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Posts posted by whorlnut

  1. 4 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


    Yes. There are at least 20 QBs in the NFL right now who would be leading this offense to the same or better productivity than Allen has done so far. 

    That’s an opinion. Nothing more. 

    I think you discount the fact that Allen’s teammates love him and respect his style of play. Can you say that about these mythical 20 other QBs?  I bet you can’t. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


    Wins are a team stat.


    I like that the Bills are winning. I think our QB has contributed very little to us winning that most NFL QBs couldn't replicate or improve upon. 


    I think there are at least 20 NFL QBs who would have allowed this team to go at least 10-4 so far. 

    Really?  As another poster pointed out, Allen has accounted for over 80% of our offense this season, is the highest rated 4th quarter qb in the league, and is tied for 4th quarter comebacks. Not to mention our defense hasn’t had any scores all year. 

    Sounds to me like you are VERY wrong. Not surprising...

  3. 1 hour ago, transplantbillsfan said:


    Our defense has been exceptional, but you neglect the context of our team needing to score.  And that's been the sole requirement of the offense


    Our defense hasn't scored one TD.


    Our Special Teams has scored one TD in garbage time against Miami.


    I know some might dismiss TDs other than offensive TDs, but the Bills have been dead last in the NFL in defensive TDs over the last 2 years.  They've had ZERO.


    Think the 2015 Panthers don't lose another game or 2 without their 5 defensive TDs?


    Or the 2018 Bears without their 6 defensive TDs?


    Or the Pats without their 7 defensive and ST TDs?



    Allen has gotten this team TDs when he's needed to... whether through the air or with his legs.  He's scored 82% of this team's TDs, which is the highest percentage in the NFL.


    Allen isn't there, yet.  But he's not a bottom tier NFL QB.  Anyone who actually watches this team objectively would understand that.  Don't say dumb things like that.


    How about the 2018 Bears?

    “Dumb things” are sort of jrober38’s thing...

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  4. On 12/12/2019 at 5:31 PM, Dkollidas said:

    I wonder if this year they pull an Atlanta and move up to take one of Jeudy/Lamb.


    it seems by most prognosticators that those two are a level above the others. 

    I’ve thought of this and I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility. They have lots of cap space and if they sign a lineman and resign Shaq, they could use some of their picks to move up to get a stud receiver. However, this seems like 2014 when they moved up for Sammy in a deep wr draft. I really think they end up staying put or make a small move up if their guy is still there. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, dollars 2 donuts said:



    Yeah, honestly this is not a difficult first round pick for this team.  Whatever you don't pick up in FA between a WR or pass rushing DE/LB is what you take in the first (mind you, if you are strictly picking by position...which I know is a big sin in the world of Best Player Available).  Second round is more debatable (replacement LB for Lorax, OL?), but I would stick to the above in round 1.

    I agree but with how talented the WR class is, there is a solid chance BPA will be a WR anyways. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 1 hour ago, jrober38 said:


    No, I'm saying if you have a great defense and a QB who is bottom 10 in practically every passing category, they deserve little credit.


    I think Josh is a bottom 10 QB in the NFL right now. If that continues for another year or two we should be looking for someone new. Hopefully he improves and ranks in the top half of the league next year. 


    Where do you think he should rank? Top half? Top 10?

    You really are clueless. To heck with your stats and metrics. You know I worry about?  Wins and losses. The fact Allen is tied with Russell Wilson for the most comebacks this season. This means he’s clutch, which no metric can put a number on. You either have it or you don’t. He has it. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, BADOLBILZ said:



    Back when Roman and later Lynn with Roman's playbook were here and the Bills offense was trampling teams on the ground Tyrod Taylor put up 24 TD and 6 int and 23 TD and 6 int.    But we grossly underrated our own offense because we were consumed with passer efficiency and not having 300 yard games.    Now Josh Allen does similar stuff in a less effective offense(but opposite a good defense) and people want credit given where it's due.:flirt:

    How many games did Tyrod Taylor win when he was down in the fourth quarter?  I’ll wait...

