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Posts posted by GregPersons

  1. 9 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Don’t get them started. We’ve developed a society of total angst-ridden morons. We have a generation of young people desperate for a cause to get behind. They’re having trouble picking one, but they’re looking under every rock to find some purpose. Kids....ya gotta love ‘em!


    Yep. It's all made up by the dang kids! They're fickle employees, but they all fly across the country to get $200 from George Soros to get punched by cops and thrown in jail.


    You are so perceptive!!

  2. Just now, GG said:

    Let's play a game.  Let's allocate a few trillion dollars for reparations, figure out a way to distribute it, send the checks and debit cards out.


    Will that solve the problems you say exist?


    Are you guys all drinking leaded water, or what's going on here? Reparations. Absolutely amazing the lengths White folks will go to try and feel oppressed. Just amazing.

    Just now, SoCal Deek said:

    Was there a point in there where you said how we’re going to fix the problem? I read it twice and didn’t find it. 


    Defund police. Abolish the institution. Restart with new civil servants. 


    "But but but then what? Without cops, who would not help rape victims? Who would beat black people for no reason? Who would racists look up to? How would we ever replace them?"


    Hey wouldn't you know it. We're not the only people thinking about this. Isn't that amazing? The world is bigger than this board. Truly wild. Here's some ideas to begin: https://t.co/mI27L2xOOJ?amp=1


    If your brain is so limp as to be able to find answers without me, then please include that next time. "I am helpless and a baby. Please spoon feed me information so I can spit it out and say I don't like it." Much easier.

  3. 1 minute ago, Troll Toll said:

    Veiled threat!?!? I’m saddened that the efforts for change go into things that will only cause more suffering in black communities. I’m saying gang violence and drug dealing is going to be worse than ever. I have not and will not initiate violence towards anybody. My comment is expressing that getting rid of crimefighters in black communities will result in more crime against blacks.


    OK it sounded like you were saying you want the black death toll to be higher. 


    Still — cops are a net negative on black communities. They are not preventing violence, they are perpetuating it. To guide the conversation elsewhere is disingenuous and dangerous and I'm doing everything in my power to not call it the obvious other word that it is. 


    Step one -- cops/prison need to stop behaving and operating like modern slave catchers/plantations. 

  4. Just now, dubs said:

    I’m trying harder. I’m trying to learn what we could do to fix the problem and I’m asking you because you’re here talking about it. Is that not ok?


    OK fair enough. However you need to understand. This is some ***** that a lot of "well meaning" people are doing, by demanding that the oppressed people do everything for them -- identify the problem, the solution, the means, the funds, the everything, and also make sure it doesn't inconvenience any white people. 


    So step one is to figure out how to be self sufficient and seek out knowledge rather than demanding it given to you on a platter. Does that make sense? If you have some books you've read or are looking to read, or if you're wondering if this or that article seems to be a good place -- feel free to DM me and I'm happy to steer you on your journey, if you like. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. Just now, billsfan1959 said:


    There is no fatal flaw. I didn't provide any research relating to motives or any other subjective information about police violence. I provided statistical facts about violent crime in general.


    The actual statistics about people killed by police didn't even come from the police, it was research from the Washington Post, which could hardly be considered pro law enforcement. Even that information wasn't subjective. Those people actually died.


    Everything I provided were statistical facts. Unless you are saying those murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, arrests didn't occur?


    Please detail for me which statistics I provided that you think might have been manipulated.


    Missing records, for one. How would you know they are missing? Misrepresented deaths, for another. How would you know they are misrepresented? 


    Which is the crazier thought? That the numbers are inaccurate, or they are fully honest and accurate?

  6. Just now, SoCal Deek said:

    Not a chance! It’s way easier to sit in the middle of the street throwing a tantrum about a general topic that NOBODY disagrees with.


    This post, though... This is the one that solves everything. You done did it! Snark on snark was the solution. Amazing we didn't arrive there sooner.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Troll Toll said:

    Reality. You may see soon enough if these efforts to defund the police are successful.


