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Everything posted by daz28

  1. Yeah, you'd almost think some countries had a better response than others.
  2. This clip right here is pure gold my friend. If you hate CNN, then have a look see what the other side of MSM has been doing. If you pass all of this off as "nobody knew", then you might just be a lemming.
  3. I had no idea he had that poor a rating. I know his pillows are ridiculously priced and not that great, but that rating still shocks me. I'd have given Mike's plan to rob old people of their money a D+. I mean he did deliver said pillows to the customer.
  4. I'd be thinking to myself why did I order the crème brulee when I knew the server was gonna burn the sugar with the torch he has no control over. Why did the chef even allow him to bring that 90% empty canister to my table? Now I'm stuck watching Xi eat the most decadent chocolate cake I've ever seen. This wouldn't have been so bad if Jared hadn't of talked me out of the German chocolate cake I had originally planned to serve, but Ivanka agreed. Everybody knows German chocolate cake isn't that great, everyone knows that, but I agreed to that. Next time we won't allow them a dessert choice. I will reduce Jared's role from prime executor of secondary dessert choices to 3rd string pastry bag piper, and hire Martha Stewart, everyone knows Martha Stewart. Who doesn't love Martha Stewart. Great person, friend of mine. Gave the recipe for baked Alaska to my Uncle Susan, who just graduated from George Washington Carver Jr. High School. Tremendous achievement. George Washington Carver Jr. High School raised miyyuns and miyyuns of dollars to combat wet market bush meat sales last quarter alone. It's saved biyyuns and biyyuns of dollars. No really folks, triyyuns of dollars. Then I'd sleep like a baby knowing even though my dessert sucked, I have tomorrow's press conference already prepped, and ready to go. Good night America This is complete satire, and I think it's pretty good.
  5. Yes, when it does finally get going, people might have a little extra. It will be a nice little boost. If we can just get past these next couple months, we're gonna be ok
  6. This is what I'm thinking. Business will be scant at first. People are going to go a little longer on self quarantine to be safe(at least I know I will be). All of this combined is going to make it tough to bring back the rest of the workers. Every places orders are gonna be screwed up. I guess what I'm saying is there's gonna be a lot of employees standing around for a while. All in all it's probably the best way for it to happen anyhow.
  7. The mayor of Las Vegas is really something to behold. Anderson Coper was roasting her worse than he should, but she is OUT THERE. I know most of you probably can't stand Anderson, but this interview is just WOOWW!!! Holy Cow! Please watch this if you have the time. She said get hit by an atomic bomb, take a shower, you'll be fine. I found it's far better if you just listen, and don't watch the video.
  8. Hockey is looking to resume in July. https://www.cbssports.com/nhl/news/nhl-considering-plan-that-would-restart-league-in-july-report-says/ More good news. Only 4 new cases in last 24 hours in Australia. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1272637/Australia-coronavirus-four-cases-diagnosis-cure-decline-lockdown-lifted-covid-19
  9. All he needs to do to get re-elected is get us through this. If he does he'll be a shoe in.
  10. Why was that kid reporter stuttering out a question about Azar breeding labradoodles?? I think he was trying to maybe ask what his medical credentials are.
  11. I wasn't gonna let you squeeze that one in on me. lol It's pretty obvious that your you're play semantics on that point. As far as I'm concerned it's in the past anyways. He was wrong, but he can redeem himself.
  12. "Everyone wants to take care of the seniors but me. No one wants to take care of me". That was a good one. He's probably actually funny to be around when you know him well.
  13. This is where I'm supposed to insert a derpy gif or meme. I'll pass on that opportunity. Thanks anyways
  14. Tell him it's actually better to be accurate than it is to be only precise.
  15. Fauci said we'd be more prepared to "contain" it. Didn't like the way he answered that. I was pretty excited after what Trump said.
  16. They are clearly telling the protestors to stop, and respect the plan to re-open before too long. I wish they'd just come out, and ask them to.
  17. You could change the 'a pandemic' into 'the pandemic', and that would cover worldwide.
  18. He kinda was good, except for the ventilator story rant, but I think he's gonna go ballistic when they start questioning Dr. Birx. Is it bad that I'm lol So I'm guessing he's asking the protestors to stop until the states reopen? Pence seemed to just say that.
  19. Right! I don't even like the guy, but I'm hoping he gets it right. I think it's disgusting if anyone's rooting for him to fail. I feel bad for the doctor now. He kinda put her in line for some tough questions coming up
  20. He seemed to be adamant that it won't be coming back in the fall anywhere near what it is now. God, I pray to God he's right about that. That's the longest he's ever went before getting into the miyyuns an biyyuns talk If he just gave me some good numbers on tests becoming available, I'll be very happy.
  21. He's kinda jumping these guys today. They haven't even asked a dumb question yet Calling out Kemp for opening too soon
  22. I really hope we never need hundreds of thousands of ventilators.
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