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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. Hillary’s gaffe…good one. Black Jesus was the author of bitter clingers. It was not a gaffe either. 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾
  2. A minor incursion perhaps. https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2022-01-20/bidens-minor-incursion-comment-roils-diplomatic-efforts-to-halt-russian-invasion-of-ukraine
  3. You are a perfect example of the poison of politics. You are happy to have a sickly 70yo as SecDef because it’s in line with your political party. Sad.
  4. So great he went awol with the world on fire. I wonder if Lincoln or FDR went into hiding without telling anyone. So long as you believe it.
  5. Yes. A sickly 70 year old that exercises poor judgement is exactly the kind of guy America needs in that position. Good call.
  6. America needs a guy that goes AWOL for 5 days amid global tensions running high. He can’t possibly be replaced. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽
  7. This thread went a full TEN posts before one of the afflicted mentioned MAGA. Impressive.
  8. 50 million seems like a big number. Makes you wonder about the need for democrats to lie. Probably something they had to do because of MTG and her sort.
  9. TOP POSTERS IN THIS TOPIC BillStime32 posts Tommy Callahan25 posts Tiberius24 posts Roundybout21 post LOL
  10. Your argument, unfortunately for you, is “it was wrong for the future president and vice president of the US to undermine the vaccine for political reasons but look at MTG and her sort.” I think you should run with it.
  11. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/563771-guess-who-undermined-public-confidence-in-vaccines/ A couple of your like-minded board brethren like to throw around the phrase “every accusation is a confession”. I personally find it idiotic.
  12. With this one simple act, Dick may have turned the tide. Thank you Senator Dick, a good American senator 🇺🇸🇺🇸
  13. I don’t know about anyone else but I feel better about the whole old geezer issue after watching this. Thank you President Brandon, a good American president 🇺🇸🇺🇸
  14. First, I am sorry, for those around you, that you are in the midst of another manic episode. The Chiefs in the Super Bowl again will do that to a person. Stay strong buddy! Second, why do you want people to believe that you went to school with Susan Collins of all people? Very weird.
  15. Tell us how your time at school intersected with that of Susan Collins, the lady that graduated when you were 14 years old. Diagram your argument.
  16. Are you admitting that you lied about “going to school” with her?
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