I get it now - animated = good coaching and wins. Glad we staightened that out.

  8. If you put Bills Report Card into google, this thread is on the first page of results :)


    Go Two Bills Drive!

    Congratulations. You have succeeded in your effort to draw attention to yourself. Too bad your baseless opinions paraded as analysis do not hold water with objective evaluation. Now your fame as a troll will be nationwide.

  9. It's not the offensive line then huh?


    Quarterback. You have to have a good quarterback.

    It is certainly both, but I think last night's game illustrated the value of a good QB. Flacco was under every bit as much pressure as Sanchez, yet Flacco was able to complete passes down the field consistently. (helps to have Todd heap and Anquan Boldin for sure) Sanchez (and Edwards) do not seem capable of this kind of play in the face of pressure.

  10. LOL. I knew this would come up today and the first person to suggest that the Jets offense was every bit as putrid as the Bills last night would be greeted with the "but they played the ravens" excuse. Fact is that the Jets are overhyped and overrated and their offense really does suck. Sanchez is no better than Edwards right now, and that is giving him credit. He was erratic, uncomfortable in the pocket, and could not complete anything downfield. Sound familiar? As for the high profile free agents, did Braylon Edwards play? He has always sucked. The jets cut their best running back in favor of a fumble machine and a player several years past his prime, who looked it. The O-line looked shakey. The Jets are one dimensional at best and the ravens exposed this by taking away the run.


    As for defense, they have a great front seven, but are vulnerable in the secondary which the Ravens also exposed. Revis is very good, but Cromartie showed why San Diego was willing to dump him, and the rookie got beat like a drum. The penalties and lack of discipline they showed are a direct result of their loudmouth coach and his approach.


    No doubt the jest will work some things out in the coming weeks, as will the Bills, but I continue to believe they are no better than 8/8 this year, maybe worse.

  11. I really could careless how much we lost by. INHO, it felt like a 20 point loss. I never really felt like we were going to win the game. IMHO, it felt like we played not to win but not to lose by a lot.


    I am ok with the breakdown in grades. I see nothing wrong with it.

    No, I guess you would not

  12. If The Bills manage to get 2-3 wins in the first four games, I will eat my hat with a generous helping of hot sauce. Mark that down. Its not going to happen, thats not channeling my inner-expert or anything, the Bills just are not talented enough to pull that many wins out against the early part of their schedule with such experienced teams.


    At best, they start the season 1-3. Odds are better they go 0-4.

    What kind of hat? May I suggest a straw hat, as you may find that easier to digest than either felt or cotton. By all means, avoid polyester.

  13. It was pretty obvious in the offseason. Not enough was done to address the OL.


    You can make excuses about needing many years to rebuild, but getting some decent competition into camp was not much to ask. It didn't get done.


    Gailey shouldn't be commended for admitting that the organization failed to get better players.

    Commending Gailey for the organization's failure, as you put it, was not the point. The original point of the OP which I was supporting is the obvious change in coaching style and what that will bring in time. I was also disagreeing with MPL's definition of big picture, which goes beyond one offseason. Everyone would like evreything fixed at one time, but that is simply not reality. Perhaps they overestimated the level of competition they did bring in, and yes, the Bills are razor thin on the OL and that is a concern. Lets see what happens over the next week. In the big picture, solid coaching and much improved front office in my opinion bode well for the future, and for competitive and entertaining football this year.

  14. It baffles me how a coach is getting credit for saying how his offensive line performed very poorly? Why should a coach get credit for saying the obvious? Who cares if Jauron would have said that. I think it's time to bury the Jauron comparisons and move on. Can Chan say and do no wrong in your eyes? Instead, I am asking you and coach Gailey/Nix why haven't you done enough to ensure we have a solid OL with good depth? IMHO,some people just miss the big picture...



