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Posts posted by Backintheday544

  1. 23 minutes ago, Cinga said:


    The worst part of this was the cabinet officials however only leaving the high court positions alone I think was only done as a bone. Don't even think if the shoe were on the other foot the Democrats wouldn't have done away with that too. Same with this election year nomination. Don't think for a second that the Dems, if they has the Potus and the Senate wouldn't fill this seat.


    The Republicans should fill this seat. It's in the Constitution that they can.


    However, it also was that Garland should have been brought to the Senate. Republicans betrayed that. They're going back on their word now. Lindsey Grahams spine looks worse than Daks foot.

    Just now, Cinga said:

    That's not how the amendment process works but nice try


    I didn't say how the amendment process works, I just said start the process. Give those.700,000 US citizens taxation with representation.

  2. You don't see this kind of excitement for Trump:






    Unfortunately, someone burnt it down the next day.

    2 hours ago, B-Man said:



    What's his source on this? Is this an actual thing or is he just making things up? I thought the right hated anonymous sources? Well though, is it anonymous if it's just him making things up?

  3. 31 minutes ago, Cinga said:


    Joining in???????????? Where the **** have you been the last 20 plus years? 


    First, DC is not a state because it was set up under the Constitution as a neutral seat of the federal government and it should stay that way. Don't like it, change the Constitution.


    As I said earlier, I don't particularly care the politics of a justice, but either should they because their job is to rule on the law, not make the law vis legislate from the bench.


    edit to add, the Dems also want to add PR and possibly Guam too, meaning the Senate would be Dem into perpetuity.... 


    Yea but imagine what the founding fathers would think if you told them you could fit 700,000 people in 10 square miles!

  4. 2 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Fair question.

    Trump clearly has his talents, and those talents were evident in the 2016 primaries. He has a couple big ideas -- all encapsulated in his mind by MAGA -- and those ideas are appealing and comprehensible to many (I'd say the majority) of the American people.

    He is not  adept at turning ideas into policy. For that he (as with many presidents; Reagan too shared that "one big idea" emphasis) has to depend on persons who do understand policy and governance. I thought the first year or so of the Trump Administration was successful on his terms. He got the tax cuts through a Republican Congress, depending on Paul Ryan's and Mitch McConnell's expertise. He signaled a new era of corporate responsibility toward American workers with the pre-inauguration Carrier deal. But he didn't lean on expertise in other fields, wasting a lot of his political capital on the Muslim Ban Lite (it took them 3 tries to come up with anything arguably lawful) and later, The Wall. And then came the frustration with working with Washington that led to the dismissal of anyone who knew their way around the corridors of power (save Steve Mnuchin) and an ever increasing reliance on his close circle of family and decrepit old cronies like Rudy Giuliani, and an embittered grudge match against old enemies like the Clintons. He was never impeached based on the Russia investigation, but that emboldened him to do things even more unhinged like the Ukraine affair that did get him impeached. The end result is a squandered opportunity to create a new movement (one I don't agree with, but that I understand) toward a Truman-style American Capitalism rather than a cult of personality that likely won't survive Trump and his family.



    I think there is some redeeming idea

    s Trump brought:


    1. Term limits on politicians

    2. Separating lobbyists from politics and not having politicians beholden to lobbyists






  5. 1 minute ago, Golden Goat said:

    Yep. Dangerous game of chicken that should have never started. No winners here.

    That said, Democrats are not going to pack the court if Biden wins. However, if Trump somehow wins -- and the court somehow shifts to 7-2 -- and a Democrat wins in 2026 -- I'd change my bet.


    The Dems packing the court is contingent on them winning the Senate.


    Will he or won't he, it is hard to tell. If he does it, who will it anger? The right. They're not voting for him anyways. In a scenario where the Dems control the House, Senate and White House, you're going to take a gamble then on if Dems can keep the get out to vote in the mid-terms (historically that hasn't happened).


    Not doing it angers the left. I personally think Biden is only there for 4 years anyways so that could give them some coverage in 2026 to still keep an engaged left.


    I would say go for it. Since Trump was sworn in, the Dems have been more engaged then ever (similar to the Tea Party post Obama). What can the Dems do to keep that momentum, whereas the Tea Party lost theirs?

    13 minutes ago, Cinga said:

    Read my response to Alf a few posts above


    Not to go off topic but on your points:


    I lived in DC. It's crazy it's not a state. The only reason it's not a state is politics at this point. Republicans don't want it because it adds two more Dem senators.


    Not adding DC does keep more of a competitive balance to the Senate where either party has a shot to win.


    If you support keeping the Senate the way it is, why not support keeping the Supreme Court similar in structure? Let the Dems add 4 judges of Barrett passes. 3 liberal and 1 moderate. The court will then have a similar make up and no one party is in control.

  6. Just now, Golden Goat said:

    You missed the point entirely. Reid and the Democrats were warned that if they played those types of games, so would the GOP. They were warned it would backfire. It did. Spectacularly. You reap what you sow.