    Racists love to speak cryptically like this. Just say what you mean. "I hope to soon legally shoot black people." Why do you guys think your veiled threats are clever? Is it because you're all stupid as *****? 

    Just now, dubs said:

    what are 5 actionable things you would do if you could do anything to fix the problem. Tangible things, not “have a conversation” or something.


    I’s just curious if we can get the discussion moving along. 


    I would tell you to go jump off a bridge, number one. Lmao. I'm not here to educate you, you silly white moron. That's not my job and I could give a *****. There's plenty of resources available. Start here: google/bing/whatever conservative search engine tinfoil hats use -- read books by black people.  From different time periods. More than one. 


    Did you need me to give you that idea? Were you so empty before? TRY HARDER, WHITE PEOPLE.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    Horseshit. And I live there, I do know that everything you just typed is not only dangerous, it’s mouth-breather level stupid. Gyfoh


    Ohhh boo hoo the store windows. Hey aren't you the board's resident Q-anon conspiracy theorist? Are you guy the one with several threads sucking off Devin Nunes? How's that working out for ya?

  9. 1 minute ago, B-Man said:




    If you think feel that it is that.


    then you need to take your blinders off


    Sorry bud, that's the reality out there. It is very easy to choose. Freedom or oppression? It's only a difficult question if you're racist, and I've seen your posts. I would say I hate to break it to you, but I am here to piss in some racist cheerios this morning. Thankfully you're all waking up now!

  10. 6 minutes ago, Jaraxxus said:


    Look at you go. I'm so proud of you child. "Anyone who disagrees with me is a racist." This is my it's impossible to take you or anyone who thinks like you seriously.


    Hahah. I should've written it down, I knew this was coming. You follow a script like a Teleprompter and you think it's your own thoughts. "Anyone who disagrees with me is racist." What were we disagreeing about, exactly? This came from nowhere, this label?


    Nah, bud. You earned it. You have earned the racist badge. I just call it like I see it. Racists like yourself can eat my ***** and go ***** yourself. Keep replying to me with the next part of your attempt to weasel away feeling like you somehow "won" this exchange, you spineless little racist piggy boy. Gimme a little more bacon to fry for the morning coffee. Keep it coming.

    8 minutes ago, Troll Toll said:

    Like support the defunding of law enforcement that keeps it from getting exponentially worse?


    Sorry, are you suggesting that Cops are somehow a helpful presence for Black people, in Chicago or elsewhere? This is a real thing you truly actually think? Based on...? TV? Movies? Where is your idea of cops being helpful coming from, exactly?

  11. Just now, Troll Toll said:

    The black on black crime numbers seem to show that black lives matter to everyone but blacks.


    This is a well-worn white supremacist argument. White people want desperately Blacks to be savages; inherently different and sub-human. It would be very convenient for them if that could just be true. 


    If white people were genuinely concerned about black on black crime, they would do something more sympathetic than mock it.

  12. Just now, Jaraxxus said:


    Nah, I'm not concerned about white genocide on the least. What I'm concerned about is angry, intellectually stunted people like you inflicting mass punishment over individual crimes.  Also, if you think your judgement of me will silence me, well you're in for disappointment, buddy.


    Oh believe me, it's very clear you're a disappointing person. That much is obvious. 


    You're racist. So why is there such a fuss about just admitting it? That's the first step. You know how you can tell you're racist? It bugs you enough to respond like that when it's called out. But you know it's true. You just think you're better at hiding your real feelings than you are; even online you have no poker face. Just say you are racist, and say you don't care about non-white people. Why is that so hard for racists to admit what they obviously feel and demonstrate in their statements & actions? 


