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Posts posted by newcam2012

  1. 53 minutes ago, Gregg said:


    Agreed. Look at what the Texans have become with DeMeco Ryans or the Lions with Dan Campbell. McDermott has been here 7 years. His regular season record is very good, but the lack of playoff success is why I want to move on from him. I don't think he will lead the Bills to a Super Championship at this point. IMHO.

    I agree in full. I've been banging the release of McD drum as loud as anyone. 


    • Like (+1) 1
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  2. 2 hours ago, ProcessTruster said:

    I don't put a lot on the HC.   The OC and DC call the plays.  The positional assistants drill the players.  The players play the games.   The HC is mainly a coordinating person who gets the last say when needed, which isn't very often.   


    So if you have great OC and DC and other staff, it is totally disfunctional to fire the HC bc that means a new HC replaces all the staff, setting the players and field performance back months/years.  


    McD is obviously much more agressive than Frazier and the defense is much more an attacking defense.  Frazier watched the defense, McD actually calls the defense play by play.  


    I think it is insane to replace McD and set everything back by years.  Why would you do this?   Winning and losing games in the NFL is a knifes edge right now, I want as much stability as I can. 

    Replacing McD and setting everything back by years is not true! 


    A coaching change could have the opposite effect and propell the team forward. 


    Both are unknowns. What's know is McD hasn't been able to get this team over the top with one of the best QBs in the league. 


    Arguments on both sides for and against McD exist. Fear of change shouldn't be one of them. 

    • Agree 1
  3. 29 minutes ago, HappyDays said:

    Ask me after the season. Before the season my belief was that the Bills would coast into the #2 or #3 seed with ease but likely fall short of the #1 seed. So I never planned on using the regular season as a measuring stick. I said before the season if McDermott once again has us lose a disappointing playoff game short of the AFCCG I would want to replace him. For me a competitive loss in the AFCCG is the absolute floor of what I would be comfortable with to keep McDermott another year.


    Of course the regular season went worse than I expected and now we are fighting for our playoff lives. If we beat Miami and get in, McDermott will genuinely have done a great job down the stretch getting the team back on track for a playoff run with a very impressive win streak over a tough stretch of games. Still my initial feelings before the season won't have changed - I need to see him prove he can have this team prepared for a Super Bowl, not a mere playoff appearance which now is just the floor. So playoff success will still be my measuring stick.


    If we flat out miss the playoffs I'll feel hopeless going into next season knowing that our head coach isn't the one and counting the days until he's fired, hopefully before it's too late to grace Allen's career with at least one championship.


    Took the words right out of my mouth. I couldn't agree more. 👍

    • Agree 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Beck Water said:


    Funny that you mention "my sarcasm" when I either quoted or slightly paraphrased what you wrote.  I would say your negativity did the screaming, I just opened the window to make it easily heard.  I grant you didn't say our OC sucks, but I think that's a reasonable paraphrase of "his play calling and scheme seems to be faltering".



    You're probably going to dismiss this response as waffling, but I've been very consistent in this and folks who've forgotten more football than I've ever known can confirm - I am very up-front about saying that I can not judge things like WR separation, play calling and design, and even QB play from the televised broadcast.  I don't have the deep football knowledge that can pick out stuff like what the defensive coverage is based on how the LB and nickel are positioned or even how they're standing pre-snap.  I need all-22 and a detailed look at the offensive and defensive alignment pre-snap, the route combos being run, and so forth. 


    Then I can start to see things like WR separation, how much time there was for the play to develop, whether there were open receivers who might have been a higher-percentage throw, and so forth and I start to be willing to have an opinion. 


    I heard it said over and over here there were no open WR for Josh (under Dorsey) and when looking at the all-22 there were in fact short outlet receivers open and sometimes other receivers open.  Then we have to look at the sequence - were they open at the point where Josh had to make a decision? or had he already rolled out of the pocket to the opposite side? Then stuff it's frankly beyond my level of football acumen (and apparently, beyond the level of former NFL QB like Warner and O'Sullivan) to know, like what was the sequence of reads?

