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Posts posted by GregPersons

  1. 2 minutes ago, Reality Check said:

    If this whole episode is to get someone to adopt you, I think you went about it the wrong way. You could use a mentor though.


    Cute! No, I just meant — I see you enjoy harassing people. I don't actually want you to adopt anyone. I would love to hear you talk about some examples of how you have helped others.


    Has it ever happened?

  2. 9 minutes ago, Unforgiven said:

    I disagree completely with this. The liberals are trying to make 'whites' the villains that have economically, and racially ruined the country and other peoples lives.

    This is exactly the early propaganda used against the Jewish population.


    Who invented slavery?

    Who invented for profit prisons?

    Who invented ICE?

    Who invented Slave Catcher patrols? Are you aware how this impacted modern policing in the US?


    White people need to nut up and take some PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their peoples' actions.

  3. Just now, Reality Check said:

    What does it taste like? Your diet may be the explanation for your odd behavior today.


    In what way is my behavior odd? Do you not know that you're a racist sack of *****? Please don't tell me that was a revelation. You live with yourself everyday. You must've seen these thought patterns before.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. Just now, Chef Jim said:

    Whoa folks.  We have a new winner for the Irony Post of the Day Award.  Greggy has bested his one post and has upped his game.  Stay tuned to see if he can overtake himself.  


    Sorry I won't be giving you your full performance review. But you can confidently tell your white friends you earned a big "Racist!" in red marker on your report card; I'm sure they won't be surprised! 

  5. 3 minutes ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:

    ...some folks here have the ability to engage in constructive dialogue, a give and take forum...agree versus disagree civilly.....yet there are others who claim their intellectual superiority  to shield their blatant ignorance and inability for constructive dialogue.....guess where you fall??..........


    Where do people engage in constructive dialogue on this board? Show me even ONE PAGE of that being true, in ANY THREAD on this forum.


    Y'all are so full of ***** you forgot what it taste like.

  6. 1 minute ago, Reality Check said:

    My money is that he is Chinese and posting from China.


    Ohhh this explains your questions earlier. You guys are ***** awesome. If it hasn't been tried, I think you could probably set a clock to racist arguments. Unbelievably predictable group.

  7. Just now, Chef Jim said:

    I'm not arguing against ANYTHING.  I'm asking for your proof that I'm a racist. You said you have actually posting history that proves I am.  So far you've shown nothing.  All you have are your words and that is not good enough for me. Show me your proof and THEN I'll have something to argue against.  Otherwise STFU because you're getting real pathetic. 


    You're racist. You are a big fat racist. You are a coward and a racist. Your post here is your proof. The multiple dodges you've swerved answering any direct questions about your beliefs.


    Are you expecting me to believe, for the first time in world history, an aggressive racist like yourself is going to suddenly be like "OH! I guess that was pretty out of bounds. I should learn." Yeah, I don't think so.


    You don't like how easily I can see through you. And I already told you once, I'm not giving you any satisfaction beyond replying to your dumbass posts to call you a dumbass. At least not until you answer the previous questions. And no, I will not repeat them. Use your little sausage digits and scroll back and type up a response.



    Just now, Chef Jim said:


    This is ***** awesome!  Anything else you know about me?  How long have you been studying me?  T


    Do you receive so little attention in life that this is really exciting for you? Again this is why I'm not going through your trash. You're an ugly little dude, and I don't take you seriously. Sorry!

  8. 1 minute ago, Niagara Bill said:

    He seems like a plant...another paid troll


    Yessss!! You guys are playing the greatest hits!!! I did not expect one visit to yield such a bounty of stereotypical responses.


    I love this one. Who is paying me? What are they paying me? Did they pay the protestors too? How does that work? Is it Soros, or... ooh. Just share this one with us.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    It is rough and tumble.  Bring your best shot *****stick.  Show us were you've come to the conclusion we're racists.  


    You seem to think the burden of proof is on me. I don't care about your hurt feelings, and this isn't a court room. Just in this exchange, I can tell a lot based on your assumptions and the arguments you choose to make. 


    You're racist and you're a sensitive little B word. You have no moral backbone. You have no character. Honestly I hope you have no children because you would be an embarrassing father. I would be horrified if my father was this spineless and useless in times when his country needed him.  You would be a good example for why sometimes it's better to not have a father in the home.

  10. 1 minute ago, Reality Check said:

    You are just another racist my brother. Fortunately, your problems aren't my problems. I hope you can sort this out for yourself because you seem self-destructive. The worst part is that you have no empathy for victims of black on black crime. I guess that makes you white.


