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Posts posted by Backintheday544

  1. 6 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    You haven’t been paying attention. Florida has been a dumping ground for the Biden’s illegal immigrant redistribution program. I’m pretty sure Florida cannot swoop up people on their streets once the feds have dumped them there. If it’s like california it’s illegal to ask someone’s immigration status. So Florida is making a point that BEFORE they incur the ongoing costs of maintaining these people maybe it’s time some of them were dispersed so that other communities could pay their “fair share”. It’s not a cost…it’s an investment! (That’s what you guys always say, right?)

    DeSantis disagrees with you:

    “Texas is taking people,” DeSantis said after a morning Florida Cabinet meeting. “Biden has not sent anyone to us since we got that. He does send children all across the country in the middle of the night and dumps them all over the United States, which I think is very reckless.”

    “We have not had buses coming in, we have had people trickle in,” DeSantis said. “I think because of what Texas has done, that has actually taken a lot of pressure off us.”

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    You are aware that Florida doesn’t share a border with Mexico, right? Where’s the Governor going to get these people? I believe it’s illegal to round them up at the local Home Depot! Sheeesh

    - Florida has a large amount of Cuban illegal immigrants

    - Florida paid for these flights. Why are they paying costs for TX? Shouldn’t FL taxpayers be upset their money is going to TX?

    - If this isn’t a problem in FL, why does there FL governor care? Wouldn’t his time be better spent fixing the issues of his constituents?

  3. 59 minutes ago, aristocrat said:

    Since your major care is the deaths, the article seems to lay out a way to decrease the deaths:


    ”As WOLA’s July 28 analysis noted, border deaths increase as enforcement policies harden in an effort to deter migrants. (Today’s record levels of migration show that decades of deterrence policies have had no effect, other than increased fatalities.) Reuters cites the “towering wall” along the border, which has channeled migrants to more dangerous desert routes, and the Title 42 pandemic expulsions policy, prolonged in May by a Louisiana federal court order, that forces many countries’ asylum seekers to avoid detection rather than turning themselves in to U.S. authorities.”


    So I assume then decreasing border enforcement and removing the wall would both be things you support to decrease the deaths.

  4. 24 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:


    If you can do it, think for more than 5 seconds as to why exactly the Trump administration didn't do this.


    Hard I know, but try.






    Right back at ya. To ignore you go with the the rest of the morons.

    Do you not know how to read? Maybe if you figured out how to read you could be an actual educated voter and not a liability to our democracy.


    The article goes in how Trump admin proposed it with Stephen Miller and was soundly shut down because it was such a poor idea.


    Here is more on it from the time:



    The White House told U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement that the plan was intended to alleviate a shortage of detention space but also served to send a message to Democrats. The attempt at political retribution raised alarm within ICE, with a top official responding that it was rife with budgetary and liability concerns, and noting that “there are PR risks as well.”

    After the White House pressed again in February, ICE’s legal department rejected the idea as inappropriate and rebuffed the administration.



    Get yourself some education dude. It’ll do you well. It’ll help you with things like critical reasoning and understanding those funny scribbles called words.

    8 minutes ago, aristocrat said:

    Do the democrats care that their open border policy has resulted in more deaths of people crossing the border then before? Or do those people just don’t count?  

    you created a policy that enticed people over, which results in them dying and then get pissed when the republicans try to force some real policy change. Harris is supposed to be in charge. Where is she? 


    in case you need proof. Democrats are literally causing migrant deaths. The pain is exactly what they want 

    Great cool! That would be something that could be a really interesting discussion in a thread about immigration. This thread is about DeSantis. Let’s stick on the topic of discussing his evil and probably illegal actions.

  5. 5 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:

    Once again we 


    And there you have it once again.


    The left thinks the right are bad PEOPLE with ideas.


    The right thinks the left are people with bad IDEAS.


    How very christian of you. 




    Yes this was a bad evil idea and illegal as well. It was so morally wrong even the Trump admin refused to do it.


    Any true Republican would find this a waste of Florida taxpayer dollars to fly Texas immigrants to MA.


    Any person with a soul would find it’s cruel and inhumane to lie to these people about the expedited paperwork and jobs. Plus leaving them some place with no directions or ideas to go.


    You’re lost and hopeless, so posting with you isn’t worth anyones time. But the independents and non-MAGA republicans will find this political stunt for what it is and vote accordingly.

