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Posts posted by GregPersons

  1. 9 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    As a self avowed Marxist, you're also an atheist. 


    So, I don't give two ***** what you think of God. 


    That's all he can do now. He's getting pummeled. A smarter man would slink away, but not Greg! He's here to prove to every single person how deeply stupid he actually is. And just when you think, "no one can be that stupid", he goes and posts something to remove all doubt. :lol: 



    Another thing I love about conservatives is that every argument is a battle for them. They don't realize this is what keeps them steeped in ignorance. If you have to be right about everything, if you can never be wrong, then how can you expect to learn? Every one of you jokers is trying out the persona of "Smartest Man in the Room." And you all seem to be dumb as *****, or extraordinarily clueless about America's history beyond a middle school understanding of which wars happened in what order.


    It's like a less funny Idiocracy pumped with roaming gangs of Ben Shapiro lollypop kids (ie, y'all). You think calling me stupid hurts me. This is a reflection. It truly ... you have to first think, I mean I guess I'm asking for too much.


    I'm asking for too much for you to put yourself in another person's shoes. That's the thing isn't it? None of you are able to do that. *****, that is it, isn't it? *****. The one thing you all have in common besides being convinced you're right, is unable to see beyond yourselves. It's inconceivable that life could be different than you know it. You don't care to imagine if that would be true.


    Chef Jim. 3rdIning. DerangedRhino. Billsfan1959. Etc etc etc. You guys can not conceive of this conversation if you are not front, center, beginning and end of the whole enchillada. None of you could take the basic mental step of putting yourself in the shoes of the Black people in these stories. That's why you don't want to turn on cops. You only know how to empathize with white people because non-whites are a foreign concept.


    I keep assuming you are choosing to not empathize. I realize now you may literally not have the ability. I dunno why I didn't see this earlier but a lot of the last few hours goofing off here is kinda clicking into place.


    I now feel like maybe I am bullying the special olympics of emotional intelligence. But then I read your post again. And your assumptions based on nothing. No idea what my thoughts on God are. No courage enough to submit yourself to the humility of not knowing and simply ask. No, you have to jump from point A to point Z so that you don't ever need to ask a question if at all possible. 

    • Haha (+1) 2
  2. Just now, pop gun said:

    Ah yes, deflecting and hiding.


    No I think your question wanting to know my race, trying to guess it, isn't racist and Nazi-ish at all. Nothing frightening about that instinct.


    It would be impossible for White people to be speaking out in favor of Black people. Nobody has guessed that one. Or Latino, also not a guess ventured yet, despite letting it be known I live in Santa Monica. 


    That's all very revealing of y'all. That's just a straight up mirror on yourselves. That's because you cannot imagine yourself doing it, so it is unfathomable that maybe I'm almost exactly like you. Who knows? I might be your exact doppelganger, from an alternate universe, where your neighbors suffering in your country matters to you.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, Reality Check said:

    Yes. I am also familiar with Antifa, BLM, Moslem Brotherhood, the Sinaloa cartel, international drugs and weapons shipments to fund and perform regime change operations, assassinations, creating civil unrest for political gains. I understand all of these things as elements of infiltration into the American body politic. I know what really funds Keith Ellison as he is a member of the Moslem brotherhood himself. Drugs and weapons binds all of these entities together. That is why the partitioning of the black communities into these impoverished crime zones is NEVER addressed by you because this evil game of running these operations through the inner cities is KEY to this business model. A business model that you support. You are no ally to black people, and if you yourself are black, then you my friend are a real scumbag yourself. You are hurting your own people in support of an evil business model. Now, where was I before. What is your solution to black on black violence?


    Uh... what? 


    No, I asked if you knew what COINTELPRO was. Your "yes" suggests you do, but the rest of your message suggests you do not.  So, what was COINTELPRO? What did it do? Specifically? And why would that be relevant to your question on black on black violence?


    These are not trick questions. These have real answers. You have a perfect brain. Should be a cinch. I'll give you a grade. Get 100% and I'll leave the board forever.

    Just now, pop gun said:

    Yeah, he is black. Pretty obvious by his words.


