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Posts posted by BillStime

  1. Just now, GG said:


    Are you equating his cheering low death counts with your dancing on the graves of high death counts?


    One is not like the other, sadist.

    Try as you might but there is no difference.


    Trump ignored Russian Bounty and COVID intelligence - Americans died - and you are defending him.


    Can’t say I’m surprised by the outrageous mental gymnastics, distortions, and manipulations you will put forth to justify the narcissistic psychopath’s indecency. 


  2. Just now, GG said:


    No, he's a sadist who laughs at deaths.

    Funny how you don’t mind @SoCal Deek posting daily COVID death stats on Trumps watch. 

    It’s really too bad you can’t acknowledge Trumps dereliction of duty.


    128,935 Americans died as of today because Trump refused to act last November and get Governors critical info to lead and make good decisions.


    8 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Change your name or account all you want but that doesn't make you any less of a dick. 

    Awe - still upset for being called out on posting fake memes. It’s ok bro - we all know the GOP can’t win without creating fake news.



  3. 2 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    From your link:


    [After the first version of this article was published, Bank of China issued a statement Friday evening stating that it sold its debt on the building weeks after the 2012 loan on the property. Vornado Realty Trust owns 70 percent of the building.

    “On November 7, 2012 several financial institutions including the Bank of China participated in a commercial mortgage loan of $950 million to Vornado Realty Trust,” said Peter Reisman, managing director and chief communications officer of Bank of China U.S.A. “Within 22 days, the loan was securitized and sold into the [commercial mortgage-backed securities] market, as is a common practice in the industry. Bank of China has not had any ownership interest in that loan since late November 2012.”


    I encourage everyone to read the whole article and determine yourself if Shady here intentionally tried to misrepresent the article he linked to.


    Shady, you've been caught red handed. Once again, your feeble efforts to get promoted from the kiddie table have been in vain. 


    Caught red handed????


    Misrepresent an article???


    Like you did yesterday? Posting a fake meme?


    You can’t make this schitt up!



  4. 6 hours ago, Reality Check said:

    I thought it would be interesting to share some information and ideas on why the Communist Chinese regime under Emperor Xi are shielded from a great deal of criticism that some would argue they deserve.


    My concern is that what used to be American liberalism has been hijacked by the "left" and absolutely ruined a mindset based on personal freedom in one's personal life, especially free association.


    So again, why are the Communist Chinese beyond criticism from these American "leftists"?

    You’re a fraud



    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, RocCityRoller said:


    You really are ignorant. On a special level.


    Why did Cuomo allow Covid positive people into senior centers? This is not a black or white question.

    Simple question, buddy.


    And yes, I refuse to be your victim, even if you hate me, like Uncle Tom.


    I escaped from your plantation.



    Ask Cuomo 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, RocCityRoller said:


    Jim is smart and wants no part of your bigotry. You and Penfield45 have exposed yourself as the leftist bigots you are.


    It's fine to argue facts. I asked you to provide yours over and over again. You have none, your allies are gone. You have no

    facts. Cuomo ordered the death of old people in NYC.


    You have exposed yourself as a racist, and a bigot. AKA a typical lefty

    And you keep snowballing into this rambling - and you wonder why I would want to engage with you.


    You already made your assessment of Cuomo - you only want my opinion so you can nitpick it.


    later Trumpy

  7. 1 minute ago, RocCityRoller said:


    Answer the question. This all goes away when you answer the question.


    Why did Cuomo put COVID+ Patients in Senior centers. Fu&K Google. Tell me.


    I have been threatened by AmeriKKKa, subjected to KKK images, asked what do I think of 'White Power' and then asked for mercy?


    All for asking a simple question?


    And then you have the nerve to ask:

    "Why do images of the KKK posted by complete strangers on a message board bother you..."


    You are the party of 'acceptance' and 'diversity'. Are you this brainwashed? Really?


    What if I am black?


    Why does an old image of the KKK bother you? Are you delusional????


    'Possible images of a 'noose; in NASCAR is a big deal, but why is a lefty posting an image of the KKK a big deal?????



    Hmmmm yeah - you’re better off w google. 


    3 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    Yes I’m judging. I’m judging that you’re adding to your long resume of childish posts. 

    Block me

  8. Just now, wppete said:


    Completely agree! I think a couple of these guys are children in their moms basement. Ignore this children.

    How would Malcolm feel about Trump’s WHITE POWER video?

    4 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    Forget it. They don’t answer questions.  It exposes their naivety. And I’m being kind calling them naive. 

    He’s asking for your personal thoughts to those questions. Google won’t work.  

    You’re pathetic whataboutism doesn’t work here. 

    I suggest you stop while you still have a thread of dignity. 