  6. Lock him up!




    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis claim they were lured into boarding the flight with deceptive promises that they’d be taken to Boston for work opportunities and expedited papers, something experts say could constitute a violation of federal law. 


    DeSantis used Florida taxpayer money to pay for the flights, but they originated in Texas. Migrants interviewed by NPR reported being approached in San Antonio by a woman named “Perla” who offered them transportation to Boston.


    5 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:

    Heart-warming.  A more diverse MV is good for humanity.



    Really gives you hope for humanity in the face of the overwhelming evil Republicans find okay now a days.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:


    As a total hypocrite you're going to need a whole lot of forgiveness too.


    Good luck.



    Who needs luck when us liberals always get to stand on the moral high grounds! 

    Find some love for your fellow man to understand using people as political pawns while wasting tax payer funds is wrong.

  8. 14 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:

    So we had migrants in front of Kamala's house today being asked why they came. More than a few of them said it was because they knew illegal immigration was allowed at our open border. And yes one of them actually said illegal immigration.


    So with all of this coverage now maybe these folks illegally entering our country will know its a crapshoot when they come here illegally and they could very well end up in Dubuque. Iowa.


    A "policy" that violates our current LAWS is absolutely a stunt.




    So again good to know that you're OK with using human beings as political pawns.


    A very warm resting place awaits after your passing it seems.


    And I don't feel sorry for your lack of moral compass at all.


    Stupid should hurt.




    Its cool man. Christianity preaches forgiveness and I’m sure you’ll be forgiven for your sins and your support of DeSantis using people for political gain like when Trump used the church and Bible for political gain.



  9. 1 minute ago, DRsGhost said:


    I’m glad you’re on record for using people for political stunts is ok with you. May God have mercy on your soul.

    A policy isn’t a stunt. But go ahead and keep thinking that. DeSantis couldn’t even find immigrants in his own state to send so he had to go to Texas and use Florida taxpayer dollars on Texas.


    I really feel sorry for you that you’re so morally inept and have no care or concern for your fellow man. You may want to talk to a psychologist about that. I’d stay away from a priest as he may teach you what Jesus thinks about immigrants.

  10. 5 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:


    Whataboutism. The mantra of the weak minded. 


    I said it is fine and moral what DeSantis did. My opinion.


    Then i turned around and asked you if the very genesis of the problem that leads to the political stunt opportunity  by DeSantis, which itself is a political stunt in keeping open borders, is moral and ok in your view?


    But you won't answer. Just whataboutism!


    Weak man. Weak.


    I answered in the appropriate thread.


    I’m glad you’re on record for using people for political stunts is ok with you. May God have mercy on your soul.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, aristocrat said:


    Ok, so the false part was the times of day the flights were at. That's not my point. Point is they were flying these people around the places that could house them. No consent given just sent to where they could be housed. Your consent claim is strange since they are coming here for our help and we have to send them to places where they can be cared for until the decision on their status is decided. 

    Except Martha’s Vineyard was chosen as a political stunt, not because they could care for these people over where they currently were:


    The challenge faced by Martha’s Vineyard — which has a year-round population of about 20,000 — may be even more stark.

    The Rev. Chip Seadale said St. Andrew’s had decided to take in the migrants for the night after learning that they had nowhere to go. A parishioner had reached out to him, knowing that the church helps house homeless people in the winter.

    The island’s sole homeless shelter does not operate during the summer and has room for 10 people, with one bathroom, said Barbara Rush, the warden at St. Andrew’s. “Fifty people with no homes is an overwhelming number for the size of the community,” she said. “But this is a strong and capable community.”

    13 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:


    Yes. Perfectly fine.


    Is it moral or ok for the Biden administration to encourage people to travel hundreds of miles to illegally enter our country knowing full well that many will die during the journey?


    Anything they accuse their opponents of doing they've either been doing or ignoring themselves for a long time.

    Do you realize everything you spit out is just whataboutism?


    When asked if it’s mora and okay for DeSantis actions, you’re just like what about what about what about. “Is it moral or ok for the Biden administration to encourage people to travel hundreds of miles to illegally enter our country knowing full well that many will die during the journey?”

    Geeze have an opinion on the topic at hand and stop turning everything into a whatabout.