    I thought I was Chinese, or Canadian, or a paid protestor, or Italian socialist, or a Marxist anarchist. Now I'm black too?


    No wonder y'all white people don't like me! Look at all these things you hate that you've made me.

    5 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Trump may be full of it when it comes to his own religious beliefs, but his administrations has done more to protect religious institutions and God than Biden has done his entire 40+ year career in politics. One is an avowed enemy of God, the other -- narcissistic huckster though he may be -- has worked to protect God in our culture. 


    One is very much not like the other. 


    Oh now I'm very curious.


    In what ways does the Trump administration protect religious institutions — and! — GOD (!!!!?!?!) ?  I didn't realize a being like God would need any kind of government protection. Guess it's not as good as it sounds up on the clouds, huh? 


    And from what do these religious institutions need protection from? Love to know.

  4. 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    "Answer me, B word" -- the sound a man makes when he's winning an argument, not being roundly beaten to a pulp. :lol: 


    Marx's ideas are pernicious and proven to be evil. Yes, you're a fool if you think he was "proven entirely correct" by history. If he was, show me one successful Marxist state in existence today... go! 



    Oh they're evil! 

    Oh we're judging them by the successful states!


    Well for one thing, the socialist countries that always rank highest on life satisfaction — Netherlands, Sweden, etc — are following in the ideas of Marx. Not convenient to your argument.


    The other thing, and I wonder if you know or if you're playing stupid, is that the US government -- the CIA -- specifically overthrew or meddled with or otherwise significantly interfered in every instance of a communist/socialist state getting off the ground. Cold War, ever hear of it? Bay of Pigs was a pretty famous example. 


    But go ahead and pretend it's because of the "marketplace of ideas" rejecting it in favor of our brilliant system in place.


    You've never read Marx, it's actually becoming clear to me now, have you? It's not even that long. It's a pamphlet. He was like 19 or 20 when he wrote it. He was entirely accurate in his predictive models. 


    You really haven't even read his Manifesto have you? You bring it up all the time and you haven't even read it. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Troll Toll said:

    Well, you’ve already written off the reason they are useful. It is true that when seconds matter, the cops are minutes away, which is why the 2nd amendment is so important. That said, people don’t generally kill one person and stop. Cops find the killer and keep him from doing further harm to the community. 


    Yeah, after the fact.


    Detectives who are solving the crime don't need guns for that.  So again, not really seeing any kind of real argument for cops having guns other than it seems to help a lot in the shoot-outs we see in movies & TV. 


    But hey, @Deranged Rhinolives in Los Angeles. He can tell you about the heroic cops last year who shot and killed an innocent bystander at the Trader Joes' standoff, a situation that spun out of control because of the LAPD's recklessness. And how the thing that actually worked in the end was...... you guessed it....... non violent tactics. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    I'm just reading the screed you've written. It answers it all. Your posts prove you're deeply stupid and a Marxist. 


    Then to remove all doubt you say this: 


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 


    100+ million dead in his name in the last century alone. No, Marx was not proven correct by history, let alone "entirely". 


    Keep proving you're a deeply -- and I do mean DEEPLY -- stupid person. If you closed your mouth you'd suffocate, that's how stupid of a human you are. 



    Oh wow great point, I forgot Marx asked people to fight in his name. Oh word? He didn't do that at all?  Do you also blame Jesus for the millions killed in his name? Just wondering if you're consistent, on anything at all. His ideas also should be thrown out, too? Answer me, B word.


    I just, again. You are adorable. You're like a child without the capacity to learn.

    4 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    And the shark has now officially been jumped! You believe we’re supposed to measure the need for police by the number of crimes they solve? 


    Nah you're right, that's unfair to expect competency from police. I think you should judge them by the amount of innocent black people they kill. They're doing GRRRRREAT!

    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    I understand you completely. You've shown your true colors: 


    1. You're deeply stupid. 

    2. You're a proud Marxist. 

    3. You're deeply stupid. 


    That's what you are and what you represent. You're on the losing side of history. Enjoy. 