    I have the impression that our OC, Brady, did make adjustments in the 2nd half that helped the passing game.

    I also have the impression that teams are playing a lot more man against us this season.  This is a problem for two reasons: because teams were showing man but really playing half-and-half coverage, or showing man but then dropping into zone, I think the Bills made a tactical decision to not change plays but rather to incorporate a man-beater and a zone-beater into almost every play (I could be wrong here, this is just what I see).  The problem with this is more than 1 guy has to be able to beat man coverage consistently.  It works, so teams keep using it.

    As far as the Pats run D, you always got to take those rankings with a bit of a salt shaker and look at who did, and didn't, have rushing success against the Pats.  The Jets, Colts, Giants, and Chargers ran all over NE - these aren't top rushing teams, though they're teams with a capable rush offense.  The Bills put up 93 yds in our first game against them and 103 yds yesterday.  They are 8th for Y/A and 9th for Y/G, and Josh is the #2 rusher - by a LOT.  The Bills quietly seem to have a rushing offense this season.  So no, it wasn't a big surprise to me, or I feel for people studying the game enough to have strong opinions.

    I agree with you that consistency has been a huge problem for the Bills this season.  They have absolutely lost games they could have, and arguably should have, won.  All of their losses have been 1-score games, and in (I think) 3 of them the Bills had the lead and the D couldn't get the needed stop.  But the Bills were in that position because their offense wasn't clicking in several of those games.  It's a fair point.

    The thing is, I believe most teams have their inconsistent moments and their moments of getting flat out whupped.  The Ravens are red-hot right now, which can make it easy to overlook that they got stifled by the Colts and the lowly Steelers, and stymied by the Browns.  The 12-4 49ers have been a juggernaught at times, but they had a 3 game skid involving losses to the "OK" Vikes and the somehow very-good Browns, then got whalloped by the Bengals and Ravens.


    "My eyes just don't see a SB team here".  I don't know what to say to that.  In 2021, the Bengals were 10-7 when they beat the Chiefs in the AFCCG after 13 seconds and then lost to the Rams - who if I recall correctly, had to sneak in through the WC route and had a decimated secondary where they literally called up a guy who was out of football for a year to play safety in that game and he wound up with the green dot calling the plays for the secondary even.  In 2020, TB was 11-5 and Brady threw three (3) picks against GB in the AFCCG.  I did NOT see a Superbowl team there....and yet....


    My point is I apparently don't know what is or isn't a Superbowl team when I see it.  A lot depends on who gets hot at the right time. 


    First things first: Win and Get In.


    You really surprise me when you say you will be pumped during the game.  I used (for my sins) to read the gameday threads assiduously and my impression is that you were consistently a "negative nancy" therein.


    Apologies if I missed one of your questions

    Great post and read! 


    First and foremost I am a Bills fan to the max!


    Unfortunately, I see the glass half empty and I wish I wasn't this way. Perhaps, it's because I'm haunted by the past failures of the team? Perhaps it's in my DNA? 


    This forum definitely helps me see things in another light.  That is a positive. Unfortunately, my thinking usually meets it with resistance. No argument there. Thus, the "negative Nancy" certainly isn't an invalid description although not pleasant. 


    I do think I'm over the top. However, I do think much of my criticisms are valid. No need for comments 


    Nevertheless, I'm really not here to defend myself or my posts. I'm here because I am a fan of the Buffalo Bills!!! Always have been and always will.


    We all have the same goal of wanting that Lombardi Trophy hoisted in Buffalo.  Seeing the rabid fans going crazy at the airport, seeing the parade, seeing a town and community in ecstasy, and fulfilling a life long dream. Yes it's only football and entertainment. I get that. But how sweet would it be to reach the top?


    Just one before I die...

