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Posts posted by BillStime

  1. Just now, Magox said:


    I largely agree with this.  Which is why Trump needs to retire sleepy joe with Weak Joe Biden.  You can associate Biden’s incoherencies and diminishing mental state with the radical left wing. How?  By making it clear that a vote for Joe is not a vote for Joe Biden but his radical left wing handlers.   That if you vote for him you are voting for AOC to run his energy policy and then list all the wacky things in the green new deal.   Then you forcefully make the case that Joe won’t stand up to the left wing mob.  That he won’t stand up to defund the police and tearing down of statues and cancel culture.  That he is too weak to stand up against them.   

    That is how you tie the two together.



    But you are right about the Trump fatigue.  It’s real.


    And then you have Trump who continues to be his own worst enemy.



    This election isn’t about Joe - it’s all about Trump.


  2. 1 minute ago, Chef Jim said:

    Well then get off your lazy ass and join the Biden campaign to get him elected. Being and angry SOB on a politics message board ain’t helping. And your “friends” pulling down monuments, taking over city blocks, burning and looting businesses aren’t  doing the party any good either.  They are only energizing the “other side.”  

    Too many assumptions in one post - night Jim! 


  3. 128,000 Americans are dead. 

    Remember when Trump said if he kept deaths to 100,000 it would be a “very good job.” That was 3 months ago. 

    It’s time - time for Trump to go. Between sacrificing our soldiers to Putin and 128,000 Americans at home - how can anyone support this traitor?


    You wait and see - his supporters will bend over backwards, twist them into pretzels and get into verbal gymnastic salad tosses w never Trumpers... but it’s time to admit you’re on the wrong side of history.


    Trump has to go. 

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