    I just think you're so cute. You really believe yourself! And then you... say the things you say! 





    EDIT — But hey let's talk Marxism since you brought it up. What's your problem with Marx? Has he not been proven entirely correct by history? What about his thoughts on Capital do you find disagreeable, specifically? It's all pretty sensible if you actually, y'know... read it. Instead of being scared of it.

    • Haha (+1) 5
  8. 6 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    His usual nonsense


    Yeah gee, you'd almost have a point, if you weren't... making it all up to make yourself feel like you understand me and the world. I love to see y'all try to make little boxes to put this in so you can figure out a way to wrap your mind around it. 


    I'm Chinese, I'm Canadian, I'm a paid protestor, I'm a Marxist, and I'm an Italian socialist. I can't wait to find out what I will be on the NEXT page!

    Just now, Deranged Rhino said:

    Then why are they running Biden, a man whose greatest congressional accomplishment was the Crime Bill which did more to tilt the system against black and brown folk than any other piece of legislation since Reconstruction. 


    So they don't want to end police violence, the left wants power back for themselves


    That you can't see that distinction proves, yet again, how deeply stupid of a person you actually are. 


    You're bringing up Biden like I'm going to defend him. This isn't about Biden.


    Read my posts, dickweed. This is bigger than any one president. I have said this multiple times. Including once, very recently. READ.

  9. 12 minutes ago, iinii said:

    Which is the interesting part to me, because when you look at them and their guns out, they look just like the other guys, with their guns out. So are they just the same wolf in another sheep’s clothing?


    No. The left wants an end to police violence. 


    Cops don't need guns. Every example of a "good cop" doing something productive, 10/10 times, they are providing a service that is unarmed. They are mediating, helping reunite lost children from parents, breaking up disputes before they get violent. 


    I keep asking for someone to supply a story with this, and so far nobody has supplied even one —


    Looking for a news story where a cop directly saved a human life with their firearm. Not "killing a gangbanger who would later kill people" or anything speculative. An example of someone breaking into a home and endangering lives with a weapon of their own, and the cops stopping that with excessive force.


    What I'd like to see is statistics.


    Number of lives directly saved by cops with guns

    Number of lives directly ended by cops with guns



    Also, curious to know...


    Number of rape cases solved by police

    Number of rape cases dismissed by police


    Because every story I have seen and heard from the women in my life/network/beyond, any woman who reported rape to the police suffered an extremely humiliating experience, and found no help. 



    So the real question is. What are the actual, honest to God, real life services that Police are carrying out that are so essential?  Because I really think most of America is mixed up on where their information is coming from. I think people have seen so many cop shows, they think cops are solving that amount of cases in reality. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  10. 14 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    This is the Sake House today -- but according to @GregPersons it was just "smashed windows, boo hoo"


    Santa Monica Restaurants React in Aftermath of Police Brutality ...


    When someone declares themselves to be an idiot -- believe them. 


    I'm aware of the damage, I am familiar with the area that was affected and live nearby.  I just was not aware that the business would not be returning, or that the insurance claim was not being approved, which again, I don't know why that would be the case for Sake House and not others? Since this is a "Deranged Exclusive" story, that somehow I should know, and also believe, maybe you'll enlighten us. Or maybe you'll just post a laughing emoji!


    I'm not inclined to disbelieve such a claim normally, you just seem entirely unreliable as a source.

  11. 2 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:



    Saying “let’s be clear” before saying something dopey and untrue is not some kind of magic wand which imbues the absurd with truth.


    What is actually true is that it’s absolutely violence, but it’s a type of violence you endorse.


    Stealing or destroying someone’s property isn’t simply wrecking things, but rather is destroying what those things represent:  the time and labor of the individual who toiled to acquire those things.  Stealing or destroying property robs individuals of their labor without compensation.  IE it enslaved them retroactively.


    And you know what should be done to slavers?  They should be shot, on site, in order that they be made examples of.  Because this doesn’t end until people understand that their lives are forfeit if they engage in it.