  12. 1 minute ago, aristocrat said:




    So 6 months ago Biden was flying migrants around the country to different facilities.(doesn't matter what time of day so ignore that part just a weird narrative). So it's ok when Biden flies them around but not Desantis?  Can you care to explain the consent part? 

    You do see that says it’s mostly false right?


    This entire thing gets even better. The immigrants were from Texas!!!! DeSantis used Florida taxpayer funds for a political stunt to send people from Texas, not even Florida!!


    In addition, there were children. Got to wonder if this is violated any human trafficking law since kids were involved.

    5 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:


    I don't know is getting on a bus or airplane in the US inhuman for any us citizens who do it daily?


    Inhuman.  Please. These people in many cases traveled hundreds if not thousands of miles just to arrive at our border. Their lives the entire time were in the hands of the cartels or filth human traffickers. Who is to accept blame for those who perish on the journey? I'll go with "leaders" in DC who encouraged them to come here to break the law.


    And they are garbage.

    In a DeSantis thread, was it moral and okay for DeSantis to use Florida taxpayer dollars to fly immigrants, including children, in Texas to another state as a political stunt.

  13. 8 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:


    Trump was going to lose Wisconsin by double digits, remember?


    If you believe that Kamala Harris, the VP with absolutely abysmal approaching high 20s approval ratings, is polling better than Ron DeSantis, then you just might be a liberal hack. 


    Just maybe.



    There’s literal polls out there.

  14. 7 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:


    A good leftist not answering the root cause question. And responding whataboutism! 


    You're damn right it is. What. About. Principles.


    Are you for maintaining the status quo at our southern border?


    Yes or no?

    There is an entire other thread about the border. This thread is about DeSantis and his actions.

    Is shipping people to an unknown location for a political stunt inhuman? That’s the question here because this thread is about DeSantis.


    So, was DeSantis using human life by shipping them unwillingly to an unknown location as a political stunt inhuman?


    7 minutes ago, aristocrat said:


    They flew on planes, then on air conditioned buses, were fed and taken care of. It's much better than the way they were treated by coyotes who don't care if they starve or die along the route. I've traveled worse on team buses in high school. Please. Now, the dems need to stop enticing them to make the trip over the border so they stop dying on the way. 

    So as long as we fly you first class, we can ship you off anywhere without your consent? Us liberals are the rich ruling class, so I’m sure we can all chip in a couple extra tax dollars by giving up some Starbucks and avacado toast for a month to ship all the MAGA republicans to Russia on first class planes without their consent.

  15. 32 minutes ago, Greg S said:


    Are these the same polls who said Hillary would beat Trump? I don't care what side people are on politically. Everyone knows the media lies and polls can't be trusted. 

    No they’re the same polls that said Biden would beat Trump even though Trump supporters did boat parades. Everyone knows the Trump boat parades can’t be trusted.

    1 hour ago, DRsGhost said:


    Keeping the borders wide open in the first place is a 18 month long political stunt involving these very same human beings.


    Let's get down to the root of the entire issue.


    Are you for open borders like we have right now. Thousands of people walking across the border every single day. Do you support it?

    Ahh good old MAGA Republican with the whataboutism.


    Is shipping people to an unknown location for a political stunt inhuman? That’s the question here.

    1 hour ago, aristocrat said:

    The left calls Florida and Texas shitholes. So the immigrants are being flown to nice liberal cities. What’s the problem? It’s all how you frame the narrative. 

    The problem is a politician shipping humans to unknown locations against their will all for a political stunt.


    Inhuman, not Christian, and down right evil.

  16. 1 hour ago, DRsGhost said:


    The simple fact that you think that people who arent citizens AND break the law get to choose their final destination once they arrive is laughable. 


    You're also delusional if you think MV will put up with this indefinitely.  These 50 people absolutely will not remain in MV long term. 


    And again you ignore the peril these people are in just trying to get here in the first place. Many die trying to get here because our current administration encourages this illegal behavior. Our "leadership" in DC are Inhuman with blood on their hands.


    Finally, keeping the borders open and free flowing since Jan 2020 is a political ploy. These governors are just playing in kind.

    The simple fact is this was done for nothing more than a political stunt. If you’re okay with using people for political gain while you poll worse than Kamala Harris that’s between you and your God. It’s down right inhuman.


    Democratic Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts said DeSantis "could learn a lesson from Massachusetts on what patriotism and liberty really look like if he weren't so busy using humans as props in a cruel stunt to buoy his pathetic political aspirations."