    I think it is you who is "missing the big picture" which extends to more than one offseason. The comparison points to Jauron are apt, and in the big picture, point toward a much better coached and motivated team. This has shown in the pre-season to date IMO. Yes, the Bills lack depth on the OL. It does not take a genius to figure that out. I like the fact that Gailey is not afraid to call out bad play by his team and demand better. This is part of good coaching.


    The talent level and depth of the Bills will not be brought up to super bowl caliber in one off season. You can disagree with the areas of concentration this year, or the general approach, but you cannnot fix everything at once. Gailey's job is to coach what he is givem, which he is doing very well so far I think.

  15. I think Fitz and Brohm are pretty much equal as far as talent and showing what they have goes, but I suspect Fitz will be the backup, and I am pretty darn sure we'll want to keep Brown. I'm seeing Brohm being cut and possibly coming back on the taxi squad.


    I don't think Fitz has anywhere near the talent of Brohm. What he has is experience, and I think that is what keeps him as number 2 for now. I could be worng about this, but I do not believe Brohm is eligible for the practice squad, while it is the right place for Brown. Highly unlikley anyone would pick up Brown at this point and put him on an active roster as a number 3.

  16. And Promo. I've corrected you on this like five times. Let me put it in caps. HELLO, PROMO. JASON PETERS GETS $10.1 MILLION PER YEAR. IT'S A LOT OF MONEY, BUT IT'S NOT $11 MILLION. Did that register yet? I've corrected you on this again and again and again. Check it on rotoworld. Check it absolutely anywhere. $10.1 million per year. When you get your facts wrong, especially so consistently, it puts your opinions in question also.



    When you are arrogant so consitently, and take a bash the Bills/Bills Management/Bills players approach to every argument so consistently, it puts your opinions into question as well.

  17. I listen to WGR through my computer. What I have noticed with Simon and his co-hosts in the morning and the ofternoon couple, Schoop and the Bulldo (both wretched) is a level of frustrastion and exasperation with the team. It has gotten to the point that there is a depleting "sameness" to reporting on this team that the radio guys just want to move on to something else.


    While you are critical of the radio station for their lack of attention and enthusiasm toward the Bills I do understand where they are coming from. There comes a point at which what more can you say? The criticisms directed toward the team, organization and owner are the same criticisms that have been made for a decade straight.


    What is most bad about the Bills is not that they are so much a bad team (which they are) but they are a very unentertaining and boring team. Trying to manufacture a fake on air enthusiasm when it doesn't exist rings very hollow.


    The problem with WGR and the Bills has little to do with the coverage. The problem centers around the product on the field. Until that is upgraded the coverage is also going to be lackluster.

    Sorry, but this argument does not wash for me. There is no excuse for WGR not making in depth coverage of the Bills a focus. Their coverage is a joke. It is not like there is anything else going on locally in sports at the moment. If they would take their role seriously, there would plenty to talk about, players to interview, opinions to get, etc. They just do not bother. Bush league all the way.

  18. Gotta take him at his word. His retiring on August 15 doesn't mean he wasn't tradable last April.

    Since his position in April was maybe I will retire and maybe I won't, not sure if I want to play, etc you would need a mighty foolish trade partner indeed. (expecially give his salary and the fact he was on the downside of his career anyway) Poeple need to get off this "we should have traded Schobel" thing. I think the Bills handled this correctly, even in retrospect.

  19. Promo, you were an optimistic robot when I was a kid. That in itself is rare, as most robots of the day lacked the capacity for optimism and emotion in general. Today's robots pretty much want to destroy mankind as we know it. So, if we lose you, where are we?


    Here's the right way to look at it:


    Chan Gailey's strength as a coach is to take the people he has and design and offense to maximize their potential. He's also overseeing a transition to a new defensive scheme. Several of his penciled-in starters were not on the field for any of Friday's game on both sides of the ball.


    He's got his benchmark, he didn't like what he saw and it's back to work.


    There may well be time to panic, but this surely is not it.

    The most reasoned and intelligent post I have seen on this game so far. Nice job.

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