    Please understand that it’s not that I value my property more than I value the lives of looters and rioters; but rather that anyone attempting to steal or damage my property seems to vale my property more than they value their own life, and I’m happy to honor their assessment.


    Hi. Thanks for the tip.


    First of all — let's be EXTREMELY clear —


    Property Violence =/= Human Violence


    These are not the same. They are not the same conversation. Are you familiar with COINTELPRO? I have to imagine you are. Do you know why I would ask you this specifically with regard to looting and property violence? 


    Because these attitudes, common in modern society, are outgrowths from those (many) attempts to frame the plight of Black America to White Americans as being unreasonable.


    I understand this is really difficult for people, and I'm not being sarcastic here. Because it does not seem to initially make moral or ethical sense. Why is property violence okay? It's obviously wrong, it's obviously a crime. But this is imagining things in a separate reality instead of the one we live in, devoid of all context. In that alternate universe, I would agree.


    In this universe, it is not the place of White America to say what is and is not an acceptable form of protest from Black America. Is that unfair? That is still the wrong way of thinking of it. And this, I am arguing, is a result of generations of willful government action to pollute discourse and divide White and Black America for as long as possible. It lasted a very very long time, and we are still in it today. 


    It has never been reckoned with this in this country, in any honest way. That's why I am pushing people here to say their true feelings. There is a lot of national repression on this topic. And as I've said many times already, we know for a fact, the White Establishment (not all Whites individually), that power structure wants nothing more than to put this away and not address it. That's true regardless of if the president is Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump. However back you want to go. 


    BY THE WAY — I'm aware this can seems real ***** wild to people who have not been affected by racism. If you are still struggling with the elementary concepts here, like systemic racism, privilege, etc, then this just seems like crazy talk. It's also why I'm not interested in being anyone's tutor on this. You are big boys who are capable of finding things.


    White America has -- forget about reparations -- they still refuse to just acknowledge the true history of this country. It's hard to White people to understand this. Again, "race" is only a "touchy" conversation for white people. It's not "touchy" to non-whites, because they have to live with this every day. So to white guys, this is "theory." This is "Marxist theory." To actual people, this is jut the reality of life. 


    Step one is to acknowledge that White America and Black America have never been on equal footing. (Then the racists try to make it seem like you're saying black people are inequal). I am saying — the treatment between the two needs to be first understood. It needs to be understood how this is a long series of cause/effect chain reactions throughout this country's history that has led to the present day.


    The protests and police violence did not fall out of the sky. They are the obvious culmination of long periods of anger and frustration that have boiled over. Why is that? Because you still see people, probably all over this board, insisting that Black people should just "get over it." Because "it happened a long time ago" and it "wasn't my fault." As though the crime's impact was limited to the initial slavers.


    The impact extends to RIGHT NOW. 


    So when people unaffected by racism try to tell people who are affected by racism that doesn't exist — that, too, is violence. If property damage is violence, then absolutely so too is economic/social/mental/emotional/psychic violence. And that has been applied, in addition to police violence AND property violence, against Black people throughout history. 


    It is very difficult to explain why you should care about this. It is very difficult to explain to someone with a boot on your face or your throat that this is not right. Why would they agree with that? They're the ones in the power position. 


    Part of me knows typing this out is pointless and I should just call you a *****stick and move on. But I can't help but try to give people a chance. Prove me wrong for doing so.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Niagara Bill said:

    Answer to your question, YES you are a paid troll.

    End of discussion, no more credibility. 


    Great! When can I expect the check? Don't tell the bosses, but this was so much fun I'd do it again for free. Sometimes you get tired of seeing all the people agreeing with stuff, when you know for a fact people like yourselves exist... well, it's just nice to meet you all.

    16 minutes ago, Reality Check said:

    You are definitely late in drawing that conclusion. Cyberspace is the future of virtually all forms of warfare. This was known in the 1960s. Take a long hard look at your smart phone. It all started as military technology. Check out George Friedman's public presentations on behalf of Stratfor. What is your solution to black on black violence?


    Are you familiar with COINTELPRO?

  13. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    Once again, proving to the world, that you're not only wrong -- but deeply stupid. 