  17. 40 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:

    Bus load of illegals dropped off in front of Kamala's house in DC this morning.







    DeSantis must have seen the polls:




    September’s Harvard-Harris Poll again posed the question of who respondents would choose in a theoretical matchup between DeSantis and Vice President Kamala Harris. As in previous months, DeSantis trailed the California Democrat.

    Harris drew 41% support, with DeSantis commanding 38% backing, and a remaining 21% of respondents unsure.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  18. 11 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:


    Right. They wanted to come to the USA.  Illegally.  They are still in the USA among people who largely advocate for ignoring THE LAW by keeping our borders OPEN.


    They are in Martha's Vineyard for heavans sake. The horror!


    Spare us the false outrage.


    And you ignored the question. What happens if 50 migrants show up daily in MV for weeks, months or years on end?


    Will those fine people in MV also find a "nice warm place when they pass" when they reach their breaking point and begin diverting these people elsewhere?

    Yes they will. The churches have been doing a great job helping them so far. Plus with a worker shortage hopefully they’ll be able to train those who want to work to help fill those voids.


    This all boils down to a simple fact. You’re absolutely inhuman if you think it’s fine to ship people across the country against their will as a political ploy. Goes against all the teachings of the church as well.

  19. 26 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:


    When the federal government refuses to enforce its own laws these are the type of stunts that are necessary.


    Of course they jumped into action when 50 people who came to this country illegally showed up pn their doorstep on ONE day.


    What happens when 50 show up everyday for the next year?


    Then Martha's Vineyard will be feeling that strain that border towns have been feeling for quite some time.


    Of course congressman Keating makes not a peep of the 1000s of dangerous miles these migrants trekked with the help of drug cartels and human traffickers because our current federal leadership encourages this behavior in violation of federal law.


    This political stunt serves to showcase massive liberal hypocrisy. As usual. 

    I was eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame. I was a father to the needy, and I championed the cause of the stranger. I broke the fangs of the unrighteous, and made them drop their prey from their teeth.
    Job 29:15-17


    Republicans are just a bunch of godless heathens. If you can’t find the horror of transporting people across state lines where they don’t know where they’re going and doing it for the sole reason that you want to use people as a prop, so sick.


    The fact that you find it funny will just cement your place in that nice warm place when you pass.

  20. 10 hours ago, DRsGhost said:




    This really shows the difference between liberals and the right.


    State Rep. Dylan Fernandes, who represents Martha's Vineyard, tweeted: "Our island jumped into action putting together 50 beds, giving everyone a good meal, providing a play area for the children, making sure people have the healthcare and support they need. We are a community that comes together to support immigrants."


    “‘People were just showing up (at the church) with food, rice and beans,’ she said. ‘When something happens to our island, we come together to help. We are going to take care of these people.’

    It’s amazing to see these great people support their fellow man. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.
    Deuteronomy 10:19

    On the other hand, it’s down right inhuman of DeSantis to use people, actual people, as political props. Dude is going to hell.


    Congressman Bill Keating, who represents Martha’s Vineyard, said in a tweet, “History does not look kindly on leaders who treat human beings like cargo, loading them up and sending them a thousand miles away without telling them their destination. Still, Florida @GovRonDeSantis made that choice today.”

    • Like (+1) 1
  21. This is just crazy how corrupt the DOJ was:




    - "People who had been in the office for 40 years never saw anything like that. It was unprecedented and scary."


    - "On the eve of Cohen's guilty plea, main Justice tried to get our office to remove any reference to Individual-1, who was President Trump. They were unsuccessful in that venture. And they were unsuccessful in every attempt to politically interfere with our office. We held the line in every instance," 


    - "President Trump attacks John Kerry in two tweets saying that Kerry engaged in possible illegal conversations with Iranian officials regarding the Iran nuclear deal. The very next day, the Trump Justice Department refers the John Kerry criminal case to the Southern District of New York. Two tweets by the president and the John Kerry criminal case becomes a priority,"


    - "The Justice Department told us, 'Hey, you have just indicted two allies of the president, Chris Collins, who is a Republican congressman from upstate New York, and Michael Cohen, who was the president's lawyer and fixer, and it's time for you guys to even things out and indict a Democrat before the midterm election,'"


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