    5 hours ago, Beck Water said:


    It's not "slightly disappointed and concerned about the offense" or "critical of the Bills O" that are causing exception, and I think you know this.


    It's stuff like vomit emojis and unrelentingly negative posts about how the QB was poor, the WR can't separate, the OC's play calling and scheme are bad, and the team doesn't have the makeup or talent to make a deep playoff run.


    If you play that stuff backwards, your dog comes back to life and your stolen truck pulls into your driveway.



    That was funny.  Who was it who jumped on Shakir's back?  I gotta say Diggs didn't look too happy, though if he's gutting through something, he may have been jonesing for the treatment room.

    That's fair. I know I pound the drum way too much. That's way I was in time out. I didn't agree with the decision but I'm powerless. It sucked to be away. It was a humbling experience and I hope to be better going forward. 


    Now let's beat Miami! I don't even want to think about missing the playoffs. 

  5. 6 hours ago, TD716 said:

    I don’t see them resting their starters. The starters they don’t play will have a three week gap from when they last played until their first playoff game. 

    If the Bills had the one seed locked up would you want the Bills starters to play. You have to also assume the Bills would be clicking on all cylinders as well. The ravens certainly are. 


    Once you answer the question above you should change your mind. 

    • Agree 2
  6. 5 hours ago, Generic_Bills_Fan said:

    My best pessimistic guess is no Lamar but the rest of the starters play a half.  Baltimore has been burned so many times just being completely flat/out of sorts in the playoffs that I don’t think they’re gonna want to give everyone two weeks off 


    that honestly might make Baltimore tougher lol Lamar seems to have trouble against pit and Huntley is pretty good 

    I disagree. Do you really think playing starters here will be advantageous to their future playoff game? Are people here saying it will prevent the players from being rusty? I'm not buying that argument at all. 


    Instead, all players bodies are banged up at this point. Rest and preventing injuries are optimal here. 


    This game is totally meaningless for the Ravens unless they see the Bills asca threat. If so, they will lose the game. Either way the path is paved for a Pitt win unless the Ravens backups steal one. Huntly isn't bad. 

    • Agree 1
  7. 5 hours ago, TD716 said:

    I don’t see them resting their starters. The starters they don’t play will have a three week gap from when they last played until their first playoff game. 

    They have nothing to play for. Bodies are banged up and rest is more than welcomed. 


    Also, why would you risk injuries for a meaningless game? 


    Lastly, it would be smart to lose and maybe aid in the dangerous Bills team to miss the playoffs. 


    The ravens will 100% rest their starters. 

    • Agree 2
  8. 27 minutes ago, Freak-O said:

    Do you get extra points for winning big? At no time yesterday did I feel the victory was in danger. 

    I got a little uncomfortable near the end. The game shouldn't have even been close. 


    Like it's been pointed out the win is great and top priority. 


    The real question is can the offense be good enough next week and playoff time if the Bills make. Of course we hope it is. I think it's fair to be at least slightly disappointed and concerned about the offense going forward. 


    I'm not sure why so many here are taking exception to others who are critical of the Bills O. 

    • Agree 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Nitro said:

    Allen is a great QB but it seems he has clunkers against lesser teams.  Is it him, the rest of the offense, the OC or a combination of all three?  No matter the answer they have to get it together in Miami.  I give the Bills a 75% chance of winning.  McD please stay aggressive on both sides of the ball. 

    75% seems way way to high. 

    1 hour ago, TheWeatherMan said:

    Melodramatic much?  I hope you didn’t chip a nail typing this response.

    Everything I stated was fact, not opinion but I’ll bite.

    This is the second week in a row we played a 3rd string QB with his #1 and #2 WR out and we won by a single score.  Yes, a win is a win, but this isn’t going to cut it against a playoff caliber team.  Winning a game by 6 points, with a +3 turnover margin and your opponent missed 2 FG’s is deserving of a 🤮.  

