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Everything posted by GregPersons

  1. Oh is that the objective truth, Tasker? Hey thanks for bringing up vocb again. Where are those definitions for "Racism" and "Objectivity"? Can you tell me why Racism isn't systemic, as you insist? And record yourself saying it? I'll pay you. Offer still stands, coward.
  2. That's just based on your content here. Seek professional help. You are trash. Based just on the content of your character. You are a drag on society. You are useless. Please go support the Jets or the Pats or anyone else. What's the longest romantic relationship you've ever had? You have a strong "incel" vibe. Tasker too.
  3. You are garbage. This is you, also. Again -- you're trash. I was hoping you were behaving unusually toward me. If you were not White, you'd be in jail if you acted like this in public. Again -- you are human garbage, Jim
  4. You rock. @Chef Jim is psychotic. @TakeYouToTasker is literally the stupidest person alive. Good for you, Margarita You're a sociopath. You're also stupid as *****. Objectively
  5. What a gentleman you are. Nice to see it's not just me who you are a complete ####### to. Have you ever seen a mental health professional? Defund is used because it's the right starting point. The discussion needs to be about a complete repeal & replace. Defund is a negotiationg tactic, you moron. It says the discussion needs to start at 0 and work up from there. Because working down from 300 gazillion is going to be pointless. See: the cuts promised by LAPD which is in the 100s of millions and still a fraction of the overall budget. What about Margarita's post warranted your disgusting rudeness toward her, btw? Are you single? Do you interact with other humans outside of this board? Who would you ever talk to like that? What an embarrassment you are. Please go support the Pats, where you belong.
  6. A fair amount! Are you even doing that though? Have you ever called out racism once in your life? Or have you just spent most of your time shrieking how we should all applaud you for being a good little boy and sitting quietly not thinking racist thoughts?
  7. So we've concluded I'm definitely one of these people that I've never heard of, but which one exactly depends on who you ask. If this kind of thing is happening to PPP on a regular basis... might be something to think about why that is! Probably has nothing to do with the regulars here and what they post, and why those posts would bring out strong reactions from people "who disagree" on things that really shouldn't be a debate. But... that would involve self-reflection, accountability, curiosity. Easier to just think... nahhhhh. It's all a conspiracy! Or a lone gunman. Or we're all CIA! And why are they all posting from the same Grassy Knoll IP address?
  8. Do you think we were ever going to get along if I'd come in that way? Better to just get to the point, don't you think? Of course, if you agreed from the beginning, you'd have maybe just said "Hold up bro! We're with you! ***** racists!" instead of "Hold up bro! Pretty sure racism isn't that big of a deal!"
  9. All of this is true of Republicans too, you realize?
  10. Can you exist outside of yourself to verify that?
  11. What's CRT? I'm confused. Do you guys actually think there is "objective" truth...???? What about Santa
  12. Which black people are screaming that all white people are racists? Also, it seems like you're fuzzy on how racism is defined and needs to be understood; it is critical we are on the same page and using the same definition. White people being racist and Black people being criminals are two identity choices made by the same person; the same group. It's cause and effect. I'm not talking about actual crime, like murder and rape and so on. (Btw, hopefully we agree - the police have earned no respect in their handling of rape cases, based on testimony of practically every woman alive who's had to interact with police on this and told their story) I'm talking about "Criminalized Black" as we've been talking about — the BS charges — the Stop & Frisk — the reason George Floyd or Trayvon Martin are being bothered by authority figures to begin with. They're guilty of being Black in White America. Basically, White people need to just ... take a breath. Being called racist is not the same amount of damage as being affected by racism. First what's needed is sympathy. You seem to be generally sympathetic. And then next what's needed would be empathy. And if you can empathize, you know what you would want somebody else to do for you in this case. The very least we can all do is understand the problem. If we understand it, and appreciate the scale of it, and then understand our role in it, we can begin to imagine ways to challenge it. It's like being born into an evil empire. Maybe it's worked out OK; the Death Star didn't blow up your planet, maybe. It's like that a bit. You brought up looting earlier, right? Have you watched this clip yet?
  13. Do you think "objectivity" is real? What is an example of something that is objectively true? At one point it was objectively true that the world was flat.
  14. That is a better slogan, tbh. I like Defund and Abolish and I think they do well to communicate that drastic overhaul is needed; "reform" isn't taking the change needed seriously enough. But yours does communicate things simpler.
  15. What a great way for Democrats to show they aren't listening, and still aren't getting it. He's so close with addressing the problem. The solution is stupid as *****.
  16. Right. Well I think the theory goes that his erratic behavior is an indicator; mood swings like beating his wife and murdering two people and then less disastrous but some erratic behavior since then. To be clear though, I'm 100% speculating and I really have no idea — I thought you were just taking the piss with the photos but you seem to know what you're talking about, I believe you.
  17. Then you know what I'm talking about exactly.
  18. Yes, I agree. That's why I have consistently rejected people's claims this is a Trump issue, or a Democrat or Republican issue. This is much wider, deeper, and bigger than that. It is not one bad city, or one bad state, or one bad administration. It is a rotten foundation. This is why the calls are to "Defund." It is more productive if the conversation starts from a blank slate, and builds up from there, rather than taking what is and taking things out piece meal. It is everybody's issue because it is all of our tax dollars. We may not live in the same city (or we might depending where in SoCal) but the point is that we all have over-funded police, and under-funded education, and all that equation is doing is maintaining the "school to prison" pipeline.
  19. Well Deek, you're right on everything here up until your last two sentences. There are differences caused by circumstances and skin color. That's just a fact. That's what I'm asking you to acknowledge. "Blaming" is not the right word. It is "acknowledging" or "accepting" that your position in life has been shaped by the forces and events that built this country and the many decisions made in many areas that have led to our present lives. Really all I'm asking for is the acknowledgment of context.
  20. Fair enough, although — do we know enough about CTE to say he definitely does not have it, because he seems to be in fine health? Does it necessarily lead to decreased motor function in everyone?
  21. I was referring to local/city budgets specifically, where it is very much possible. Also — let's not bother with getting into the weeds here, because there's no accepting "nothing can be done" as the answer. Ohhhh yeah, this. But yeah, again, can't be said enough. Bloomberg can bite my butt.
  22. Good for you. You've seen and worked in underprivileged communities. On that we are similar.
  23. Great. You seem like a wonderful person. Hopefully we will both be more productive in speaking out against racism where we see it, now that our conversation has concluded.
  24. Not sure if you're aware of this, but you can't really identify brain diseases with these kinds of photos. You're going to need a CAT scan or something similar. Just in case you thought you might be making a good point with these, you weren't. Thanks for the images though, looks like he's doing well, which doesn't mean he doesn't have CTE.
  25. What do you mean, "assume"? You've been arguing in support of racism in every single one of your posts to me. "How am I racist? I can't be racist. Oh racism is real? Oh really? Oh I bet." That's all you've been saying, but, dumber, and just repeatedly. "Assume." Where have YOU been!?
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