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Posts posted by FLFan

  1. I am quite sure that Evans caught a few more passes than Nelson or Roosevelt did, and dropped many less than Stone Hands Johnson did. Also, getting open is only half of the reception equation-the quarterback has to throw it to you and half way accurate too.



    If Chan and Buddy pick anyone at #3 other than a future franchise quarterback, they both will deserve to be working in the UFL with Marty.

    Steve johnson dropped less passes (8) than Welker, Reggie Wayne, Brandon Marshall, Terrel Owens, Miles Austin, and Pierre Garçon while catching 87. He dropped the same amount as Fred Jackson who caught far fewer. The "stone hands" characterization does not hold water. If you are thrown to more often, you will drop more. Everyone remembers the big one he dropped of course. What I watched with Lee Evans last year was an inability to get open, on virtually any pattern, and an unwillingness to fight fir the ball in traffic over the middle, come back to the ball, etc. He was thrown to far less as a result. Johnson is the number 1 receiver folks. He may well have caught more deep balls but frankly I do not feel like looking that up.

  2. That's a very naive statement. Individual healthcare costs is dependent upon one's needs. Just because it's cheap for you doesn't mean that holds true for everyone. It escalates when you have kids as well.


    I'm single, no kids and carry my own insurance. I pay over double what your rates are. So let's not just throw around blanket statements.

    Very true. Cobra is based on the level of healthcare plan previously provided by the employer. Basically, you have the right to buy your previous coverage without restriction to previous conditions, at prevailing full market rate. NFL players woiuld not have cheap coverage. They are obviously prone to all sorts of major unjuries and surgeries, etc so it would not surpirse me at all if continuing coverage for this high risk group would be $35k per year. When I was between jobs a few years ago I was offered Cobra ta $2k per month, $24k per year for family coverage. People have no idea what this stuff really costs.

  3. I'm working right now on my commentary for the Bills' picks on the Draft Tek weekly mock draft. It'll be posted some time after midnight. You may be surprised at what the Simulator came up with in RD1: Cameron Jordan, the DE out of Cal. I'm here to discuss the possibility of this pick, not really to defend it or attack it. Mocks are just a kind of game we play to bridge us through the next 8 weeks.


    I can explain this pick somewhat----Only 3 players in the upper half of RD1 are "scheme versatile"--Quinn, Von Miller, and Cameron Jordan. All 3 have a P2Diff score of ZERO on our Big Board, unlike Dareus, Fairley and Bowers, who take a substantial dropoff down the Big Board if drafted as a 3-4 player. Quinn's been out a year, there are questions about Von Miller (not ideal size, lose contain too often with an overused outside "swim" move), and only Cam Jordan has zero dropoff between DE34 and DE43, and the Bills plan to run a hybrid scheme.


    Today's mini Astro-Munch of draft pundits suggests that we'll receive some static about this selection:


    Rob Rang--------DT Dareus

    Chad Reuter-----CB Peterson

    Pete Prisco-----QB Gabbert

    CDS-------------WR Green

    Draft Ace-------CB Peterson

    Popejoy DBI-----QB Newton

    Draft Breakdown-DT Fairley

    Draft Bulletin--LB Miller

    Draft Countdown-DT Dareus

    Draft Daddy-----DT Fairley

    Draft Insiders--WR Green

    Draft Season----QB Newton

    Draft Zoo-------LB Quinn

    Kiper-----------QB Newton

    McShay----------LB Miller

    F'ball's Future-WR Green

    Draft 101 Staff-DE Bowers

    Chris Maier-----DT Dareus

    Draft Blitz-----QB Newton

    Draft Dog-------LB Quinn

    Draft Geek------WR Green

    News and Rumors-WR Green

    Walter Football-QB Newton


    (See why the Bills are the wildcard this year?) But...


    All of the defensive players listed we've ranked lower than Jordan FOR A 3-4 scheme. Cameron Jordan has the size, quickness, and motor. He is virtually unblockable with more varied pass rush moves than Miller, and he's more practiced in both schemes the Bills run. If Nix doesn't like 1-year wonders, what will he think of Quinn, who's been out a year?


    Let's discuss the possibility of yet another horse in this race.


    I agree that Cam Jordan makes a great deal of sense for the Bills. Nix has shown he is unconcerned with opinions of pundits (and fans) with respect to where a player should be "slotted" so this would not at all surpirse me. I think the Bills have no interest in Newton, and if they believe Gabbert to be a franchise capable QB will likely take him here, but if they have doubts, Defense it will be - DE or LB. An interesting scenario here is that SF looks to move ahead of an equally QB desperate club, AZ, to get Gabbert. This could enable the Bills to get the guy they want plus picks, a scenario I am sure many Bills fans would love. My early opinion anyway. On another note, Newton falling to 15 or later would not surpise me a bit. I do not see Washington taking him as many do - not a good fit for Shanahan.

  4. The bar for acceptable OL play is set a bit higher in Miami. Sparano was an OL coach for Parcells and they drafted a LT #1 overall 3 years ago.