    Incredible deductive reasoning here, Sherlock. Very impressive to watch the mouse work through the tunnels in your head to reach that last piece of cheese. May your very convoluted attempt to find a conclusion you could live with bring you peace. You idiot.

  11. 1 minute ago, Chef Jim said:

    No dude this ain't about me.  It's all about YOU? You have accused me of being a racists.  That's one hell of an accusation.  You say you have basis for this accusation and I'm just asking for you you've come to this conclusion. Otherwise you're full of crap.  So I'm just calling you out on it.  


    Ok so now I'm a Nazi.  Anything else? Fascist?  Homophobe?  Xenophobe?  Misogynist? 



    No dude you still are not getting it. You don't even understand "racist" so you're arguing against, who even knows what. 


    As for the others, beats me. Are you? You don't seem willing to stand up for anything in this exchange anyway, only to cry about what you aren't. (Conservatives do this a lot, I notice. Very few Republican voters actually will proudly identify as such. They'll say conservative, or moderate, or libertarian. Why can't you live with yourselves and admit what you are?)


    If you aren't those things, then say so. Or don't! Who gives a *****?!

  12. Just now, 3rdnlng said:

    This GregPersons guy is obviously very resentful of something. He continuously strikes out at people without making much sense. I think all of his bravado is a cover up for him not having any game. It's like his whole life has been a clank off the front of the rim. Every day is like Groundhog Day for him, clank after clank.


    I'm in here with a shotgun blowing zombies' heads off. Figuratively speaking, that is. Zombies and racists aren't so dissimilar, it's a degenerative brain disease that makes you dress & look like ***** & most of them are out of shape. In this case, the shotgun blasts are truth and cursing.


    See, even on you horrible folks, I would not wish on you what you have already wished upon so many others. You clutch your pearls and getting called names (despite also calling names, complete B word move) but real problems, you could give a *****. 


    Small thinkers! Small *****? 


  13. Just now, bilzfancy said:

    I guess there's no such thing as a black racist, or Hispanic racist, or Jewish racist, just white racists


    Dumb white person argument again.


    You're confusing "individual prejudice" with "racism" which is systemic. Any individual person can be "prejudiced." That is different from "racist." 


    Racist is about upholding existing power structures that oppress minorities. Prejudice is some made up fact about another type of demographic. Do you see the difference?

    2 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    Holy crap. I missed all of that.  God, dude is full of hate. And he accuses us of hatred. ?


    I thought this was the rough n tumble board? All I'm finding are pussies. 

    1 minute ago, Reality Check said:

    What happened to you that turned you into a racist?


    You know "reverse racism" is not possible right? Again. You can be prejudiced against this or that type of person; everyone is. That is different from racist and racism. 


    There's nothing I or anyone can say to you that removes the inherent, unearned white privilege you carry through life. Even if I say all white people are ***** stupid as *****. That would be prejudice


  14. 1 minute ago, Chef Jim said:

    Oh no no no. You’ve accused me of being racist. We would love to see how you’ve come to that

    conclusion. You mentioned specific posts of mine that PROVE I am. Please back up you claim or back down.  


    You want to be the center of attention and conversation. I'm not giving it to you. You're racist because of all of your posts. You somehow think you are hiding it better than you are.


    Do black lives matter? Say it clearly one way or the other. What are the protests about? What are the complaints? Where do they come from?


    So, you tell me first. Do you understand at all? Or you just want this to be about you? This is the "All Lives Matter" of post responses. Then if you're a good boy, I'll go trolling through your little trough for all sorts of ugly examples on where you've ***** up. But I'm not here to try to convince racists to not be racist. If you're racist, and you're too much of a B word to either explicitly NOT be racist or just nut up and be the Nazi you are, if you think you can straddle the middle ground... you're a huge *****. Take a stance.

  15. Just now, Reality Check said:

    What is your solution to black people killing so many other black people? Are they racist too?


    You seem to think you have something more than just a racist refrain here about Chicago. But you are not adding up to much. 


    Black on black violence is a problem that isn't your concern; after all, you don't live anywhere near it, so you can go ahead and not post this for a 10th time. What can be your concern is the state sanctioned violence of Americans across the country. 


    Try getting a problem worth your tenacity.



  16. Just now, Reality Check said:

    What is your solution for black people killing so many black people?


    I would say my solution would be you killing yourself. Come back when you've done that. Or, if you like, go ahead and be very very dramatic about this, and act incredibly aggrieved, offended, and wounded. That would also be amusing.