    "Oh how could I be racist if xyz." Yeah sure whatever you need to tell yourself, but you've already said volumes so far. Don't let silly things like "reality" get in the way of you doing you, my disappointing rolly polly racist buddy.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said:

    You are right that, per capita, blacks have a higher probability of being killed by the police. I think statistics are a good starting point for discussions. I had provided this information in another thread and I thought it should go in a specific thread about police killings.



    I appreciate the time you took with your research. There is one fatal flaw here, however. You're relying on statistics about police violence provided from the police, and assuming those are the complete truth. It's a biased source and isn't realistic to expect it to be fully transparent when we know for certain that police have various tactics for disguising numbers.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Jaraxxus said:

    When black leaders are proposing my tax dollars pay 14 TRILLION in reparations, it becomes my business and becomes about me.  So please tell me again how it's not about me. Please.


    You're concerned about your tax dollars for reparations?!?!?!? THAT'S YOUR DEFENSE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH


    I'm guessing you're also concerned about "white genocide" are you?  You racist piece of trash. ***** all the way off and do not reply. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Jaraxxus said:


    Other people are real. And they're responsible for themselves, like I'm responsible for myself. If I don't work, I don't eat. It isn't up to you or anyone else to care for me. I don't want it, I don't expect it. In return, I don't acknowledge the right of anyone to expect me to take care of them.  None of my business. 


    That's fine and dandy. Again, this seems hard for you to accept but... stay with me here.... this isn't about you. And if you don't intend to learn and you don't intend to help, then you really don't need to add your ignorant voice. Does that make sense? 


    2 minutes ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:

    ...if this is all about racism, how does this happen?.....




    It tells you in the second sentence and first quote. It's intentional. It's a strike against wealthy, complacent, White Americans. It is a wake up call, not just from Black Americans but from everybody who's had enough. 


    And let's be real clear.


    Property damage =/= violence. 


    The Santa Monica businesses do not need your tears. If you've ever been there, you'd know.

    2 minutes ago, Your Brown Eye said:


    Can you please give examples of where field doctors where sent in to stop a mass shooter, a rape, drug cartels, looting, high speed chases, homicides, battery, domestic assaults, etc.?


    If you think a field doctor is going to walk up to some "crazy ass people shooting bows & arrows in public" and give them a hug and the world will be right again, then God help us all.


    I can give you a lot of examples. Here you go. https://t.co/mI27L2xOOJ?amp=1 

  17. 3 minutes ago, Jaraxxus said:

    Mhm. It might surprise you that I know the history. Don't deny there was wickedness in the past. What I do deny is that I bear any debt or responsibility to you or anyone else for wickedness I didn't participate in.


    Subtle, I know. Nuanced, even, wouldn't you say, comrade?


    You're so desperate to "win" this conversation and be reaffirmed for your existing beliefs, you're not seeing any kind of complete picture here. You have to make yourself the central character, I wonder if you sometimes struggle to accept that other people are "as real" as you are? Do you sometimes think you're the only real person? I just wonder how these mindsets work, how the logic plays out. 


    Do you bear any debt or responsibility to your country, I wonder, comrade? Or no, you don't consider yourself American?  Do you partake in American society at all? Or do you live remotely and fertilize the land with your own *****? Built your own computer and Wifi and the rest? 


    Because otherwise, if you were to admit you actually do have some debt & responsibility to your country and to its people... well... seems like that might be hard to square.


    Or you can just be honest with everyone and say what you mean. But racists are all cowards. They can't admit to themselves they feel "Black Lives Don't Matter." They have to dodge it. They're afraid of learning. Afraid of admitting they don't know. So instead, like you're demonstrating, the ignorant try to pretend they've got it all figured out. It's less scary that way. Easier, too.


    You need your safe spaces. I understand that. When you're ready, there's a world out there.