    I think it's a bit of a reach to suggest that Nix is a shrewd judge of OL talent because he didn't re-sign a player who a better team wasn't satisfied with.


    After all, Nix is the guy who signed Cornell Green to start at RT. Can you imagine anyone else in the AFC East doing that? Me neither.


    He also let Jonathon Scott walk and the guy ended up starting for the AFC Champions. Not trying to dog Nix, but at best the jury is still out on his decision making.

    You do not need to be a shrewd judge of talent to see that Incognito is average at best, and probably not even that. As for the "better team" who was not satisfied with him, Buffalo outrushed Miami last year, 1720 to 1643 yards and had better yards per carry at 4.3 vs. 3.7. They also gave up fewer sacks, (34 vs 38) and Buffalo outscored Miami as well. Miami had a much better defense than Buffalo, accounting for the few more games they were able to win, but lets not get carried away with Miami's offensive line under the "great" Sparano. Perhaps Richie was actually part of the problem with their subpar line?

  5. How much you wanna bet some team pays him a ton of money, and others teams want him too? And they would have watched a ton of tape on him and spoke it over with their scouts and coaches and dissected his play more than you or I.


    I guarantee you all of the Bills coaches he has played for think he was one of their very best players. They have all come out and said it.


    I personally think he's pretty good. He doesn't make enough game changing plays. He takes bad angles and get beat in coverage a little too much. He misses too many tackles when he charges. But he does a lot of things well. He made a ton of tough important stops in the run game last year. He hits hard. He tries like hell. They ask him to do a lot. He makes a ton of tackles (and you can't really blame him for most of his tackles 5-10 yards down the field, safeties shouldn't be making your tackles on run downs, linemen and linebackers should.)


    At #8 he should be a much better player. But some team is going to pay him way more this year than the #8 player is the draft makes, so what does that tell you?

    I agree with you. The Bills could no doubt have picked a more impact player in that draft position, but that is water under the bridge. The only question now is are they a better team with him or without him? I think they are far better off with him, but if he hits free agency someone will overpay and he will be gone. Whitner will be in demand. Then we will be trying to find a replacement instead of focusing on another position of need.

  6. Only way Evans goes (if football is even played next year) is if he is outplayed by the other guys. He won't be released for financial reasons.

    I agree. This is not a financial decision to make but a productivity one. Evans was not particularly productice this year and I do not think he is guaranteed a spot in this team next year - he will have to earn it. This is looking like the deepest position on the team, assuming Parish recovers, which should not be an issue. Easley being fully recovered and productive would be a bonus.

  7. yup..we have to draft a db somewhere in the mix but probably not in the first two rounds. Free agency is looking good. I watched Lawyer Milloy playing for the seahawks, saw Antoine Winfield strip the ball last week, and it seems Jim Leonard and Nate Clements are doing just fine where they are playing. We gotta get on the receiving end of the free agency situation.


    If we had been active in free agency and available trades last year? We'd have opened the season with Michael Vick at QB, Flozell Adams at tackle, Faneca at gaurd (along with Incognito who we would have actually kept) and been a lot better.


    Free agency and trades are part of the mix. The Bills superbowl teams relied on good drafts (Smith, Kelly, Thomas Reed) but also on wise trades and free agency....Tasker, Lofton, Biscuit, etc.

    Michael Vick was not a free agent and not available last year. The Eagles traded McNab not Vick and I guess we see why now. Adams and Faneca would have been nice additions in retrospect, but 1. who said either was interested in coming here and/or the Bills did not try? 2. Faneca is really only intersting as a starter in retropsect given the injuries. Why would he have come as a backup? The Bills are obviously committed to Levitre and Wood. Incognito is not even worth conversation.

  8. "Wonderful evaluator of talent?" Wonder if the writer was just trying to stay in Shanny's good graces…didn't want to jeopardize his access maybe?


    Shanahan has kept up the Redskins trend of mortgaging the future for the present.


    In trading for McNabb, Shanny sent their 2nd rounder (37th overall) in the 2010 draft to Philadelphia. That pick turned into Nate Allen who is now the Eagles starting free safety as a rookie and won NFL Defensive Rookie of the Month for September.


    Philly also gets a 3rd or 4th rounder in next year's draft. That's a helluva lot to pay for a "bridge quarterback." Yeah. No. How much did our bridge quarterback cost and how is he playing? Which organization looks a helluva lot more shrewd?


    And to those who are arguing that Washington has more wins than the Bills, well that's true.


    It's also true that the Bills are 3-3 in their last six games and the Redskins are 1-5.

    Excellent post. It was more of the same in Washington this year. The teams are trending in different directions right now and Shanahan has lost control of the team with his antics. Gailey has his team following quite nicely. I am quite happy he is in DC and not Buffalo. As for the ultimate results of rebuilding efforts in both cities, we will see, but my bet is the Bills are better next year than the Skins by a clear margin.

  9. What is the basis for the assertion that Incognito did not want to stay in Buffalo? Was an offer made? What if any discussions took place?

    What is the basis for assuming the opposite? Do you know that the Bills did not make an offer or at least approach him on staying? It all speculation so save the "where's the proof" arguement until you have some to offer yourself.

