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Everything posted by Dick_Cheney

  1. That touchdown pass actually made me emotional lol.
  2. Barry? Can he still play? *****, I mean we do need a real RB...
  3. Personally, I love it. I just don't love it in weather like today, coming off a game where we were still extremely not entirely physically recovered. People really don't understand what legitimate heat exhaustion does to the body. Hopefully next week is a different story.
  4. Mark my words, this guy will kill somebody someday.
  5. Yeah, but consider this: This time they'd be getting a *checks notes* good one.
  6. Go full Manson and just get the bruised ribs removed.
  7. Poyer will be lucky if he came away from that with healthy ribs.
  8. Really really need to stop them soon. This is taking way too long.
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