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Everything posted by amprov56

  1. Again you miss the point, ah forget it!
  2. Ya, poor Stefan! Everyone is against him!
  3. So what, somewhere out there he has a team!
  4. Great post, it’s about more than Stefan!
  5. History repeating itself on TBD, many on this board could not let go of Sammy Watkins and remained emotionally attached to him years after his departure!
  6. It's not all about him or his play! It's not all about him or his play!
  7. https://www.si.com/nfl/bills/news/buffalo-bills-stefon-diggs-houston-texans-otas
  8. Not true, I went to a bar that had NFL Ticket in 2012 in Bangkok and it was truly a sports bar with NFL fans. While that activity does take place, it can also be a sterotype!
  9. Trust me, they're everywhere - Europe, Central/South America, Asia, Africa and Bills bars in the strangest places too.
  10. Do a google search "NFL Ticket Bangkok" or wherever you are and guarantee a bar/restaurant will pop up. In Bangkok bars close at 2:00 AM but those that carry stay open, same with the World Cup. The places I have been to are nice, you may meet fellow Bills fans and lots of fun. Not sure about residents/commercial property but in this day and age I'm sure they can as many other posts have alluded to. Singapore, Korea, Thailand, and PI all have large US expat communities and many NFL fans. Good luck, if you are in Bangkok and have issues let me know and I will hook you up with some long time residents, most retired military.
  11. There are bars in the big cities such as Bangkok and Manila that carry NFL ticket, of course you will be up all night. Rule of thumb, if a large expatriate community exists you can find NFL ticket.
  12. I agree it is dumb considreing the potential loss.
  13. That's just it, why can I not grow pot on my private property, for my personal use, without paying protection money to the USG; subject to the same laws driving or public intixication?
  14. While most of the time I love your posts, this one I strongly disagree with. Many veterans, wounded physically and suffering from PTS found that marijuana greatly helps in their challenging endeavors. Yes, it is federally banned but that dont make it right, at one time in this country we considered African Americans 7/8 of a person. Just because a law exists dont make it right - think prohibition. Had a family member slowly passing from cancer, used marijuana for pain simply because it allowed him to enjoy his last days while presecribed medications left him in a stupor! I can sit on my front porch and guzzle a bottle of JD but I cant smoke a joint? To end or hinder the careers of these two players is ridiculous; and yes I am a strong defender as I support my veteran brothers and their use! I still love 99.99 % of your posts! And I am pushing 70 making me an old fart!
  15. Could not agree more and I am an old fart!
  16. I was in Payne’s Pizza North Tonawanda picking up an order when the news flash came on TV that Collier was fired. It was the ugliest Bills crowd I ever seen the day of the 48 - 6 whooping!
  17. Tonawanda a great place too, you are a Tonawandan! Love it! Be proud of it! So is Lockport!
  18. Your an NT guy!! Now I have to lay off you!
  19. Between the old AFL and the 1960's Bills we all had some great times and memories!
  20. Me too, listenrd to the 1964 Championship on the radio and watched the 1965 on TV. that convinced my family to take me to games in 1966!
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