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Everything posted by Dick_Cheney

  1. God we need this W. Please, please, pleaseeeeee keep the ball away from McKenzie.
  2. Maybe he’ll get another unsportsmanlike penalty and get ejected : )
  3. Yeah this was a weird play/situation. Would love to know what he said to him lmao.
  4. With as many weapons as we have we really should be seeing the hurry up here and there. Today with the wind would have been a bit dicey, but overall, when you have the potential to make huge plays at any moment, that little extra element of making the defense go "oh ***** they're already at the line what the hell" statistically will pay off. If we were playing in a dome right now, I genuinely believe we'd be the new Greatest Show on Turf. Or we'd just keep running Moss for a 2 yard loss. What do I know.
  5. Our entire running game is shameful. Simply not professional level.
  6. We absolutely have to build a dome. Really not sure how people don’t realize that the weather costs us games. Putting Allen in a controlled environment for half the season would not only blow up his stats, but I’m pretty sure we’d win multiple championships. Pegula has to make it happen.
  7. should’ve been a pick. blue jays vibes there
  8. If Allen was a regular RB, he’d be our leading rusher and averaging less than 50 yards per game. That’s really pathetic. We need a runner.
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