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Posts posted by GregPersons

  1. 11 minutes ago, Bill from NYC said:

    Let's be clear


    The term "well spoken," when used to describe a black person, is clearly a racist term.  The implication is that other black citizens are not very literate. The ironic part is that when this back handed compliment is heard, it will probably be uttered by a white liberal, trying to "prove" how open minded he or she is. Years ago, they even used the term "well dressed." I cringe when I hear s%#t like that; it really pisses me off. 


    It still happens today folks. I see it all the time, even on this board, and even in political circles.




    Some might want to excuse this. I for one do not.



    Thanks for saying this, Bill. Well articulated! ?


    I'll go further. "Well spoken" and "articulate" also show a cluelessness to history from a white perspective. Why do African Americans speak differently than White Americans? The answer is obvious if we're even somewhat willing to admit our own history. Black people were not given formal education, including English language, for many generations. As a result, the languages developed parallel. 


    White people insist that all other people speak their language as a default, with no consideration for the fact that not everybody was born into generations of English language education and training. And yet White people are not willing to do the same — not be willing to learn other accents, other languages. Not willing to do anything except lazily insist that everybody else come to them and meet their needs.


    So not only is it just sort of a modern day outdated term and kind of clueless, if you actually think about it, it's just another of a billion examples of the ways that White America has tried to keep Blacks down instead of helping them up.


    This has happened again and again and again. Sometimes, like now, in times of great cultural strife, White people will come to the aid of Black people. But mostly, in ordinary times, they are happy to accept the status quo and not question it. And in those times, individual White people might help individual Black people, but it is not a concerted effort in society to create a more equal & free world. It is always Black people agitating and protesting for rights, and White people being verrrrrrrrrrry reluctant to give even another inch. 


    MLK warned about the white moderate being even more dangerous than the white racist. You're gonna see A LOT of that next week — you are going to see whites try VERY VERY VERY hard to put this in a box, give some kind of ornamental band-aid solution, and then try to "unify" and "move on."  Watch them try. Watch! 

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  2. 9 hours ago, Chef Jim said:


    No.  You don't talk to him and tell him to move on. This isn't some drunk guy approaching them in the beer tent at the county fair  Cops are getting pelted with rocks, bottles, bricks and shot at.  And keeping the line moving is all they SHOULD be caring about.  That is their job at this point.  I've never done this so I can't speak for them regarding the tension these guys felt and feel these days and I highly suggest you don't either.   And that is common sense.  


    They were clearing the square of some, as  you referred to him as,  jackhole.  


    Oh yes, the poor cops. Who will think of the poor cops? They're experiencing these terrible things you are just making up off the top of your head, you have no examples of those, just things you hear from Tucker Carlson or whatever. 


    Their job is to PROTECT and to SERVE... shoving an old man down, for whatever stupid ass justification you want to make up, and then deliberately NOT HELPING HIM is not the job. Their defense "we're just following order" is LITERALLY THE NAZI DEFENSE. 


    The amount of bootlicking in this thread is unbelievable. They tasting good this week, Chef? You deluded fool.



    Would love to hear the Nazi-bootlickers justification for the clips in that video. Just go ahead and be honest — you're a violent troll and you just want to see skulls get cracked, preferably black and/or liberal ones. Just admit your Nazi tendencies, that you want to see minorities systemically imprisioned and executed by the state, and you don't want to think about it. Just admit it! 

  3. 15 hours ago, WorstTEever81 said:

    I want to start this thread by saying that I am in 100% agreement that the officers involved in George Floyd’s death should be prosecuted and dealt with accordingly. The video is heinous, and justice should be sought out. I believe almost all Americans believe that to be true. 

    ok, so now to the meat of this thread... what are the protests supposed to bring to light? We all can see, and agree that the officers looked to be in the wrong and should have been fired and held accountable. And they have been. They are going on trial for murder... good!


    But, is this an issue that is a national epidemic, or is it an isolated incident to promote a political ideology? Are black people being targeted and killed at a higher rate than other races? Or are these rare and infrequent accounts being prostituted out to a far left media to dog whistle communist activists and to play on the emotions of people they want to keep down and dependent?


    Now for statistics... black people commit over 50% of the violent crimes in the USA. But almost twice as many white people are killed by the police every year. So, what is the social injustice? Because a random ######ed cop was caught killing a black man on camera, yet twice as many whites are killed by police every year(armed and unarmed... the numbers stay consistent). 

    It would seem that the extremely rare killing of an innocent black man is being sensationalized by a media with a political purpose. And no one wants to be labeled racist or insensitive in today’s climate, so we all go along with it and ignore facts. Was Floyd’s death terrible and horrific? Yes, absolutely! We all agree! But is that a commonality with law enforcement country wide? Absolutely not! These riots are insane and meant for only a political purpose. 

    But, I expect nothing less from the politics, ideas and groups that supported slavery, segregation, KKK, and Jim Crowe... Dems always trying to keep minorities in their place and keeping the divide. No wonder they all support the riots and want them to keep going, it’s their pay day. It’s quite disgusting


    So the first step is to admit you don't know what you're talking about. You are clearly not black. So maybe just take one moment to ask yourself -- do you know what it's like to be black? Do you for sure? 


    Then maybe you don't know everything, and could stand to listen. There are a lot of voices right now available with social media, podcasts, videos, whatever you want. Seek out black voices who are trying to explain this for the 1 billionth time. 


    White people especially love to pretend racism does not exist. Love to pretend it's already solved. It was solved by Lincoln. It was solved by MLK. It was solved by Obama. Throughout your post, your entire point is that "This isn't a problem. Why are they making it up?"


