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Everything posted by HerdMentality

  1. Wait… we’re relying on our injured defence to win this game??!?
  2. Based on the scores of the last 2 weeks, I’m feeling pretty good about week 10 against Denver lol
  3. I wonder what Stephen A Smith will talk about on his monologue tomorrow.
  4. How was the pizza feast? tomato skins?? really? lol I would have preferred buffalo burgers... ironically...
  5. #1. Maddy is allowed to have personal opinions. They might even be correct. #2. Why does Diggs care so much? Especially if he everyone will confirm he's a swell guy? #3. Is it right for a gazillionaire to crush a young diligent person trying to forge a career in media for menial pay?
  6. Agreed. Coaching? What he’s read in the media? I’m all in favour of unleashing him. Especially on the ground.
  7. Germany basketball also beat USA basketball. We have time to rise to the top. And the cream always rises to the top. But only if it’s cream.
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