    And then you should feel even more definitive that "black on black" violence is the true problem, and "fatherless blacks" too, and that this is all a distraction. Why, the fact that I won't engage with you on this aside from saying nobody would miss you if you decided to just stop posting forever after this, it proves it. It just shows my intellectual dishonesty. Why won't I engage with you, the proven troll and racist, with your trolling racist questions? You've asked repeatedly. You need my attention. You're a weird little Nazi **** boy. So go ahead and dance for me, B word. 


    That seems like the kinda (*^*&%^$^#schtick to expect from you. Or act like a little diva about me telling you to do that, cry to the mods, then go ahead and use this as justification to blame a whole group of people for me individually saying, to you individually, that you've demonstrated to me you are the banality of evil. Your contributions are useless and would not be missed.


    Hope this helps!


    4 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    Please point to which posts of mine prove that I’m racist. 


    Nope. Don't care. Be racist. But just admit it.

    Just now, bilzfancy said:

    Those who scream racist and racism the most and loudest are usually the biggest bigots


    Yeah that's probably it. The people who insist racism isn't a real problem are the real heroes!

    2 minutes ago, Reality Check said:

    He believes white people are all racists. He seems pretty upset.


    Your reading comprehension is not so good. It might be time for a dive off the nearest bridge. There is no anger here, brother. 

    4 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    We’re all racists because we post on PPP. Or something like that. Dude is ***** clairvoyant. It’s amazing. 


    Yeah it's impossible to know. All we can say for sure is nobody here is racist at all. It's just that black people all deserve to die, and white people are inherently superior.  What's so racist about that?!

    • Haha (+1) 1
  17. Just now, Chef Jim said:

    So I’m probably racist?  Explain how you’ve arrived at that conclusion. 


    Oh it's easy. It's because you're so sure you couldn't be. Telltale sign of the racist.  Also the content of your posts.

    12 minutes ago, Troll Toll said:

    I’m so racist that two months ago I had a black candidate hired with the same title and team I am on with a higher 6 figure wage than myself.




    I love this one. "I can't be racist. I hired a black employee." LETS GET YOU A COOKIE!!!


    Someone come at me with the "I can't be racist. I support Israel" one next... LMAO racists are dumb as *****!

  18. 4 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    You sure know an awful lot about people you’ve likely never met. Tell me oh wise one am I a racist?  I need to know because I may have filled out my census wrong. That was one of the questions right? 


    Probably! You seem like it. It's actually easy to spot racism when you're in a subforum full of racists.


    And yeah most racists don't think they are. Some do, some are proud of it. Most of them are milquetoast pussies like you, who can't say they AREN'T racist but don't want to claim it either. They just want to pretend race doesn't exist. And they don't think that's racist.


    So when you say, oh that's racist, you're being racist.... oh you just hate that! The response is never like "*****, how so? in what way? how did I not know this? how can I be better?" That would require an intellect capable of admitting it doesn't know everything (a sign of intelligence). Instead it's blustery ***** like you're posting, pretending you know everything and any notion that you might not is absurd (a sign of stupidity).

    2 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Congratulations, you're right up there with the other fools who have gone from just a poster to someone whose only purpose here is to be mocked. I haven't been keeping track of the time it takes to reach that status but you've done it in what seems a record time. 


    This is how dumb you are — you think I'm here to make friends with you. Like I would want your friendship. Like you are not repulsive. Like I am not here specifically because I know you are repulsive, and I want to tell you to your virtual face, you suck *****, and you're trash. 

  19. 1 minute ago, billsfan1959 said:

    I mean this in the most sincere way. I think you have real issues. Your posts are angry, aggressive, extreme, and almost non-sensical at times. 


    I wish you the best in life, I really do. However, I have no desire to engage with you any longer. There is no point to it.


    Honestly I mean this in the most sincere way. You're twice my age. You are insisting that the protests are exaggerated claims. You insist that Black people are "one side" of a "both sides" problem (the problem being innocent black people like George Floyd being murdered by police).


    You play games instead of just saying your truth, which makes sense because you're a ***** cop, and you continue to smugly assume superiority. For no real reason. Just because you decided it. 


    Angry, aggressive, extreme, non-sensical. You do sound like a cop who knows how to "de-escalate" a situation. Maybe there's a good reason you don't want to answer any of my questions. If this was anywhere indicative of how you handled "angry" people, it's amazing you are still alive. I wonder if there are lives lost because of your actions. I wonder if they'd be represented in those numbers you shared.


    And if you're this dishonest in your interactions here on a Bills message board, I can only wonder kind of career you had. I can see you would like to be proud of your profession and your career. That all makes sense now.