    Cannot the same be said that the Dems warned McConnell if you fill RGB with Barrett during an election year (which is his opposite position with Garland)  that they'll pack the courts using the technique of McConnell's getting rid of the Supreme Court filabuster. You know, you reap what you sow.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Cinga said:


    Obviously you either don't understand what your party is trying to do, or you're compliant with it. As @spartacus says above, what good is an election under single party control? 


    Can you expand into this? What is single party control in this scenario?

    Just now, Golden Goat said:


    Harry Reid taught him to do that. 🤷‍♂️


    Harry Reid taught him to waive the filabuster on lower court and judicial appointments. 4 years ago, McConnell made up a rule on not appointing a Supreme Court Justice in an election year. Like 3 years ago, McConnel followed Reid and got rid of the filibuster on the Supreme Court.


    Reid never made up a rule of when the Senate should offer consent on Supreme Court appointments.

  8. 56 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:



    I want the data that shows lives saved post Obamacare vs before.  Where is it?  


    Do we count 2020? 


    More people with health insurance means more people with health coverage, which hopefully means more lives saved.

    1 hour ago, B-Man said:





    I guess I will repeat this since the "garland nomination seems to be today's hypocritical fallback.




    It did though when McConnell made up some dumb rule 4 years ago that never existed before.

  9. 16 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Trump miscalculated the degree of hatred that many of the experienced candidates for positions within the government had towards his policies. Yes, he actually hired people who worked against him. Two examples of his competence in correcting the situation was the hiring of Pompeo and Barr. 


    So the solution wasn't hire people who will do a good job but hire people who will be yes men, pledge loyalty, and always agree with him.


    I do believe Bidens mental capacity is diminished similar to Trump. It happens with old age, but hope Biden will not use that hiring policy.

  10. Another reason to vote for Biden is Trump's hiring practices. He promised to bring on only the best people. However, he's had to fire a ton of people and shortly after firing them bashes how unqualified they are.


    So we have:


    1. Trump is hiring incompetent people, which is terrible for the country 

    2. Trump lied to us when promising to hire only the best

  11. 38 minutes ago, SoTier said:


    There are a couple of things that these stats suggest:

    1)  Many registered Republicans are going to stay on the sidelines this election cycle

    2)  Trump's attempts to suppress the mail-in/absentee vote looks to be blowing up in his face: mail in voting is not only significantly up in every state that has it, but it also seems to be suppressing Republican mail in voting while increasing Democratic mail-in voting.  



    Why is the media lying?  Because you don't like what you're hearing?   This election is a referendum on Covid Donnie's  handling of the coronavirus and its effects on the US economy, and Trump's approval ratings on both are terrible.    Incumbents don't win re-election when the unemployment rate hovers in the 8-10%, especially when the POTUS bleats that the economy is doing "great" because the stock market is up.


    That's a good point I never thought about. I think a majority of Dems have tuned out Trump and understand his lies vs what's real. Republicans still listen to him.


    So with that in mind, it wouldn't see surprising to see Democrats vote early in the same manner and the Republican vote actually end up being supressed.

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 7 hours ago, realtruelove said:

    It's unfortunate that the constitution means nothing to them.  Power is what they seek.  They do not represent the people.


    Would you please point to the section of the Constitution that says either how many Supreme Court justices there are or that more cannot be added? Thanks!

    7 hours ago, Big Blitz said:



    So do this because you can't win legitimately? 


    I guess Republicans should have been packing the SCOTUS in the first 2 years of Trump's presidency. 


    You people are unhinged.  


    They literally would have won the Senate, House and Presidency legitimately for them to pack the Supreme Court.


    Republicans basically did work on packing the court the second McConnell refused to give advice and consent on Garland.


    Also none of this Court packing talk happens if Republicans wait until after January to try to get a justice on the Supreme Court like they demanded be done with Garland.

  13. 5 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Is it your impression that his words were taken out of context?  

    He says voters don’t deserve to know.  He then says “I’m not gonna play Trumps game.”  Had DJT suggested a game of “Voters deserve to know!”?  Was DJT the interviewer, was that it?


    It seems clear that unless  Trump suggested playing a game, or unless DJT was the interviewer and caused Biden to “assert” something, the entire quote and stream of consciousness reveals Biden is a cranky geez who’s mind wanders mid-topic. 


    I'd chalk it up more as a gaffe than a political position.


    All the voters know the Dems are going to pack the court once they win the Senate and White House.

  14. 55 minutes ago, H2o said:



    45 minutes ago, KD in CA said:

    I see the media is dusting off the "if we keep saying Trump is going to lose by a mile maybe his supporters won't show up to vote" strategy.   


    I wonder if they've fine tuned it since 2016.


    That's the thing. The media can say what they want, but actual ballots coming in are showing Democrats and Republicans aren't. I mean it's not a huge surprise, the polls showed Dems would early vote more than Republicans, but not by the margins:


    Americans are voting early in the 2020 general election at an unprecedented pace, with elections officials having already received more than 9 million ballots in the 30 states that have made data available, and that data indicates that registered Democrats have returned more than twice as many ballots than Republicans thus far




    In Florida, registered Democrats had out-voted registered Republicans by a slim 37 percent to 35 percent margin by this point in 2016. Today, almost 53 percent of votes cast in Florida have come from registered Democrats, while Republicans account for just 28 percent


    In North Carolina, registered Democrats have cast 52 percent of all ballots so far, up from 36 percent four years ago. Registered Republicans account for just 17 percent of the ballots, down from 37 percent in 2016.


