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Milanos Milano

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Everything posted by Milanos Milano

  1. If Sauce Gardner gets us a Super Bowl or more, then trading 3 1st is worth it. Can’t put a price on a Lombardi.
  2. It’s very concerning. This team is very lucky to have Josh Allen. If we didn’t, we would likely be an 8-9 team.
  3. We could have traded up, but we declined to do so. Apparently we didn’t value him enough to trade up, but supposedly we wanted to trade up for Moss lol.
  4. They don’t know what they are doing when it comes to RB evaluation. Even if a player like Wade is lacking football IQ, you find ways to get him in space. Same with runners like CJ Spiller. We passed on Jonathan Taylor for crying out loud. Breece Hall is the next Jonathan Taylor, so it wouldn’t surprise me if we don’t take him, because we wouldn’t know talent at the RB spot if it bit us.
  5. LOL I’m a Bills fan, so it’s already like being institutionalized. Where we let players like Teller go and draft Ford, Moss, Maybin, and so many others. We couldn’t get Spiller out in space, but we love running Moss up the middle for 2 yards. Is it any wonder we haven’t won a super bowl?
  6. The NFL feels like a who’s who club anyways. Wade had athleticism and pure burst out of the backfield I haven’t seen since the spiller years. This actually makes me mad that Moss is on this team but somehow Wade isn’t. Moss is like a banana slug.
  7. Honestly a totally mismanaged RB just like Spiller. You find ways to incorporate this kind of athleticism, even if they can’t block or do certain RB tasks. You watch these clips, and there is no way you can tell me Moss can do those things.
  8. My guess is we plan on drafting one, and we likely keep Singletary and Moss. Releasing Moss would be admitting to a mistake in the 3rd, it wasn’t happening even if it should have. My guess is Wade will land somewhere.
  9. Without a doubt he would offer more than Moss. The only reason Moss is being kept over Wade is because we wasted a draft pick on the bum.
  10. Dude could run, sadly when we draft runners like Moss, things like this are questionable. Maybe Wade just couldn’t learn the nuances. Wade is a much better runner than Moss or even Singletary. Sad. Hope some other club picks him up. I would have much rather have kept Wade than Moss. But we know Beane wouldn’t do that because of ego and where he drafted Moss would be admitting to a mistake.
  11. If we won’t draft Breece Hall, my next best choice is Sauce Gardner. Would absolutely trade up for him.
  12. The problem is, unless you develop the land, it’s a hot garbage investment at those kind of prices. Nobody is paying 5-7k an acre for Ag land or brush land for recreation. Say you lease it out to some farmer, you may turn a profit, but you are talking about a ROI of 10 years at those prices. Assuming you actually do something with it.
  13. But I go and look at public sales records, and a lot of adjacent properties were sold for 3k or 3.5k an acre, and they are similar in nature. I feel like people are over asking for acreage that is simply brush field. We are talking about properties that have been on the market for nearly a year. These people think they will get 5k per acre but they won’t. Now if it’s in a big town like Lackawanna or whatever, then acreage amounts are high which is to be somewhat expected, but we are talking about places like Collins and Springville, which is just ridiculous.
  14. I’ve been mostly looking at Ag lands/just outside town limits. South towns like Colden, Boston, Springville, Collins, etc. Some of these brush properties have access to municipal services. However most sellers are asking for outrageous prices. Maybe I have been out of WNY long enough now that I can’t remember, but 5k an acre seems unreasonable, let alone 10k for some areas. Most plowed lands generally used to go for 3k or 3.5k in these regions.
  15. So I’m in the market for some land, preferably in southern Erie county. What is the general going rate for an acre of land? Obviously prices will be different from region to region, but wooded or meadow lands are generally cheaper than plowed lands. Most places listed on Zillow and such are outrageously overvalued in my opinion. Most wooded or shrub land is about $2,000 an acre in PA, and I’ve seen a lot of public previous sales go in the $2,000-3,000 an acre range in southern Erie county. A lot of online sellers are looking for 4-5k which is ridiculous. Thoughts?
  16. Yes I like Hall. But I just want play makers, don’t really care who. If we trade up and get Sauce Gardner, I’d be happy to. Just get us a difference maker.
  17. I’d almost trade a lot of our picks just to get Sauce Gardner. Nobody is stopping us with White, Gardner, Hyde, and Poyer.
  18. This team is going to be so great this year, it will be talked about with a lot of the other great teams in history. Our defense was already top in pressures, and we added Miller who by himself adds nearly half of our teams stats. Plus we bring back White on top of all that. Not even including the draft. This team is absolutely going to MAUL teams and it’s going to be a thing of beauty. I would not be surprised if this team sets the offensive ppg NFL record and the defensive fewest points allowed record at the same time.
  19. Allen is reaching new levels of play. I honestly believe he hasn’t even reached his ceiling yet. Imagine what he would do with another high end speed WR. Allen is going to be the greatest player to ever play the game when all said and done, I’m fully convinced. Imagine what he would do with better line play and a receiving back. I think this is the year everyone in the league will be picking their jaws off the floor.
  20. I was extremely excited last season, but going into this season is the most optimistic I’ve EVER been. We are stacked in nearly every facet of the game. I feel like our defense is now getting to the point where they are talented enough to win games on their own, let alone thinking we have a crew of honey badgers on offense. I honestly could see an undefeated season this year if we have a really good draft.
  21. The fact that we are all still discussing this seriously makes me like the rule change already. This will spice things up and will make things interesting. Which is probably why the rule change was granted to begin with.
  22. I think our team is unique. This rule is going to be a case by case for many teams. Deferring offers a lot of benefits that fits our team’s identity. I think the only team out there that may cause us to change strategy would be KC. Otherwise I think it is wise to defer. We beat KC with White, and now we have Miller and another year of experience for Rousseau and Oliver. I agree. But like I said, it depends on how aggressive the team wants to be. If the team truly wants to control their destiny, they will want the 1st possession because of the sudden death advantage. But this is only an advantage if the team elects to go for 2 points.
  23. I think it’s a case by case scenario. Deferring does offer up a lot of advantages now. Especially if you have a respectable defense like we do now. Miller and having White back gives us immense odds on these kinds of strategic scenarios.
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