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  8. 1 minute ago, Nick the Greek said:

    I think a couple weeks ago, John Brown was leading the AFC in yards for a WR. He’s is probably still top 5. 


    thats a legit stat. It’s crazy to categorize him as a WR 2, having LED the conference in yards more than halfway thru a season. 

    He’s a 2. And a darn good one at that. But let’s not try to pretend he’s a legit one. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 2 hours ago, appoo said:

    I'm 40 years old. I've been a Bills fans for as long as I can remember, having immigrated to Buffalo when I was 2 years old. My first memories are of the bickering bills. Jim Kelly playing the Jets as a youngin. Ronnie Harmon dropping that TD in Cleveland, the Bills stadium playing Hootie and the Blowfish after making the Dolphins cry...basically I'm a lifer. And I love/hate it, probably like many of you. 


    This is going to be my first post/thread. Why? A little bit more about my background. As I said above, I immigrated to Buffalo when I was just 2, and my family lived in upstate NY until I was about in 4th or 5th grade, and then we moved to PA. In fact the first Bills SB happened when we moved to good ol Scranton, Pennsylvania (note, not coincidentally the first time I ever cried because of a sporting event also happened in 4th or 5th grade).


    This, then, is where the story of my hatred of the Pittsburgh Steelers begins. Back in those days, you couldn't watch your team unless they were on national TV, or you lived locally to them. Yet I remember watching the Bills every Sunday with the rest of my family, and it was because my Dad purchased a satellite dish for the sole purpose of getting the Binghampton CBS. Why? Because apparently all of PA is a suburb of Pittsburgh. So actually this wasn't bad in the present, I only retroactively added to my hate for the Steelers wen I realized my Dad had to spend money and go out of his way or for us to be forced to watch the freakin Steelers or paid programming on Sunday afternoons. 


    That hatred only TRULY began when I got to Penn State. Boy. Tell that group you from PA who's not a fan of the Steelers and they look at you like you're an alien. Then tell them you're a Bills fan, they'll turn into the most arrogant aholes you'll meet, acting like they invented football. To this day I tell people that Pittsburgh would be a wonderful city if you just got rid of all Steeler fans. 


    Worst of all, this is where I encountered the awfulness that is the NFL Blackout/locality rules. If your local team wasn't sold out, or it wasn't in the 1pm/4pm time slot, you were watching paid programming. This was when I realized how lucky I was growing up with a satellite dish. This was awful. Now my Sunday football choices was the Eagles, those ugly ass Yellow and Black uniforms, or paid programming? Yea, FU Pittsburgh. (sidenote, I'm kinda/sorta a 2nd hand eagles fan)


    What's worse, even when the Bills showed the rare signs of life, who was there to stomp on it? Yep, you guessed it. The Villains of PA. There was the Willis McGahee led Bills, running through the AFC, trying to work their way back into the playoffs - only to be turned back by the 2nd string Pittsburgh steelers in the final game of the season. 


    Fitzmagic! Win 3 straight games, start getting some momentum going. Along come the Steelers. We got this. We get to OT. Fitz throws an absolute BEAUTY of a bomb in the back corner of the end zone, that thing must have gone 50 yards and dropped on an absolute dime of a target area. It hits Stevie Johnson right in the hands, I'm screaming my head off, the announcers are yelling in celebration, it's happening! We beat the Steelers.....but no. 


    Even when they DON'T involve the Bills! They're easy to hate. Do we all remember Super Bowl XL? I lived in Seattle between 2011 - 2017, and let me tell you, they will always remember that one. You know what city has a different narrative than the rest of America? You guess it. Ask someone from Pittsburgh about the horrible officiating from SB XL and they'll cite some random missed hold on the Hawks;  remind them of phantom touchdowns for the Steelers, phantom OPI that took away a TD, a steeler Offside that caused a hold that negated a TD...and you get blank stares as if none of that ever happened. Because in their minds it was Jerome Bettis Week, and the bus DESERVED to win a title in his hometown, and of course there was no bad officiating, yinze are just jealous. 