  10. I was never a fan of Shanahan nor in favor of bringing him to Buffalo. It is also too early in the rebuilding process of both clubs to make definitive judgements on how Gailey and Shanahan will ultimately fair, but living in the DC area I do get a healthy dose of all things 'Skins. In my opinion, Shanahan is a disaster so far. No doubt Haynesworth is a jerk, but to say this has been well handled belies lack of knowledge of the three ring circus the situation has been allowed to become. From the beginning, Shanahan made it a test of wills and ego. (hint - he has a very large one) The right thing to do probably would have been to just cut him loose, but that was not happening given what Snyder has paid him, and that he was Snyder's big purchase to begin with.


    Lack of RB? Well who is to blame there. Portis has not played close to a full season in years, yet the only potential replacements brought in were similarly over the hill players who did not even make the team. Now the handling of McNab is beyond rediculous. This team is no better on any front than last year. They are paying the price big time for the foolish decisions on trading away draft choices, making poor draft choices, and relying on big time free agents like fat Albert. No coach was going to fix this overnight, but what is clear to me, is that I like Gailey's approach much better, and I like the kind of inspired play and dedication he able to get out of the talent base he has. Meanwhile, Shanahan has lost control of the team. Gailey is 10x the offensive coach that Shanny Jr. is for sure, and is certainly outperforming Shanny Sr in this respect as well, with a 7th round career backup as starter rather than a potential future hall of famer who they spent a high 2nd round draft choice on.


    We will see where these two clubs go next year and beyond, but I am happy the Bills ended up with Gailey instead of Shanahan so far.

  11. For people who cannot understand how the real world works, they will invariably think that when a decision goes bad, it proves that it was a bad decision. But that's not always the case. When a team throws a bomb on third and short, or goes for it on fourth and short and misses in a high risk high reward call, most people will say, "See? I told you that was a bad decision." Or, as I said "In retrospect" one could say it was a bad decision. But it still could have been a good decision even if it failed. Even when things turn out to not work out, it doesn't automatically prove to be a bad decision. It just means it didn't work out this time, and the next one may. I'm not at all surprised you cannot seem to grasp the concept.

    You make the mistake of being logical in reposne to this and other posts that just want to bash the bills FO for yet another "mistake". There was no downside to claimimg Merriman, unless its your money. There is still upside - this has not played out yet. People that do not see this are just being contrary for no good reason, IMO. I am disappointed we will not get to see him play in a Bills jersey this year, but my bet is this guy's career is far from over, whether he plays for the Bills next year or not.

  12. Just another brilliant move by this clueless front office in the short time they have been here. They would have been better off giving the million and a half or whatever it was to charity. Would expect nothing less from these bunch of Bozos that Ralphie hired.

    What is your problem? Did they spend your money? They took a gamble on a player at a position of need who when healthy has been dominating. So it has not paid off this season so far - so what? Are they any worse because of it? It still remains to be seen if he can recover and if so, whether he will sign here.

  13. If this is true its too bad, but certainly not the end of the world. There was no downside to giving him a try. I do not understand what people are complaining about relative to this signing. I mean, really, whats your point? Are the Bills spending your money? So Buddy Nix takes a $1.7 mil gamble on a player who if healthy could be a big help. Worst case, they are no worse off than before. Best case, he does recover and becomes a major contributor. I would not write off the Bills ability to resign him either, assuming he does recover, but even then so what? How are they worse off than before.

  14. I came up with this opinion by observing that the coach of the Buffalo Bills feels that C.J. Spiller is such a liability, that he is rarely allowed on the field. He doesn't touch the ball, and now we are bringing in another journeyman scrub in a desperate attempt to continue to keep him off the field.


    How does this possibly bode well for C.J. Spiller's ability to be an NFL running back?

    This has nothing to do with Spiller. This guy is a FULLBACK. Obviously signed for special teams, but please, rant on.

  15. I am not looking for a move to please the fans, I am looking for a sign of life.


    Is there a problem in Buffalo worth exploring a solution? I think so!




    The trade deadline is when your veterans have the most value, some team looking for help and a shot for the playoffs.


    During the off season in a low point in value.

    In hockey maybe, but not football. Trade deadline deals in the NFL are actually rare. It is much hardre to bring in a player mid-season in the NFL and get him up to speed to play. Players actually have more value at draft time, when teams are actively shopping for picks, trying to move up, etc.

  16. I hope the chemistry you speak of doesn't balloon Stevie's stats too much. I can see it now, he ends up with 50 catches and 8TDs and we offer him (a 3rd or 4th WR on a lot teams) a 5yr 25mil extension. I know most people don't want to hear this, but he is the ultimate garabge time "stat-collector." He drops balls early, and makes catches late when defenses are playing a soft prevent. A real test of the new FO will be to see how they treat his inflated stats when they go about re-signing him.

    I am not a huge fan of Johnson like some others here but I do think he has shown some potential. The drop on the goal line on the pass thrown behind him by Fitz was maddening - he should have had that - but the TD catch he made later in that drive was very impressive. This was not garbage time - they were still in it.

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