    Jim - you’re like a referee here - not contributing much and judging lots. 

  9. Just now, RocCityRoller said:


    answer the question

    Why can’t you google the information? I had to do my own research to better understand the issue.


    Why do images of the KKK posted by complete strangers on a message board bother you but Trump posting videos of people screaming WHITE POWER doesn’t even register w you?


    For that? You’re on your own.

  10. When the President starts - the rest of us will follow - until then - stfu w this bullschitt


    "With only interpreters present, Xi had explained to Trump why he was basically building concentration camps in Xinjiang. According to our interpreter, Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was exactly the right thing to do," Bolton writes. "The National Security Council's top Asia staffer, Matthew Pottinger, told me that Trump said something very similar during his November 2017 trip to China."




  11. 1 minute ago, keepthefaith said:


    Calling someone a racist is a very serious allegation in my view and if someone makes that allegation they'd better back it up.  Obviously the KKK does not represent the whole of white people or even a measurable portion.  The vast majority or white people don't want any association with that group and find the KKK as abhorrent as anyone. 

    Keep the faith bro:



  12. 1 minute ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Yes, my GD complained to me about being tear gassed in a peaceful protest in Denver.


    Her: "We weren't doing anything but protesting".


    Me: "Was there anyone there acting up?"


    Her: "Yes, but they weren't with us and there were only a few."


    Me: "How could the police tell the difference? In the police eyes you guys are all the same. Besides if they were such a small amount of people you guys could have made them behave and not been grouped in with them."



    Same argument you freaks make about a good guy w a gun.


    Go post more fake news please. 

  13. 38 minutes ago, RocCityRoller said:


    Let me ask you a few questions:


    Who did I vote for in 2016?:

    You don't know. I'll give you a God's honest answer, it wasn't Trump.

    Anyone who wants to argue anything other than the 'new left' and signal its virtues gets lumped into deplorable status regardless.

    Does this help the Democrat Party?


    When did 'Identity Politics' enter the main stream?

    I certainly recall living in low income mixed communities growing up (80's and 90's). We all played together. We made fun of each other.

    We asked each other about prejudices and stereotypes. We laughed about it and moved on with life.

    Look at IG, Twitter etc. Everyone is now a shopping list of identity virtue signaling tags. It's like hanging a swastika

    in your window to show you agree 'with the party'. Back in the day we were all just trying to get along and ahead.

    How does racial division and segmenting help?

    If Diversity truly makes us stronger, then how does identity politics and segmenting help the Democrat Party in 2020?


    Let me ask you a third, and serious question:

    Do you think this type of dialogue and image posting by you and Penfield45 in the last 20 or so posts seem ok?

    Imagine posting an image of the KKK, then doubling down on your racist hatred and posting that 'AmeriKKKA would

    like a word with me' or 'how I felt about White Power?'

    How does this look if I am Black, Asian, or Latino? What if I am gay, or Muslim? You don't know.

    Will you put burning crosses in my yard? Will you lynch me for not agreeing with you? Are you threatening me?

    How exactly does this help the Democrat party?


    Let me ask you a last question:

    When someone asks a simple question, why can't it be answered simply?

    I get called names instead. If the governor had a reason for putting COVID positive patients in senior communities, I would like to know why.

    If my mom is in a 'lower tier' community due to our socio-economic status does she count as less? Apparently so to you and Penfield45, since

    I am 'too stupid or uninformed' to figure it out. Once again if I am a minority, how does it look by you calling me stupid and uninformed instead of

    giving me an answer? Is that white privilege seeping through? Why were COVID positive patients put into senior communities?

    Ventilators weren't provided, but body bags were.

    Answer the question.


    You can call me dumb, post images of the KKK to scare me back to the plantation, tell me they want to come to 'have a word with

    me' ask me about my thoughts on 'White Power', but hey vote Democrat!


    I refuse to play into your race baiting, identity segregating, hate filled politics.


    I left the ghetto (aka new Democrat plantation) a long time ago. Keep posting, maybe you can attach some lynching pictures 'for fun'.


    After all it took only two weeks in CHAZ for the Democrats to put black folks 'back into the field.'


    4 Shootings in CHAZ in a 10 days, 2 black men dead. 'Security is armed with assault weapons and shoots up a vehicle driven by

    a 16yr old black boy. All in the name of demilitarizing the police, stopping the racism of police and a fair and equitable society'.

    Thanks for your 'help'.


    You and Penfield did a fine job exposing yourselves as the race baiting, TDS, hate filled, bigots that you both are.


    Keep posting.


    Apparently this is acceptable on TBD.

    You could have googled and did research instead of take time to tell me I have TDS. 

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