    And in Pennsylvania, a state at the heart of Trump's reelection strategy, registered Democrats have cast more than three-quarters of all ballots. Republicans made up just 15 percent of ballots returned to date.

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. 25 minutes ago, westside2 said:

    He doesn't have the temperament to be president. He's a ticking time bomb.


    So true. He seems like the kind of guy who would throw temper tantrums on Twitter.


    The full quote of they don't deserve to know: “Well sir, don’t the voters deserve to know-” DiMattei began to ask, as Biden interjected “no they don’t deserve,” before asserting “I’m not gonna play [Trump’s] game… he’d love that to be the discussion instead of what he’s doing now.”

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  16. 1 hour ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:


    ...shoulda called Accountemps to "bolster" the turnout.......


    Outside the whole Democrats don't want to go to big get togethers due to COVID, all the Democrats are just too busy out early voting.




    In Wisconsin, about 146,000 people voted by mail in the 2016 general election. This fall, about 647,000 people have already voted absentee, many in Democratic strongholds.




    Americans are voting early in the 2020 general election at an unprecedented pace, with elections officials having already received more than 9 million ballots in the 30 states that have made data available, and that data indicates that registered Democrats have returned more than twice as many ballots than Republicans thus far




    In Florida, registered Democrats had out-voted registered Republicans by a slim 37 percent to 35 percent margin by this point in 2016. Today, almost 53 percent of votes cast in Florida have come from registered Democrats, while Republicans account for just 28 percent


    In North Carolina, registered Democrats have cast 52 percent of all ballots so far, up from 36 percent four years ago. Registered Republicans account for just 17 percent of the ballots, down from 37 percent in 2016.


    And in Pennsylvania, a state at the heart of Trump's reelection strategy, registered Democrats have cast more than three-quarters of all ballots. Republicans made up just 15 percent of ballots returned to date.



  17. On 10/2/2020 at 12:08 AM, Big Blitz said:

    Lol yep.  Don't get me wrong.  I want Trump to win and believe he will.  But my biggest reason for voting how I do for my Senators and POTUS is bc of the Courts the Left needs to shove their agenda no one agrees with down our throats.


    And the inevitable replacement for RBG (may God rest her soul) was at the top of my list of reasons he absolutely has to win.  Everyone knew this.  Getting ACB on the SCOTUS has completely obliterated whatever stress level I had over this rigged election.




    Trump's mission, getting us to a 6-3 conservative court to protect America for the next 30 plus years, and now as we see here with this tremendous news, may also strike down Roe, has been achieved.


    Think about this leftists.  Had Hillary won, the SCOTUS would be 6-3 Lib for the next 30 years.  


    We truly saved this country in 2016.  


    Next time, visit Wisconsin.  


    This is the exact reason why if the Dems take the Senate and White House, while keeping the house as all the polls are pointing, the Dems should add 4 judges. 3 liberal and 1 moderate.


    The Republicans made that much easier to do by ending the filibuster on Supreme Court judges.


    I'm on the fence about trying to add PR and DC as a state. They should definately move to add DC. That's been a long time coming.

  18. Early votes seem to be going Democrat in Wisconsin:


    "the mother lode of absentee ballots is coming in Dane County, a Democratic stronghold that includes Madison. As of Friday, the number of submitted ballots there amounted to more than 36% of the county's total 2016 election vote; that figure is 10 percentage points higher than in any other county in the state."


    "In Wisconsin's Republican heartland, the suburban counties that ring Milwaukee, the absentee turnout is only at about the state average so far. And in the dozens of rural counties where Trump won huge victories four years ago, ballots are being returned at a far slower rate than in the state's Democratic areas"


    For other key states:

    "Ballot return data from heavily Democratic cities like Pittsburgh; Chapel Hill, N.C.; and Tampa, Fla., and the long lines of cars waiting at a Houston arena to drop off ballots, are signs that many voters have followed through on their intentions to cast ballots well ahead of Nov. 3"


    Other key issue is ballots are being made when Trump's approval rating is at one of its lowest at even Republican leaning Rasmussen:


    "As of Friday, more than 8.3 million ballots had already been received by elections officials in the 30 states that have made data available. In six states -- including the battlegrounds of Wisconsin and Minnesota -- the number of ballots returned already is more than 20% of the entire 2016 turnout."



  19. 34 minutes ago, Kemp said:


    I don't think there's anything wrong there. White House and Trump campaign didn't pay the travel expenses. No one was given a fee to attend.


    The more telling thing is the group was expected to be 20,000 and they only got 2,000 while paying for travel costs. 


    Also, White House was saying it was an official event but Trump turned into into a campaign speech violates some ethics.

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