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Posts posted by BuffaninSarasota

  1. 10 minutes ago, Pete said:

    Jets weakness- their offensive line.  Bills weakness is MLB.  I expect Ed Oliver to have a big game.  And I’m excited to see Poona, Floyd, and Espeneza, Daquan.  If they can stop run and pressure Rogers, Bills win.

    Espeneza 😂

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 22 hours ago, Nextmanup said:

    This game is in NYC on 9/11.

    I assume they will do some god awful 9/11 tribute with cops, firefighters, and a huge American flag...


    The game will probably start WAY late.



    Early front-runner for worst post of the year.

  3. 14 minutes ago, FilthyBeast said:


    Because they are superstars that want to get paid and going leverage that in hopes their teams see what a glaring hole they have on the roster without them in the lineup.


    49ers obviously in more trouble than Chiefs because they don't have an elite franchise QB.

    “Going leverage” 😂🤡

  4. 2 hours ago, Araiza Curse said:


    As a Bills fan, Josh Allen is my QB, however there is a reason why Mahomes has already won multiple SBs. It’s because he is simply more dedicated than Allen. He has worse WRs than the Bills other than Kelce, and he still makes it work. Same exact thing with Brady. Always had a rotation of different middle of the road WRs and yet somehow, someway always got production out of them enough to win. If Allen wants to be the best, he needs to put in more time being the best. 

    Please quit while you're behind

    1 minute ago, Giuseppe Tognarelli said:

    Burroes?! Why do people have such a hard time writing Burrow? Not only do they want to change it to Burrows for no apparent reason, but we are now misspelling the misspelling?!

    don't get me started, it's even worse when Bills fans on TSW misspell the names of our own players

    • Agree 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, cle23 said:


    My point being,  people keep blaming the lack of talent around Allen as the reason,  when every team loses players,  or has missed draft picks,  etc.  


    Brady had new receivers every couple years. Deon Branch, Edelman,  Welker, David Givens, David Patton, Chris Hogan, Brandon LaFell.  Only Moss and Gronk would remotely be considered elite.  


    I'm not trying to put down Allen. He's top 5, probably top 3 in the NFL right now.  He's immensely talented. But all QBs have new hurdles every year.  

    So are you suggesting the burden is on Allen to elevate those around him because of a lack of talent?

  6. 11 minutes ago, cle23 said:


    Brady twice took undrafted WRs, one a converted QB from Kent State, and helped turn them into some of the best slot receivers in the NFL. QBs have to help elevate their offense as well. 


    Allen is elite, but saying that he had no help isn't true. He has to help elevate guys too. 

    Not sure carrying the team isn’t a form of elevating the guys around him. His talent allows their skills to shine. He finds anyone, anytime, anywhere on the field.


    Brady did it for a very long time. Allen is just getting started .

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, SoMAn said:

    I guess if there’s a dissenting opinion it’s now considered ‘trolling’ by some. Well, may as well just close the board down if there’s no room for debate. 

    ok…now, I can’t say you’re wrong to question it. Brady was super competitive and is generally acknowledged to be a guy who studied the game like his life depended on it, dissected every opponent, and had a diet and exercise regiment that would extend his career. He lived to win championships. He made few public appearances doing golf, baseball games, or anything other than family events. Few players are that dedicated. 
    Is Josh that dedicated? I don’t know. Maybe. But he does seem to make time for podcasts, lots of golf, etc. - things we rarely witnessed with Brady. 

    It is slightly curious that Josh admits to not being a big film guy. His rationale being (paraphrasing) that he doesn’t want to get locked into a player’s tendencies only to find they’ve changed it up on game day.  If that works for him, ok.  We’ll see. I just hope he has similar obsessive desire as Brady to win a championship. 

    The majority of posters in this thread are of the sentiment the OP is not “dissenting opinion” because the initial premise was a steaming pile of sh*t spouted by Whitlock, then bastardized into some weird non sequitur with Brady. 


    Whitlock - the same clown who had to apologize to Diggs on Twitter. Consider the source and how stupid this has become.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  8. So the OP takes a horrendous clickbait piece of trash by Whitlock then creates a red herring by somehow comparing film study between Brady and Allen. 

    How dumb is this and how many hours until kickoff 9/11 so this stupidity stops at least temporarily? This has been the longest offseason I can recall because of stuff like this. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, Beck Water said:


    I could be mistaken, but I believe McDermott and other coaches have alluded to the NFL fining them for criticizing the refs.  At best, the coach will be fined, at worst, the coach will be fined AND the team will draw extra scrutiny from the league and from the refs.


    I believe the teams ARE allowed to send film to the league and question certain observations, or to raise issues about a pattern they believe they observe.

    Right. There's a difference between calling out the refs by name and taking it up with the league (competition committee).

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