    What I wonder most is if you deserve to feel proud... or if you should be ashamed. Maybe that's what this is for you. I know what it is for me. But I don't think you'd be willing to take the questions. You've already said goodbye 5 times. So be it. Ride off into the sunset, cowboy.

  20. 5 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:


    While I do not have a criminal justice background, I will tell you one of my son's master's degrees is in criminal justice. I had to proof read all his papers. In that short time I read more about "justice" in our criminal system than I ever thought I would. There is no doubt there are issues and problems - for minorities and whites. Ask any 20 year old male - regardless of color - how often  he's been pulled over by the police or had an encounter with a police officer. Now some of that is "young men do stupid things" and some of that is the numbers show that young men do stupid things.

    Is there a systematic imprisonment and systematic execution of minorities by the government. No. That would be a conspiracy theory to end all conspiracy theories. Here is the definition of the word systematic just so you are clear about what you are alleging.


    Are there reasons that minorities end up in state prisons (sorry, I have to use wiki or list 50 states, which I will not do) more than than federal prisons where the majority are whites? Yes, and that has to to with crimes committed.  Plea deals vs trials also account for some disparities, and that would be something you would have to dive into with attorney representation and prosecutors.

    Trump's first step act has helped minorities incarcerated for unequal offenses (like crack (minority drug) drawing a higher sentence than cocaine (white drug)).


    It's not a conspiracy theory. Systemic or systematic's definition — Done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical.


    Three major obvious examples of the state systemically imprisoning minorities:


    For-Profit Prisons.

    ICE Detention Camps. 


    Three major obvious examples of the state systemically executing minorities: 


    Officer-Involved Shooting.

    For-Profit Prisons.


    The school-to-prison pipeline is a death sentence given to Black children because of underfunded schools and services in favor of absurd police budgets.


    This is for Los Angeles budget, but this is largely true for most cities. The police, like the military in the federal budget, take more money than any other program/s combined.  Garcetti promised a cut. What a joke.


  21. Just now, billsfan1959 said:

    I engaged you an an entirely civil manner. I asked legitimate questions in response to posts that have extreme points of view. I have been very reasonable in everything I have said and taken a stance that both sides have their problems and need to come to the table in an honest way.


    I didn't need to tell you or anyone else my background and history to post. You certainly didn't. It has no bearing on the legitimacy of the content of my posts. 


    I agree with you on one thing. Our discussion is a microcosm of the entire issue. 


    I will leave it up to the other posters on this board to determine which one of us was reasonable and civil and which one was not.


    Take care.


    True, your pro-cop stance was clear from the beginning. But only in the most recent post did you actually share your full thoughts. You didn't want to do that earlier, because you didn't want to be vulnerable in the conversation. You forced me to take that role, to be on the backfoot, answering your questions. It's a total power move, and you feel justified in it.

    Of course you wouldn't allow it the other way. You wouldn't engage in good faith in the other direction. For me, now knowing this information, to give you scenarios of five questions each and demand answers. Or will you?


    Also disingenuous to imply I've been anything but completely reasonable and civil with you. Maybe I curse a bit more. Big ***** deal.

    Just now, Troll Toll said:

    Of all the people involved in this ongoing conversation, you seem to be the one acting in the most egregiously disrespectful, hostile and condescending way possible. You’ve basically smeared everyone here as racist when NOBODY has claimed one race is better than another.


    Well, that's because you're so racist, you think the only examples of racism is people screaming the N word or shouting "white power" 

  22. Just now, GG said:

    There's the expected shut up whitey post. 


    Stop to read for a second.  Broken families are the reason for greater police encounters, and to ignore that is putting your head in the sand. 


    What does Trump's family have to do with it?


    But if you insist on that line of reasoning, the father stayed in the picture and was a big part of the kids' upbringing.   


    No, I'm just saying this is (again) a white supremacist talking point. It again is a form of "Black people are uncivilized savages."  The racist idea that black people are these lecherous wild creatures who can't be understood. 


    It also is a confused stance. Like all social things, yes, everything is connected. But your ignorant racist point is... what now? That black people deserve to be killed by police? Because they didn't have a father in the home? And none of this seems racist to you? Just seems like a good thought, worth sharing? You felt smart posting it? Felt like you were repeating a good point you'd heard elsewhere, did you?


    And your position is... defund social services, not provide universal healthcare or child care, and then also increase the police? And this will help... how? I'm presuming you don't want to live in a world defined by racist structures, but I might be presuming wrong.


    Actually, if nothing else, clarifying this one point would be helpful. Are you racist or not? Do Black Lives Matter or don't they? Start with this question and we'll see if we need to bother with any more of your nonsense. Say your beliefs like a ***** man. 

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