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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. It begins with a T and ends with a RUMP.
  2. You have proven to be a reliable defender of the old boy. Can you defend the professor on this claim?
  3. “Please stop telling people we went to school together. Time travel isn’t a thing. SMH”
  4. Have faith. President Brandon will figure out a way to stop him. He’s had three years to come up with a plan. Looking forward to seeing what it is.
  5. He’s a career-long serial liar that doesn’t have the balls to be a grandfather to his son’s daughter. Glad he got this right but let’s not wax poetic over a creature of Washington.
  6. Every time you play this card as it relates to the disaster that is our southern border (even Joe calls it a crisis now) you expose yourself as an intellectual lightweight.
  7. What about the devastating consequences promised by President Brandon?
  8. Please tell us that YOU read the 370 page bill - light by government standards. I know you pretended to read the report on Biden’s mishandling of classified information but had no clue about the classification level of the documents involved - despite it being spelled out in the report. The “did you read it” schtick is a bit much coming from someone that struggles to string coherent sentences together.
  9. You must have sh*t a brick when Obama got his ultra-clever burn on Romney during the presidential debate. Or when he told Medvedev he would have more flexibility after the 2012 election. No doubt you were aghast when Hillary began the great reset with: "I would like to present you with a little gift that represents what President Obama and Vice President Biden and I have been saying and that is: 'We want to reset our relationship and so we will do it together,"
  10. Biden/Harris Administration must be petrified of brown people. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️
  11. Only to someone that needs racism in their life. For you to believe it’s about skin color would require you to believe the majority of Americans that oppose your view on the the disaster at the southern border would be perfectly fine with it - if only it was white people pouring in illegally. Think about how senseless that is. Good lord.
  12. You occasionally make good points. You flush every one of them down the toilet with this childish drivel about brown people.
  13. You were mocked for stating they want a ban on contraception. A mocking well-deserved.
  14. How’s that working out? Please include in your response the number of people killed since these crippling sanctions were put in place.
  15. https://www.cnn.com/ The message has gone out and rehab mode is fully engaged. Currently at the top of the page: Harris hopes to break through the Biden campaign bubble Leading democrats say their conversations with the vice president have been a surprising and welcome change Opinion: Kamala Harris is not a liability. She may be the Democrats best weapon.
  16. Stoltenberg is obviously a TRUMP/MAGA toadie. Dimwits like redhawk and tiberius turning on NATO in 3…2…
  17. He gave them all back when asked. All good. Here’s the single most important piece of evidence in Hur’s report: In a recording made by the ghostwriter in February 2017 — a month after Biden left the vice-presidency — Biden says he had “just found all the classified stuff downstairs.” That, folks, is the needle-scratch moment. Up until last week, the party line has essentially been, “Hey, classified documents are strewn all around the White House, a bunch of boxes got moved around, transition is chaotic, documents end up in various places; big mistake, whoops, sorry.” Now we know that’s untrue. Indeed, for the past year, the president and his mouthpieces have doggedly denied intentionality. Biden’s attorney declared in January 2023, as the scandal broke, that “documents were inadvertently misplaced.” Wrong. It wasn’t “inadvertent”: Biden possessed at least some of the papers knowingly and on purpose. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre saidBiden did not know that classified documents were in his home or office and had no idea what they contained. False and false. Biden himself said he was “surprised to learn there were any government records that were taken there to that office” in Washington D.C. This is misdirection at best. Perhaps Biden was surprised that classified documents wound up at that specific location, but he sure as hell knew (and omitted) that he had classified documents elsewhere, at his home (“downstairs,” to be specific).
  18. It’s akin to lying about going to school with a well-known person when it would have required time travel to do so. Always fun when redhawk F’s something up.
  19. Did you know that he went to school with Susan Collins? He had to teleport through time to do it too!
  20. On several occasions you pretended that you read the report. You must have skipped over the part about classification level. A painful report for Biden: Hur laid out in detail how Biden mishandled classified materials, writing that FBI agents discovered materials from “the garage, offices, and basement den in Mr. Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, home.” The materials included classified documents, including some marked at the highest top secret/sensitive compartmented information level, related to military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, as well as notebooks containing Biden's handwriting. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/biden-classified-documents-report-02-08-24/index.html
  21. Agree with your general thoughts but Is there a dollar amount that ensures this? Have we seen anything to date that suggests this can be ensured?
  22. I know that there isn’t a lie he wouldn’t be willing to tell in his 50 years in Washington. I know he avoids press conferences and when he does have one, the questions are pre-submitted and placed on note cards for him. I know he confuses names like they are going out of style. I know he’s got the gait of someone struggling with decline. When he’s not outright lying or telling the same false story for the 50th time he has trouble stringing a few coherent sentences together even with the use of the teleprompter. He doesn’t belong anywhere near the Oval Office. Don’t you think if Hur was really full of sh*t as they are trying to portray him that Biden and his team would be eager to release the transcripts? They don’t appear eager to do so. Why do you think that is? I hate Trump so don’t feel the need to go there. I know it’s hard.
  23. I believe that poster’s greatest sin is that he/she/they is/are boring. SSDD on repeat.
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