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Everything posted by Generic_Bills_Fan

  1. Not that your point is wrong…but someone like Jeff Wilson moved to an extremely similar system in Miami which makes the whole process much easier.
  2. Wow when was that? I was lookin for another similar play in recent history and couldn’t find one. I couldn’t even find a sneak losing a half yard anywhere on the field for any team
  3. This is the whole teams problem imo and the same issue cropped up at the midway point of last season but they figured it out down the stretch. Dorsey seems to have 0 confidence in our teams ability to pick up 3 or 4 yards on a tough run that the defense knows is coming. That’s making us press hard for tds in the red zone and leading to critical errors
  4. Those were both blown plays by Allen imo…although there’s probably plenty of evidence of suspect playcalling by Dorsey I’m sure. Peterson is kind of full of sh*t there lol allen had gabe in the back of the end zone for a likely td with minimal risk of anything worse than an incompletion and he completely missed the throw. The route concept was perfect against that defense and Peterson was beat by a step the sneak I still believe was the right call Allen just botched that one too…doesn’t at all matter that they telegraphed it. When have you seen a sneak lose a half yard in nfl history even if the defense is loaded up to stop it and that’s before you could even get leverage from someone pushing from behind. I think Allen was looking ahead and trying to take away some of the potential difficulty of the following play on the off chance they lost some fraction of a yard and he tried to run before securing the snap.
  5. It’s crazy that we’re 6-3 very likely to get to 8-3 despite all this stuff goin wrong. last year we were 7-6 with no real excuses to speak of and still turned it on in the playoffs lol
  6. Can that even happen? I’m genuinely not sure lol I think Watson is suspended a certain amount of games not weeks. The browns game will absolutely be played before any games that are the next week even if that includes moving it to another city. they’d probably have to move it to another city for a Sunday afternoon start and that has to be decided very soon I’d imagine
  7. Chargers had them beat last time quite comfortably before Herbert threw a pick six in the end zone.
  8. I think our team has 0 confidence we can pick up tough yards in a goal to go situation so he is pressing to get the ball into the end zone in the red zone gotta figure out the run blocking and everything else will fall into place
  9. I’d wait til we see what Miami does against the meat of their schedule. They’ve got @SF @LAC @BUF GB(assuming GB is starting to figure it out) comin up. Doesn’t really matter what they’re doing against cupcake teams. we likely have a tiebreaker over kc right now because tyreek got traded so we’ll see how it works out. I think the dolphins offense is a bit gimmicky and a tough pass defense is gonna give them issues…they didn’t do much of anything against cincy the half tua was healthy
  10. The only way running the football is successful for us is when the defense is selling out to stop the pass…Minnesota murdered us on obvious running downs in the second half
  11. Yea seriously…it’s turnovers killing drives not 3 and outs anyway. Gotta clean those up.
  12. Lol the Peterson quote about how they defended it well cuz they know josh or whatever he said made me chuckle. I don’t think the Vikings could’ve defended that play much worse. They gave the first read a step in single coverage for a 50/50 ball for a td that should’ve been incomplete at worst. They left Morris open underneath, nobody picked up singletary on his delayed route after the block, they left big running lanes open too josh just had a straight up split second brain fart
  13. That’s what I think too…it’s hardly a risky play imo. 99% of the time that’s a td or incompletion out the back of the end zone. If you’re gonna throw a ball that off target everything is a risky play though 🤣 I think he didn’t see Harrison smith biting as hard as he thought he would on the other post route after he pumped and got spooked and overthought it. Unfortunately Harrison smith did bite hard on the other post lol you can see the absolute panic in smith as he does a desperation dive late to get to the other post route haha he probably thought gabe was wide open behind him with the game winning td both sides are probably correct here…the presnap read was good and if he trusted it mid play he would’ve been fine but it looks like he panicked a little bit just before releasing the ball and at that point just check it down to somebody
  14. No disagreement there…he blew this one on the fumble alone without anything else needed as evidence and there’s plenty of stuff you can pile on top of that. but even someone like mahomes falls on his face sometimes in a big moment like the afc championship last year. If he starts coming up small in big moments in the playoffs then I might start to agree with your original point a bit more it’s pretty criminal how many clutch drives he’s had spoiled by poopy defensive play if we’re talking about his career overall. Arizona and KC last year immediately come to mind