    Last week, the Bills barely escaped because it was a trap game where they traveled cross country on a short week and played an opponent with a new interim HC…what’s the excuse this week? 


    It’s awesome that the Bills won the last two games, but there is major reason for concern especially on offense and special teams.  

    Really well put. I agree 100%. 



    • Like (+1) 3
  10. 2 hours ago, Alphadawg7 said:

    So you ignored the facts I see and went on with a weird crusade for a well deserved fired coordinator.  

    I find it funny when you few Dorsey defenders refuse to acknowledge that his season totals were skewed by 2 and a half games of football (2nd half of week 2, week 3, and Miami week 4) while the other 7 1/2 games were atrocious showings by his offense.  

    Brady has got the offense avg 8 points more per game and is 5-1 in those 6 games compared to the 2-4 Dorsey offense against weak defenses that avg 20 PPG.  

    Going back to last season, Dorsey faced Jets 3 times and the offense avg 17 PPG and was 1-2 vs them.  Brady’s first game against Jets we put up 34 in 3 quarters and benched our starters for the 4th in the blow out.


    There is literally no defense of Dorsey.  There isn’t a statistical defense of him, can’t use wins, can’t use any metric that shows the offense was better off in his hands.  

    I honestly can’t fathom how you’re making this argument right now.  We were in 11th place and out of playoffs under Dorsey and now we are heading into final game playing for the 2 seed and divisional crown again.


    It’s like you’re Dorsey in disguise or one of his relatives.  Because no one else could possibly think he should still be here over Brady.  It’s like not even close, debatable, or anything.  

    Brady is a clear upgrade over Dorsey. However, the Bills passing offense isn't clicking. Its been problematic for multiple games. More specifically, Allen isn't playing or passing nearly as well as he's capable of. His vision seems off and maybe lacking some confidence, WR issues a plenty with stops not getting open, and or disappearing. That includes Diggs. The oline is leaking in pass protection. It's not just one issue that needs to improve or get corrected. It's a multitude of issues which likely isn't going to get fixed this year. 


    Alpha trust your eyes and be honest here. The Bills passing game isn't anywhere near what is could or should be. It's taken a plunge from the offense of a few years ago. Don't get lost in statistics. 


    I'm not saying the Bills offense sucks. Please don't take it that way. To it's credit, Allen and the offense has done enough when it counts in crunch time. What I'm saying is the offense should be better. It has to be better to match on into the playoffs. It's fair to be concerned about the offense. It's fair to think maybe Brady's tendencies are being figured out. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

    Drops have been a problem but simply put Josh Allen hasn’t been sharp. He’s missed almost every open WR down field. A lot of off target throws. A lot easy throws not attempted.

    Agree. Joe Marino on his YouTube channel said he feels like he's watching the 2018 version of Allen. That message certainly resonates. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 40 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    You're a true martyr

    Except when we blow them out, of course

    No martyr at all. Plenty wrong on here. 


    I'd rather think I offer a more cynical point of view to the unbalanced perspectives of many here. 

    2 minutes ago, Warcodered said:

    Yes they must be super confident in the 2/11 times they've won since Josh has been the Bills QB.

    Truthfully, I don't think that plays a large role in next week's game. 


    All three games last year were nail biters. This year the Bills manhandled them. What that means and how it motivates each team is really difficult to know. 


    I have to say with confidence that both teams and coaches probably are very confident they can win. 



    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, Billznut said:

    It happens every week around here. You’ve never noticed that?  That’s hard to believe. 

    Bingo. I've noticed it repeatedly. It's almost laughable. I'm met with great resistance when I disagree. So much as to be called a fan of other teams. So much as to get thrown into the penalty box for giving valid opinions. 


    It is what it is. 

    • Agree 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Warcodered said:

    More than that it's that intangible thing that gets talked about all the time but is hard to quantify, Momentum.


