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Posts posted by Generic_Bills_Fan

  1. 6 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    With all due respect I really don’t think that’s the issue. I believe the consideration is that of general public safety, not home field advantage. 

    They can consider multiple things at the same time lol and given the clock has pretty much run out on moving it and still having the game at 1 Sunday, its likely they prefer a reschedule over moving it if the weather gets too bad 

  2. 5 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    Play the game.  Josh can still throw the ball.

    I gotta agree…belichicks face when Josh started throwing darts into the wind in that infamous wind game was priceless.  The result of that one was an absolute fluke and people take it like it’s gospel.


    we’ve won all of the high wind games I can think of but that one 

  3. 7 minutes ago, bills6969 said:

    Last year’s playoff game vs Cincy was played in a snowstorm and not moved. Why would they move this one?

    That was like a dusting of snow dude lol. They’re talking about possibly 18 inches now in this storm not sure how much during the game though

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 1 hour ago, zow2 said:

    The guys on FS1 this morning said the Steelers would be morons to attempt even one pass in the weather.  They should run every play and wait for Bills mistakes.  I also would question Buffalo throwing any pass beyond 5-7 yards.   If they try to get cute in terrible winds and snowfall it will not be good.  It's not only hard to throw but its hard to track the ball and catch it too (it's rising and dipping all over the place).  It will be a waste of a down if Josh is trying to complete downfield passes.

    Just run, scramble a bit with Allen and play better D than Pittsburgh and wait for THEM to make the mistakes.

    Now I’m kind of glad the wind game happened because that’s an absolutely idiotic strategy that people think is viable apparently lol that game was an absolute fluke with NE breaking that big run…they had like 200+ rushing yards and only crossed midfield twice.  That NE oline was pretty good too and pits is just ok.  And who says running every play is any safer?  The fumble risk is high. 

    not saying youre wrong it’s the fs1 guys.  Keeping the passes shorter would obviously be smart.  

  5. 4 minutes ago, zow2 said:

    The lake effect forecast appears to be getting worse and I'm sure the NFL is keeping an eye on this along with input from the Bills and Erie County.  The rumor about Cleveland was denied yesterday but where there's smoke there's usually fire.  They can't have 60-70K people risking their lives on state roads getting in and then somehow getting home safely.  I think Cleveland being floated out there makes some sense in that both Buffalo and Pittsburgh can saddle up pretty quickly, last minute, to get over there.  They may hold off on any decision to move until Saturday, which seems kind of nuts but they just don't know where the squall line will set up.

    Yea the denial was not even a denial really lol they said ‘there’s no plans to move the game’ and there likely aren’t yet…doesn’t mean they didn’t talk to Cleveland about being a backup site 


    I think it’s too late to have the game Sunday and move it now though so they’re either playing in it or it’s gonna get postponed.  Last time they decided to move Thursday and it was still tough so I’d assume Friday would be even worse 

  6. There’s a lot of legendary coaches that would be just ok if you took their best player away lol. He was also the gm that drafted Tom and the coach that gave him a shot too so I think he deserves some credit for Brady’s success also 

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  7. 10 hours ago, newcam2012 said:

    Come playoff the McD has been disappointing. 

    So what. I doubt the Steelers pass game can beat the Bills. 

    It's playoff time. This isn't the time to trust McD. Sorry but it's true. 

    I don’t think there’s as big of a distinction between a big time regular season game and a playoff game as people make it sound.  We’ve been playing playoff football for weeks now against playoff teams battling for seeding and the defense has played well.  

    1 minute ago, The Jokeman said:

    I don't think we have 4 healthy starting caliber LBs on the roster to pull that off. Toss in Pittsburgh's WR of Johnson and Pickens can be sneaky good so playing just 3 DBs makes no sense. 

    All the talk about Pitt has been interesting to me…you’d think they are calling the army offense and just running every play lol. Really their running game has been mediocre and they’ve been getting it done throwing when the box gets crowded 

  8. 12 hours ago, AKC said:

    We’ve now heard it said many times that a 4th down play with a throw and pick in the end zone is “just like a punt”. This contradicts every coach who has taught his DBs to situationally knock the ball to the ground on 4th if there’s no clear lane to return past the 20. Just this past Sunday Allen throws a 4th down pick to DaShon Elliot in the EZ. For sake of example I’d use another division team- if Elliot had cost a Belichick team 15 yards with a blunder like that he’d probably be sitting for the rest of the game. The reality is you can’t count on the other side to be stupid. A punt in the same situation could easily yield an inside the 10 yard line starting point versus the 20 the Fish got on this play- a play they could have had the ball at the 35 if Elliot played it right.    