    This really feels like a true PPP experience now. Circular conversations. Completely empty posts that are disagreeable and spiteful with nothing in them aside from just a vague hatred. Deranged Rhino thinks he's on to a good point while peeing his pants.

  14. 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    All those words just to say: 


    "Yes, I am a giant hypocrite who's voting for Joe Biden -- a man who spent 40 years tilting the system against black and brown people -- while claiming I'm against systemic racism". 


    You're a peach. Just a real dumb one. 


    There's that charm. Spend the past 12 hours lecturing the board about how you're above racism only to fall right back into the moment you get exposed for being a truly stupid person. And you are, Greg, truly a very stupid person. 




    And once again, an idiot brings out another ignorant (yet you're SOOOOO sure you're right) and misguided understanding of racism.


    It is, by definition, impossible to be racist toward white people in America. If you understood anything here, you'd already know this. You don't, because it's obvious where you get all of your information. (Will you please tell me how Devin Nunes balls taste, already??)


    You can be prejudiced against white people, like my post. But nothing I say removes the institutional advantages given to actual ######s like you, and because of your skin color, you are able to go through life -- not only not realizing you are deeply stupid, but mistaking that for a great intellect. 



    1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    If you've paid any attention, and you clearly have not, you'd understand that Nunes was vindicated on every count with regards to unmasking, illegal spying, and Trump Russia. Of course, if you actually cared about the systemic injustice in our system and the abuse of police power, you'd be lining up next to Nunes to fight that fight.


    But you're not smart enough to know basic facts, let alone see through the programming that's been jammed into your head. 


    You're truly a breathtakingly stupid NPC. :lol: 


    Oooh, earlier I called this too. Racists have a very hard time with solipsism. This is very clear with you.


    You probably often suspect you're "the only real person" I bet, right? 


    Actually I'm not even real. I'm a test put here by God and Jesus Christ. All of this exists just for you. The only real person. The only one who knows...




    ...The truth.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  15. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    All those words just to say: 


    "Yes, I am a giant hypocrite who's voting for Joe Biden -- a man who spent 40 years tilting the system against black and brown people -- while claiming I'm against systemic racism". 


    You're a peach. Just a real dumb one. 


    It's an honor to interact with you here. I feel like I'm meeting the Dumbass All Stars. 


    Devin Nunes, how's he doing?

  16. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    Which only proves how uninformed you are. 



    So that's a yes? You're going to vote for Biden? 


    You come down here spewing all sorts of dishonest and really ridiculous nonsense about "institutional racism" -- and you're going to turn around and vote for one of the primary architects of that systemic injustice and racism? 


    How do you square those two things, Greg? Please, enlighten me... 



    You're... not very smart, are you? "Detecting sarcasm" one of those skills you're still on the hunt for? 


    Instead of talking about ***** you can barely comprehend, I want to know what's up with Q anon world and Devin Nunes' nutsack. I remember when I signed up for this board seeing those threads the first time I wandered in here.

    1 minute ago, Koko78 said:


    Well, all I can say is that the last time I used a weapon to smash a window, forcibly stole what was inside, then burned the building to the ground, I did it totally peacefully.


    Truly, a greater tragedy cannot be known. This is the worst problem facing society. Obviously the solution is a bunch of rednecks in the streets with their gout and Walmart guns.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Oh, look at that. Intellectual dishonesty 101. Add a new word to the equation to try to run away from his original point. 




    If you don't think property destruction is violence, why don't you give the board your license plate number and let us all go to town on your car at the next Bills game? 


    Did you not assume "human" was implied by violence in this instance?? You were all excited for a semantics battle?????


    Holy *****, get a problem!

  18. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    I know the owners, asshat. 


    Are you planning to vote for Biden? 


    Yes, he's a Marxist which means he's very stupid. 


    Oh, so we're just taking your word for it. Well if it comes out publicly, be sure to let me know. I would be curious why insurance would not cover their claim. It seems like the exact kind of thing insurance is for.


    Obviously I'm a Trump voter. MAGA 2020, can't you tell?