    You don't know what you're ***** talking about. The idea that you somehow went through this week, assuming you're aware of even a percentage of the videos released JUST SINCE FLOYD'S MURDER, and are still confused about "what it's about"


    This is willful. This is you making a choice to close your mind and say you have done all of the learning that is possible. Racism, if it exists, has been solved as much as humanly possible. These are the things you are saying explicitly and implicitly in your post. 


    L I S T E N 


    B L A C K 


    And stop getting all of your facts ABOUT black people FROM WHITE PEOPLE and then insisting YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.


    That would be a good start to learning.

    • Haha (+1) 1
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  4. All of the (very few) "good apple" stories always involve... unarmed police. (Also if that's the best defense of "good cops" -- he tells a little girl he won't shoot her? What a hero. GIVE THIS MAN A MEDAL!)


    Name a time when a cop using excessive firepower DIRECTLY SAVED A LIFE.  Not a justified shooting of a cornered gang, I mean in the moment, a life was in danger, the only way out was using a gun, and a cop arrived in time to do so. Also -- not a cop's life. An innocent bystander. Let's see how many we can find to prove people how GOOD cops REALLY are!


    Name an example. I'll give you one - London Bridge 2017. Good example. Unfortunately, not an American one. I won't be holding my breath for many more examples. And that's even before we start doing a tally — how many lives saved directly by cops? How many lives directly ended by cops? Those are numbers they would never ever show you. 


    "More training" is useless. Cops are a gang, nationwide, and this is how they're acting KNOWING cameras are on them. The whole thing needs to be trashed and new civil services need to rise up in its place.


    Texas Chainsaw Racist Man doesn't need cops kicking the ***** out of him and suspending habeaus corpus (as NYPD is currently doing for protestors in NYC), he needs genuine mental help. 


    This stuff actually isn't "hard" to solve, it's just that stupid people who are unable to grasp reality and instead insist on childhood fictions make it hard to solve. See also — the countless racist white morons that populate this board. I'm guessing it's called PPP only because KKK would've been too on the nose?

    8 hours ago, Beast said:

    You guys have no idea how much I want the Police abolished! I will sit back and giggle all the while loading up.


    Please God happen!


    I am young enough to more than handle myself. I may die but so be it to rid this country of Liberal scum.


    Seek help. 



    Brees post to Trump tells me he has been listening. Even if that's all his copywriter, he's still approving this message. This is a good response. It's also why I never believed Brees was "canceled." One blunder like that can easily be forgiven and over-written with proactive statements and actions.


    I think he was rightfully embarrassed, and taken to task. And he was willing to listen, and absorb the message. I don't see a need to villify him further. We don't need more enemies. This is about getting people to wake up and see reality instead of insisting on fiction.


    It'd be nice to see Jake Fromm or Josh Allen or any of the other white Bills brass be as vocal and direct, instead of just offering vague support while the black teammates do the real work.



  6. Everything is getting pretty crazy pretty quickly with the hot new international pandemic. The NBA regular season has been postponed indefinitely, and it's looking likely for the Tokyo Summer Olympics, too.


    After the draft, it's not long until players start assembling for camp. Hard to imagine those being a good idea if things keep going the way they are. Of course, that's assuming there still IS a draft.


    What say ye, TSW prognosticators? Will there be NFL football this year?

  7. They worked best when they worked together, which is why Abbey Road is much better and feels like the end of their canon, even though technically Let It Be was last. In another sense, neither of them are last because many more Beatles albums have come out since, with new songs, even though they were recorded earlier, or Let It Be Naked, etc. 


    Anyway I'm convinced they would've eventually reunited had it not been for guns. Before Lennon was shot to death, he was getting it together again, he was back to hanging out with McCartney... "Just Like Starting Over" is a love song to Yoko and to himself, but it's also a message to McCartney in the way they would occasionally pass notes in their lyrics (Too Many People, How Do You Sleep, etc) where he does a bunch of Macca references - "don't let another day go by, my love, spread your wings and fly" ... I think he's doing his clever disguised thing but putting the dream out there that he wants to play with Paul and a band again.


    It would take the two of them on the same page and sweet talking George back, but it would've happened in the 80s or 90s had Lennon lived a full natural life. I bet it woulda been pretty good! 

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  8. 16 hours ago, gjv001 said:

    Who cares where Brady goes?


    Personally, I want him to play in NE until the wheels fall off. I don't want him slinking away now that he's deteriorating.


    I want at least one sweep before he's gone. Just one year where the Bills take both Ws from them.

    5 hours ago, Georgia Bill said:

    and Montana, and Favre.   sad ends to great careers...

    It's too late for that glory.  It'd be like finally beating your old man in an arm wrestling contest when he's 65.   


    Eh, I'd still take it.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. The reason the Kelly Bills offense was so successful — besides that they were extremely talented — is because they were ahead of the curve of the NFL with the no-huddle vertical shotgun offense. 


    Flutie's right — had the offense played to his strengths and ran a real RPO offense — the late 90s Bills could've had a much stronger offense to complement the stout Ds we had.

  10. If it makes you feel better to feel worse, it's both.


    —We lost a comeback game in Houston to the Texans.

    —And the Titans, formerly the Oilers, beat the Patriots, something we couldn't do on two tries this year, to win the upset and go to the divisional around. 


    As you can see, the football gods are punishing Buffalo for the Greatest Comeback game being their franchise highlight (besides OJ Simpson of course).

  11. Seems like a good analysis to me. That's how it felt watching the game in real time. Even by the time we were tied, I think, I wasn't particularly worried until it was becoming apparent that Allen was nervous. You could see Allen regressing in the 4Q and OT, especially after the big hit on the failed sweep.... but even before then he was become more erratic and desperate in his decision making.  I remember my stomach sinking like, Oh no this looks a lot like the Josh from the Pats game. 


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