    No one has said a 4th down throw is just like a punt lol a deep third down INT is just like a punt because it’s either intercepted deep down the field or knocked down/dropped and you have an opportunity to punt still.  A 4th down play you’re gonna lose possession if you don’t make a play anyway so you might as well give it a chance…that’s not really the same thing.  Gabe had a chance at that ball if he didn’t fall down 


    yea in retrospect when everyone’s covered on 4th down it’d be nice to be able to go back in time and punt but unfortunately the world doesn’t work that way lol

  9. 7 hours ago, strive_for_five_guy said:

    Steelers can watch tape of the same game too though, and plan accordingly, right?  Hope I’m wrong, I just suspect we’re going to be doing a lot of nail biting during the game, hoping a bounce goes our way near the end.  On the other hand, if we get up early, I could see the game literally “snowballing” away from Pittsburgh, as they try to mount a comeback only to keep digging themselves into a deeper hole and whatever Bills crowd is there going crazy.

    I feel like watching film probably doesn’t do it justice 

  10. 11 hours ago, somnus00 said:

    17 - 16 Bills.


    Josh does just enough in terrible conditions that favor Pittsburgh's excellent run game. But I worry about every team.

    Excellent run game?  lol y’all are pushing it they’ve got a pretty good run game as long as they can throw to keep the box light…teams that were able to stack the box absolutely demolished them.  Their oline is not very good 


    really depends on what the weather actually ends up being but I’m gonna say 21-10 bills 

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 3 hours ago, zow2 said:


    I saw something online about the Chiefs game and the freezing cold that i haven’t seen before. Cardboard. Bring Cardboard.🤔


    “The Chiefs will allow fans to bring in a piece of cardboard no larger that three feet tall and five feet wide to help keep their feet warm.

    "Basically (the cardboard) it cuts down on the conduction," Shaffer said. "So it's not even so much the insulation part as it's just you're not in direct contact with the concrete."

    Shaffer said when your boot or other footwear comes into contact with the cold concrete, it literally sucks the heat right out of the bottom of your feet.“



    That’s brilliant…I had like 10 layers on for the bills pats wildcard game and everything was toasty except for my feet on that frozen concrete…had tons of socks on and hand warmers in my boots but it made no difference 

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. Just now, Bleeding Bills Blue said:


    Rudolph is currently averaging 7.7 yards after catch per completion which would be best in the league by a full yard.  He's been propped up by a few long catch and runs.  He isn't exactly slinging it, nor do i expect him to in poor weather. 

    Oh yea I don’t either that’s what I was trying to say…they’re getting lighter boxes because Rudolph has been hittin some throws.  People are makin it sound like pit is playing smashmouth football and will run it on us easily even if we know it’s coming which is definitely not the case 

  13. 28 minutes ago, Lost said:



    It's crazy to me that once again we're heading into the playoffs with ugly weather in the forecast and once again, it's to the Bills disadvantage.   Ownership can say that having an open air stadium gives the Bills a big home field advantage in these late season games but it's almost never been the case so far.   


    There's still time to throw a lid on the new stadium Terry.   

    This continues to confuse me…I would let the game play out before making the claim it is not to the bills advantage.  The only evidence that it’s not to the bills advantage is that y’all are nervous about the game lol


    look at the NE game…they broke one big run which ended up being the difference but only crossed midfield like one other time and couldn’t even attempt a pass.  We were much weaker in the trenches back then also so that game isn’t even relevant really.  On offense in that one I would argue we waited too long to try to throw…Josh was hitting throws into the wind in the 4th quarter pretty easily.   Absolute fluky loss from a few years ago has everyone spooked still it seems. We play that game in those exact conditions 10 times I think we win 8 

    • Like (+1) 2
  14. 23 minutes ago, JohnNord said:

    They actually don’t run the ball all that well.  The run it with frequency but not with as much success.  

    If the weather affects the pass game and Josh, than how do you think Mason Rudolph is going to perform?

    “plays like poo?”  What are we?  Pre-school teachers?