    Miami what 4-5 weeks ago had a 2-3 game lead at the top of the division, and just this week we're competing for the 1 seed. Now that lead is gone and they're going into week 18 competing not to be a wildcard team.


    On the other side the Bills were dead in the water 5 weeks ago. On the outside looking in with the toughest part of their schedule left. Were all the wins pretty, no who cares, pretty, messy, ugly, whatever way you can find to win do it learn from it and keep moving. Now at week 18 we've got a shot at the playoffs not only that but the division and th 2 seed. The only thing in our way is those small bums kicked the ***** out of before.


    One of these teams should feel like it's going down hill the other the opposite, and those fish don't even have any legs.

    This is really flawed thinking here. At best homerism. This no way the dolphins are thinking like this. 


    It's a week to week league. The Dolphins will be ready to play the Bills at home. They will be confident they can beat the Bills especially in their building. 


    Come on now stop this non sense talk. It's gonna be a dog fight likely down to the last possession or play. 

    • Agree 1
  15. Easy money. Got the best of both worlds. I won my bet with the Pats and the points. The Bills won. Win win. 


    I'm first (most wins vs spread) in my weekly pool. This week is the last week. Hopefully, I can take first place. I just picked the

    Bills - 3 for one of my four picks. 


    Let's go Bills!!!!

  16. 3 hours ago, Estro said:

    1) Bills lose @ Dolphins

    - current line Bills -3


    2) Titans lose vs. Jaguars

    - current line Titans +3.5


    3) Ravens lose vs. Steelers

    - current line Ravens +3.5


    So what that last line shows you is the Ravens will be resting starters with the #1 seed locked up. I have little to no faith in the Titans......so I really think the Bills could entirely miss the playoffs if they don't get the W in Miami.


    Next week could very well be the #2 seed with a win and missing the playoffs entirely with a loss. Crazy!

    I agree. I don't see Pitt or the Jags losing. 


    I think Buffalo has to beat Miami to make the playoffs. No easy task if Waddle and Mosert can play. Two big time weapons. 

  17. 1 hour ago, johnk said:

    Three Dolphins Starters Suffer Serious Injuries against Ravens




    ...Tagovailoa’s throwing arm (his left) was rolled up on at the end of a fourth-down scramble for a gain that didn’t continue the drive.


    Pass rusher Bradley Chubb, whose 11 sacks leads the Dolphins defense, suffered what appears to be a right knee injury on a late fourth-quarter drive, and was carted off the field.


    And cornerback Xavien Howard suffered a troublesome foot injury on the Ravens first possession of the game and never returned to the contest.


    All three injuries could drastically alter how the Dolphins operate on offense and defense in the season finale against the Buffalo Bills...

    I'm getting flashback of the Bengals playoff game and their oline issues.


    Sometimes the next man up sets up. 

    • Agree 1
  18. 16 minutes ago, Success said:


    I'd probably give 70%.  They're more banged up than we are right now - if Waddle tries to come back next week, he won't be as effective (imo). A high ankle sprain is at least a few weeks for a WR. Losing Chubb really hurts them against our run.


    I generally give Allen a big edge over Tua - but JA does seem off. Not sure if it's the shoulder.


    The Bills fought hard to get this opportunity, and eeked out a few nailbiters.  Even I thought that things looked very bleak after the Philly loss.  Miami hasn't really had that kind of journey to get here.  I see a little psychological edge there.


    But it's a division game, and it's away.  It certainly won't shock me if we lose.  Miami's a good team.

    Very fair thoughts. 70% seems awful generous to me. 

  19. 17 minutes ago, juno999 said:

    Bills won and Fish lost.  The two most important things today.  Yeah the Bills did not look good on offense today but they made enough plays and won.  The Patriots are actually pretty good on defense and division games are usually pretty tough.  So I'll take the win and hope Allen plays better against the Fish.

