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Posts posted by BuffaninSarasota

  1. 4 minutes ago, BBFL said:



    I said that in my opening sentence stating what could be the experiment…

    “The experiment was to see about a permanent team”


    I’m not sure what the “room for misunderstanding or interpretation” for what I said is in that. Nor am I hostile. You make out my statement was trash and absolutely off topic but then say pretty much exactly the same thing but worded differently…

    I did not say your statement was trash so don’t put words in my mouth. And I was not arguing, I was disagreeing. Two totally different things. I wasn’t saying “pretty much exactly the same thing but worded differently.” I was saying something entirely different.


    Not my problem you can’t understand it. Have a great night.

  2. 52 minutes ago, Thriftygamer83 said:

    You can tell the guys who want to be here on the field.  The Coaches don’t want to because they let Ken Dorsey pull his me, me, me interview, and wishing to be out with the Hurricanes.  Just another stat ladder like McDermott.  I’ve figured it out Sean McDermott is the Matthew Stamford of head coaches.  

    You lost me at Matthew Stamford

  3. 8 minutes ago, BBFL said:

    Incorrect then you go and state exactly that… teams within Europe. Jesus man, what are you arguing about?

    You must not have comprehended at all what I wrote. Permanent teams within Europe vs. an American based NFL team playing back to back weeks there.

    I’m not arguing at all. And no need for the hostility.

  4. 56 minutes ago, BBFL said:

    The experiment was to see about a permanent team being in London… That’s the only experimental thing they did; give a team multiple weeks there.


    Can’t see what else… it’s not geographical experimenting… they’ve played in London every year since 2007 with multiple games in that City since 2013.



    Incorrect. The NFL is exploring a possible England/European division and also expanding into other markets like Ireland, Spain, and Brazil. This is called marketing and internationalization.


    what happened today was the experiment and we were the guinea pigs

  5. 16 hours ago, Giuseppe Tognarelli said:

    It would be the most Billsy thing ever for them to be the first team ever to die in a plane crash.


    What would the league do?



    another great example of the need to review at least twice before even thinking of hitting submit.


    a very bizarre and morbid thought. Some thoughts are better left unsaid.


    and your doubling down in an attempt to normalize an aberrant post and/or question why you're getting flamed makes things worse



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  6. 10 minutes ago, zow2 said:


    Massive.  Every NFL week in America we hear what a disadvantage it is for West coast teams to fly east and play “at 10am” body clock.  Well this is 5 hours east. Wouldn’t be a big deal if both teams had the same travel but this is a different kinda deal.

    The flip side to that coin is that perhaps the Jags are really out of sorts with their personal routines, being away from home, and may be running for the bus Sunday. Probably not the case but I don’t think they have as much of a potential advantage as some might think.

  7. 24 minutes ago, MasterStrategist said:

    Well it's all about effort/aggressivness/willingness (attitude).


    I'd not say any of these are Elams top skills. 


    Something obviously happened LY, that triggered Rhodes starting and Elam being benched.  Not sure the reason ever became public knowledge.  But, it likely wasn't "performance", as Rhodes could barely run LY.

    do you have any substantial evidence to support these observations, or is this just an opinion?

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 3 hours ago, ALLinALLEN said:

    Can you name me 1 better S that could come in cheap, knows our system?

    Poyer is out 1 game with a knee contusion. Let's pump the brakes on Jaquan Johnson.


    I trust Beane would place more significance that Johnson is unsigned over the fact he'd be cheap and knows our system.

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  9. 5 minutes ago, ALLinALLEN said:

    Jaquan Johnson is a FA, we liked him as a draft pick and depth for years. I would hate calling him up TBH with Poyer and Hyde's obvious aging and lack of depth.

    No thanks. There’s a reason he’s a FA.

    • Agree 1
  10. 4 hours ago, John from Riverside said:

    There is no such thing as smoke and mirrors whenever it comes to a record stop trying to downplay it

    I'm not trying to downplay the record John. Everyone who can think objectively could see the way they were winning was not sustainable. By "smoke and mirrors", I meant there was definitely something "off" and things were definitely more difficult than a 13-3 record would indicate otherwise. The fact they achieved that record was remarkable.


    Compare games 1-6 with the rest of the season.

  11. 44 minutes ago, 1onemangang7 said:

    The rest of the country's thoughts I hear is well if the Bills are willing to risk the qb like thar I don't doubt they can win, but when does he miss time because of it.

    Translation please ?

  12. 59 minutes ago, KDIGGZ said:

    Anyone concerned about the condition of the turf after games on back to back nights? I don't know a lot about monofilament turf and the maintenance required. Do they have to deploy more rubber balls? Looks like rain in the forecast, could make the field pretty slick

    very slight chance of rain tonight if at all



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