    Najee’s stats didn’t pick up until they got a qb that can actually throw the ball lol i watched them have runs blown up all year long 


    he averaged around 50 rushing ypg up until Rudolph took over. The vast majority of those games Warren didn’t do much of anything either 

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. 14 hours ago, Aimee75 said:

    You know, I am going to sound like a sore loser, but this is almost making me not want to watch the game. It's going to complete neuter both sides, but I can already sense a Najee Harris 60 yard run for a TD and that might be all it takes. Cook has been so on and off, and I worry about him fumbling, and I worry about Josh getting desperate and going into hero ball mode. Field goals are out of the question. This sucks. I know we have no control over it, and for that reason I should not let it bother me, but I could see The Steelers sneaking out a victory because it's equalizing both teams, and somehow I feel it will work to their advantage.

    That really depends on what the weather ends up being.  A foot of snow could equalize both sides …moderate wind does not equalize both sides though and idk where people are getting this idea that it does 


    we don’t even attempt long field goals anymore, Najee Harris has as many lost fumbles as cook does and is even more off and on, the entire pit offense has been jump started by mason Rudolph deep balls when we haven’t been hitting deep shots as consistently. Our qb can run like a fullback and has the stronger arm.  Assuming it’s just 20-30 mph wind with some light snow I think the weather tilts the game in our direction even more.  If it’s hurricane winds or snow like that colts game a couple years back then we can talk about ‘equalizers’.  Sounds like the forecasts are all over the place though. 

    Steelers ain’t a team that can run it every down and have success…they were getting stymied on offense until Rudolph could lighten the boxes by hitting some downfield throws. If the weather prevents them from doing so I don’t think they’re getting in the end zone 

    8 minutes ago, JohnNord said:

    It only there was a strong armed QB who could throw the ball in all types of weather 

    The NE game has scarred people too much I’m afraid lol.  It’s a shame too because it was an absolute fluke that they won that one especially in that weather and belichick knew it and celebrated like he won the Super Bowl afterwards 🤣

    • Like (+1) 4
  16. 1 hour ago, ALLEN1QB said:

    With bad weather neutralizing our passing advantage I am very concerned. I seen this before with Patriots game and that didn't go well.

    Pats game was windier than this one is gonna be…also I really think that was a fluky loss weather or not personally.  We were moving the ball fine through the air and waited too long to commit to throwing imo.  Josh threw a deep ball that doinked off diggs’ head also lol 


    Mac could not throw at all which made the pats super one dimensional…they crossed midfield like two times 


    if the Steelers were some ground and pound juggernaut with a beast of an oline maybe I’d feel uneasy and this seems to be the way they’re being talked about around here for some reason..  they really aren’t that though..  their offense was anemic until Rudolph got a shot and started hitting some deep passes downfield 

  17. 3 minutes ago, Not at the table Karlos said:

    In Orchard Park? What site? 

    Accuweather says lake effect snow,weather.com says a small 1-2 inch type snowstorm, weather.gov says snow showers which id assume is even less than that 


    if there was that serious of a chance for a lake effect snowstorm I think there’d be murmurs about moving the game imo 

  18. 16 minutes ago, dma0034 said:

    Patriots job is the least attractive job outside of the Panthers.


    Damn, with Harbaugh flirting with the NFL again I wonder where all these coaches end up.

    That defense seems like it could be crazy good if a little healthier but I think a lot of that is belichick.  He ran that offense straight into the ground though lol 

  19. 1 hour ago, Shaw66 said:

    I was fine with the decision by Josh.   In retrospect of course, it cost the Bills a field goal, and I get the argument that therefore the throw needs to go into the end zone. But in the moment, that was a play that looked like a touchdown.  A throw to a running back on the two, on the run, is almost always a TD.  You have to trust your teammates to make plays.  Josh made that decision.  The Dolphins just made a better play.  



    My stream froze right when Josh released the ball so I had a lot of time to look at it and I was pretty sure it was gonna be a td 😂

    • Haha (+1) 3
  20. 7 minutes ago, Matt_In_NH said:

    I understand why McDermott was mad, however, I like the throw, I think 8 out of 10 times he scores.  Baker made a good play, I know people want a penalty but that was a great old school football play to keep the guy out of the endzone.  If Josh took a sack or threw to a guy at the 5 yard line I would have a bigger issue with it.  There was enough there to take the chance IMO.


    THis play was really interesting on hard knocks, one of the DB's said on mic...."if he throws it to a slant Im gonna let him catch it".  So the Dolphins were ready for this and it worked out good for them.

    If that play was any time but the final play of a half, that helmet to helmet hit gets called 100%

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