  18. 10 minutes ago, Kmart128 said:

    Kneeling should still be frowned upon. I dont care what a player does. Donate to charity rebuilding communities, use your press conference and interviews to address your concerns, have specialty cleets that have symbols. Protest and share opinions if you want. But if you kneel during anthem then you are just dividing the country. You may be free to do protest that way but it doesnt make it right. And people still have right to critize for it. And when people criticize it just separates the country even more. This needs to be a time for unity... and like it or not many people will find kneeling disrespectful. Especially people who put their lives on the line everyday. That will just continue to divide our country and will be counter productive to what they want to accomplish.


    You can have any opinion you want. But here's an opinion on why that opinion is no good. 


    This is telling people the right and wrong way to protest. This is a method of control. You don't realize you're doing it, but this is the reality. This is part of the way White America looks to control Black America, by saying there is a right and wrong way to protest. It's nonsense. The right way to protest is what gets the job done, it is what makes the voices heard and the change possible.


    It's a double standard, too, and it's never applied to White Americans -- when White America is rebellious, it's celebrated from the American Revolution to cowboys in the Wild West to modern gun nuts. We don't hear about how disrespectful it is to be wearing flag t-shirts and bandanas and whatever. It's always whatever Black people are doing, it's always the wrong way. MLK's methods (and only some of them) were only deemed "the right way" after his death. They weren't supported by White America at the time.


    So I think... everybody needs to think about their preconceived notions and just question them. And this is definitely a popular one.

    • Like (+1) 1
  19. Just now, Jaraxxus said:


    So guilt for a crime I didn't commit strictly based on where I was born and live?  Nah, not totalitarian at all. 


    Oh yes, boo hoo hoo, poor you. How awful to be expected that a citizen know his country's history before he speaks as an expert on it. Yes, very draconian indeed.

  20. 7 minutes ago, Warren Zevon said:

    Buffalo 30 minutes before "curfew" last night. Zero riot police. Zero incidents with protesters. Zero property damage.




    Proud of my city for rising up for peace.


    I was happy about this too. I know all types from Buffalo. My one brother is a racist POS. My other brother and cousins were there yesterday, somewhere deep in the bg of that photo even. 


    It's not White vs Black, it's not about the flag, it's not about campus culture wars or whatever people try to make it about. It is Everybody vs Racists and Everybody vs Police Brutality. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  21. Just now, Beast said:



    You don’t know society very well.


    Wait until a volunteer policeman shoots an unarmed person. It will happen about 1000 times more than it does now.....and that is probably a very low estimate.


    Looking forward to it!


    No no no. This is where people are getting confused on this stuff, that absolutely does not need to be how this happens. And the key to it is right there — guns can't be part of this.


    There needs to be measures of accountability. Guns on every cop cannot be part of a solution moving forward. We have to learn from our mistakes. Look at the amount of evidence. Guns on cops directly saving people <<<<<<< guns on cops directly killing people. It's not close. 


    Our country is still massively immature and disrespectful to the power of guns. They are treated like toys and given out like candy. All guns need to be like sniper rifles with SWAT Teams... Guns need to be part of very specialized, trained taskforces called in for extreme situations. They are not needed for everyday mediations, nor for the types of community services needed from police.


    If some ####### with a gun starts going around threatening or shooting people, then you call in your Gun Team. 

    If some ####### is going around threatening and hitting people with his bare hands, then that should be something a proper police force should be able to handle without weapons.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  22. Just now, Beast said:



    Protect yourself. Throw the Criminal law books out the window. Every man for himself. Believe me, I’m ready for this. I’m not sure how long I will last but I’m more than ready for it to begin.


    It doesn't need to be the Purge. 


    I mean this is the same thing the Black Panthers were doing, and were criminalized and their entire mission was completely rewritten by the FBI and J Edgar Hoover and White America making them into "thugs"  --- a lot of current racist ideas like "looters" and stuff comes specifically from COINTELPRO. Do white people know any of this? Of course not, why would they?


    The idea is for the community to protect & serve each other, and provide the services necessary. This should be done with local, state, federal help for different functions. This ***** doesn't need to be so oppressive, and violent, and stupid. It is possible to live better than this.

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