    Can't wait to hear you tell me that store fronts and human life have the same value in your twisted mind! Also — did you confirm this earlier — you ARE the Devin Nunes guy right? 


    You're the guy on this forum that loves Q anon stuff, right? And Devin Nunes?  Like. Devin Nunes. You are riding that jock? Still, or did you figure it out? Please say still.

  19. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    Says the guy who claimed earlier property damage does not = violence :lol: 




    Go ahead and make the argument that property damage is the same as human violence.


    Let's hear it.


    Tell me that store windows have the same value as human life. You complete ***** stain. 

  20. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    They burned down the Saki House -- a family owned (by Japanese immigrants) local which they poured their heart and soul into. They now have to sell it because the insurance won't cover it. 


    You're not only wrong, you're dangerously ignorant of even basic facts. 


    You have a link for this Sake (e, not i) House insurance claim? 

  21. Just now, Niagara Bill said:

    One year before your presidential election this site suddenly had a lot of new names show up. At least a portion of them are paid trolls. People need to understand this. With out question both foreign and supporters of Trump and libs are part if this. It is the new campaign speech..the new stump. 



    I just want someone to make a clear statement. Am I paid troll, Chinese, or Canadian? You guys need to figure out which convenient fiction you're going to stick with here.


    Racists love to find ways to ignore the message by blaming the messenger! All the tactics are out playing here.

    13 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said:

    He's a poser and everyone here knows it. 


    What's being posed?

    20 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    Find them?? They're all over the place on perfect display.  


    No. You have to find them specifically. You need to make a clear case with specific examples. Only then will I admit that saying, for example, GGG is a racist turd coming out of a coughing *****, is maybe an odd insult. Only maybe. No guarantee.


    But I do want you to do the leg work for me before I dismiss you. And I want you to pretend like this is a new strategy, like I'm going to play fair with you. 


    (Imagine me badgering you 20 times with this, like you did to me, lol)

  22. 12 minutes ago, GG said:

    Of course black lives matter.  Not only the small handful that are killed by the police.   


    Your turn.  


    Yeah, sure. Black lives matter. Including both parts of "black on black" violence, which continues to be presented as some kind of excuse or explanation by @Reality Check. Is phrenology up next? 

    14 minutes ago, Troll Toll said:

    He simply does not care about the thousands of deaths like Kathina Thomas, a 10 year old girl who was senselessly shot dead in front of her home. I can’t comprehend why I should feel more outraged when a multiple time armed robber high on fentanyl is unintentionally killed by officers trying to keep him from being a danger to others in the community. 

    He keeps framing this as people trying to make some all lives matter statement. The BLM movement seems to be directed at white people. I would argue that black lives need to matter to black people.


    Black Lives Matter is only a matter of race if you are a racist.


    As I've said many times, BLM is about Everybody vs Racists.


    Racists say, with actions and words, that black lives don't matter.


    If you agree that Black Lives Matter, then you are part of the "Everybody." 

    If you disagree that BLM, then you are part of the "Racists."


    This is... not hard.

  23. 1 minute ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Think guys. Who is this guy really? His posting reminds me of some other POS that was over the top too and trolled just for the fun of it. That guy was a white Canadian with a small dick and no game also, Oh, and he also begged for our women. Once a loser, always a loser. 



  24. Just now, GG said:


    This is one of the most ignorant and data denying posts that has been offered here.  And this is why BLM is destined to fail.  


    When you can't diagnose the underlying cause, you will never reach a solution.  


    You complain that white people want blacks to solve all the problems, but then run away from basic solutions that every minority culture everywhere has implemented to survive and thrive as a minority. 


    As usual you can't distinguish between race and culture.  And until you do, you will never find a satisfactory solution.   









    Just say it. Just say what you mean. Just say that you don't think black lives matter. 


    Why are you all so cowardly? I thought you were the tough guys?????? But you can't speak your convictions?


    It's like I'm showing you fire for the first time. And you're all amazed. These are what we call "principles." You might want to look into them! They might be tough for this set. You need to apply them consistently! 

    • Haha (+1) 1
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