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Rick 'r Mortis

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Everything posted by Rick 'r Mortis

  1. If that's what you're going by then the Bills should have beat the Colts.
  2. You are 100% accurate. Anyone else is just out of their !@#$ mind.
  3. I lived in Bellingham back in 2006. When I moved back, they had one of the bigger snow storms in a long time. We barely made it out with our U-Haul. Good times.
  4. That's the thing. I think he does just enough to get under player's skin, but not all out like Suh.
  5. But that's the thing. Fans see what they want. Every effing gameday here people are talking about how the refs are hosing the Bills or are in favour of the other team.
  6. Things feel good right now. My beer tastes even better. I can smell colours!
  7. I shouldn't care, but I just want to hear good things about this team when I may or may not tune into SNF later tonight.
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