  15. I’m all for criticizing him when he deserves it and the throw itself was absolutely awful no matter what one believes about the read/decision…but not a clutch performer is a huge stretch. he was on his way to the statistically best playoff run for a qb in history when the defense choked against kc last year with two of the most clutch late drives I’ve ever seen back to back…he had comeback wins over kc and baltimore this year, he and gabe bailed us out big time in the bills colts playoff game two years ago, tons of examples of him being clutch in big moments
  16. I think a big part of it is the team has just no confidence in their ability to punch it in in a goal to go situation. Singletary got stuffed on every carry in the second half. I don’t blame him for targeting the single coverage when Davis had a step but that ball was def off target that’s a pretty routine play against man and it’s likely a td with a better throw
  17. That’s a good point and the criticism doesn’t make sense to me either…I don’t think it’s physically possible to lose a half yard on a single sneak assuming the snap is clean. And if they got straight up stonewalled on sneak one and lost a little bit they have the option of running a different play on sneak 2. the ‘getting antsy by your own goal line so the snap went bad’ isn’t exclusive to sneaks at all
  18. I’ve been seein the same thing…I also don’t think a sneak has lost a half yard in history. I’m not sure you even can physically lose a half yard on a sneak…they’d rule the qbs forward progress stopped long before that. If josh was rushing he was likely looking ahead to the next play thinking ‘oh man if we lose a little bit on this sneak we might be in trouble on the next one’
  19. Gabe was open…that was a great route concept against the defense minny was running…it’s a shame he was worried about smith cuz he bit hard on the other post route smith thought they were cooked and makes a desperation dive but thankfully for him josh threw a terrible ball
  20. Admittedly I’m not even 100% sure…it could’ve just been a throw that was so awful that it looked like Davis was supposed to run a different route 😂 It’s just so puzzling because the concept worked and it was single coverage with really no gimmicks or wrinkles and Davis won. There’s almost no way that play can end in an int so naturally that’s what happened haha originally it looked like Allen just panicked and launched the ball into triple coverage from the broadcast angle so I was really surprised when I saw some different angles
  21. How’d you feel about the first down play to Knox that probably should’ve been hung on to? I think the 2nd down play should’ve been even more likely to result in a td/first down near the goal line if Davis/josh were on the same page but somebody for sure blew it. Easy to blame josh cuz he fumbled the game away in regulation but I’m not sure that’s the case. either way this team seems pretty terrified of goal to go situations and both Knox/Davis had position on their defenders in single coverage it looked gnarly on the broadcast angle cuz something went horribly wrong there lol but the route concept on that final play definitely worked
  22. It’d be moronic to not play for a tie game when Minnesota likely still had time to get in fg range? Not saying we would’ve gotten the first there but i think it’s pretty easy to make the case to go for it If there was less time and it was a 4th and medium/long maybe id kick the fg…in the situation op described though I certainly wouldn’t.
  23. This is the question…I think the aggressiveness there was predicated on the fact that we have little to no faith in our ability to punch in a td in a goal to go situation. It’s a shame too because the double post was the ticket there and Davis drew the single coverage and had a step. Not sure what happened from there though…was it just a horrendous throw or a miscommunication i think we would’ve gone for it on a 4th and 2 and it’d be a 50/50 shot again
  24. I’ve watched it like 400 times because something just didn’t add up lol it’s a double post and the concept worked so it was Davis with a step on Peterson with no extra help. There’s two different route options that would’ve worked there and josh threw it to one on a bullet and gabe ran to the other one that would’ve required a lob. Could be a massive coincidence and just an absolutely terrible throw but I’m not so sure that’s the case. this is certainly not to just blindly defend josh against criticism…he’s had some absolutely terrible throws that were entirely his fault the past few weeks but this was not our typical ‘he just didn’t see that defender’ situation. This was straight up man and Peterson was beat
  25. He’s had some real bad ones that were entirely on him…but something odd happened on that final play yesterday. The double post worked to perfection clearing out the safety and Davis had a step on Peterson in single coverage. If Davis wasn’t expected to route adjust based on the coverage that ball would’ve been aired out to the back of the end zone so josh would have bulleted the ball for no reason and missed by about 12 yards. Pretty unlikely. I’ve seen people saying Davis was supposed to cut his route short and sit underneath because the safety went high which very well may have been the case and it would’ve put the throw pretty much right on target and Davis would’ve had Peterson boxed out and been open
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