    That's it in a nutshell. 👍

  20. 8 minutes ago, Beck Water said:


    Right.  That “awful Pats team” has had I think 3 or 4 losses by more than 1 score….so of their 12 losses, 8 were by 7 points or less, and given a missed penalty or a bad bounce could easily have gone another way.  That includes one of the two times they played the vaunted Dolphins, who won by…..7 points.


    Is our offense looking like a juggernaut right now?  Hell to the Noes.  I share the concerns several have expressed about Josh and Diggs.   But people were “sticking a fork” in the Bills back in mid-Nov when we fell to 5-5 with a loss to Denver.  So I’m personally just going to enjoy the ride that’s put us in position to play for the Division title next week.


    Win or Go Home, Boys - it’s Playoffs!



    I think that’s fair, actually.

    Win or go home makes me nervous. 

  21. 1 hour ago, Beck Water said:


    Oh, hell, why should the team bother when their QB was poor, the WR can’t separate, the OC sucks, you’re surprised they can run (after the Cowboys game?) and they just don’t have the makeup or talent to make a deep playoff run?


    According to you, that is.  ⛈️

    Let's dig deeper into what I said and your response. Your sarcasm is screaming out the page. 


    How do you think Allen played? 


    Did you see consistent WR separation? Has it been an issue this season? Even Diggs is on the discussion now. That's pretty concerning. Agree? 


    OC sucks? I didn't imply that. Is it daur to say that there's more tape on his style and play calling. Maybe teams are looking at his tendencies and making adjustments. The offensive pass game certainly isn't clicking like it can. You can elaborate on why or why not. I'm just pointing out a valid concern here. Obviously, you don't want to discuss it. Joe Marino has been discussing it for weeks now. So take his word not mine. 


    The Pats have one of the best run defenses in the league. As a result, I didn't think the Bills would be as successful running the ball. Not sure how that is a crazy thought. The Cowboy game really doesn't equate to success vs NE. 


    Lastly, this Bills team just seems a little off this year. Inconsistent from game to game quarter to quarter. I think that's a fair statement. That inconsistency can lead to a wide range of results. My eyes just don't see a SB team here. Of course, you disagree and I respect that. My opinion isn't fact nor do I portray it as fact. 


    Nevertheless, I will be pumped watching the Bills next week. Huge game!!!

    • Like (+1) 1
  22. 1 hour ago, Success said:


    What about my post was too much?


    I said I liked our odds, and think we're the better team.  Do you not like our odds - and do you think Miami is the better team?


    I get that I veer positive, but it didn't seem like something anyone should have much of an issue with.


    That's fair. To be honest, I think we have the slightly better team due to the QB situation. I don't think there is much separation between the two teams. 


    I think this game can truly go either way. There are things I like about the game and things I don't. I'll elaborate at another time. 


    If I were giving odds I'd probably say 55% chance of Bills winning. That's not great odds but still slightly favorable. What odds do you think? 

    • Like (+1) 1
  23. 1 hour ago, Success said:


    Sorry that it bugs ya.


    No need to apologize at all. Optimism isn't a bad thing. I think you are a little over the top. 


    However, I'm way over the top in the opposite direction. I bug lots here but that's not my goal or intention. 


    Just differing ways of seeing things. So long as it's professional it's all good. You are always classy and respectful despite our differences. 



    • Like (+1) 1
  24. 10 minutes ago, ganesh said:

    Today. we had a jail break on the OL.  If they fixed that the running game will work which will allow Play Action to work.  Josh is usually deadly with Play Action

    Josh was poor today. Even when he had time he was off, the WRs had little separation, and Brady's play calling and scheme seems to be faltering. The honeymoon faze is over. 


    I was surprised that the Bills ran the ball decently vs the Pats D. 


    I just don't get the sense this team has the makeup or talent to make a deep playoff run. The saving grace is other teams seem equally vulnerable. Balt looks really good though. McD seems to scheme well vs Lamar but that offense looks more explosive and dangerous. 


    First things first make the dance. 

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