    I'm a Bills/Knicks/Mets/Syracuse/Penn State fan. Despair and failure runs thick. The only championship I've "experienced" as an adult was the Melo led Orange in 2003. And of course along the way I've developed some sporting hates. The Yankees, Ohio State - but NOTHING will ever match my personal dislike of the Pittsburgh effing Steelers and that arrogant, smug as crap fanbase. 


    So yea, to HELL with the Pittsburgh Steelers, and lets effing go Buffalo. Pound these guys to nothing. 


    Dear Lord. Post of the decade. 

    It almost feels like I wrote this. It’s incredible and exactly how I feel. Steelers fans are the absolute worst. I hate the Steelers specifically due to the fans. They are incorrigible. They act like the NFL owes them something for their existence. It’s so annoying. 

    Ive had to sit back and watch that team catch just about every break known to man over the years. It’s been horrible. And then you have to hear about the Steelers defense like they invented defense. 

    The Steelers are by far my most hated franchise in sports and hopefully it’s finally our time this Sunday. They have had their moments...time to pass the torch. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 8 hours ago, HappyDays said:

    Does anyone have a replay of the first drive miss to John Brown deep? I can only go off of my memory from the stadium, but I swear it was not an inaccurate throw. Brown was not looking for the ball and appeared to run in a different direction than Allen threw it.

    Yeah. Kinda like McKenzies horrific route to an Allen deep throw several games ago. Bottom line is our receivers aren’t very good outside of Brown. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Rc2catch said:

    I wouldn’t think he’s on the hot seat at all. Dallas game he was near perfect but it’s not like Denver and Washington the offense was exactly on point. He’s been erratic his entire career and it should concern all of us some of his issues. Is he a leader of men? Yeah. Is he pretty clutch in the 4th? Yeah. Is the sky the limit? Sure is at this point. But I think there’s a little too much hype around here on his current state as a quarterback. I’ve referenced before but Allen’s good games we hype up is on par with Gardner Minshews good games and he has much less to work with on offense. Josh is making good strides for being “raw” but his bad is really really bad. 

    Is it?  I’m not so sure about that. NE and Baltimore have made good QBs look silly all year. That’s what great defenses do. 

    And yes, there are many fans that think Allen will get next year to prove himself. IMO, he’s already proven himself. He’s this regime’s guy and will get his rookie deal at minimum. If guys like Tannehill (in Miami), Mariota, and Winston can get that long, Allen sure as heck will. 

  12. 12 minutes ago, Jrb1979 said:

    The past three games before the Ravens game were against teams whose defense wasn't very good. So far against the teams with good defenses he hasn't looked that great in them. 

    Wrong. The Broncos and Cowboys have defenses in the top ten or just outside it. 

    Bottom line is Allen will never get the benefit of the doubt from some of you because you already had your minds made up the second they called his name on draft night. 

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  13. 22 minutes ago, Tesla03 said:

    our defense has had "good days" almost every week. 


    but if our offense plays like they did vs the Ravens we aren't beating that Pittsburg team. Steelers defense is much more disciplined and can defend the run. Tomlin also never loses at home on primetime. it is going to be a much tougher matchup than fans think. 


    Dabboll needs to wake up bc his job is on the line in these next 3 weeks, and Josh needs to improve 

    I really hoping you’re not suggesting Allen needs to improve or he is on the hot seat. Allen isn’t going anywhere any time soon. And how quickly people forget the past three games before the Ravens game. Smh. 

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  14. 21 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


    Obviously he completed one long pass and it won them the game.


    Why on earth would it not count?

    Cause it was a dump off genius. But hey...whatever fits your annoying narrative...?

    1 hour ago, jrober38 said:


    Allen had three looks that should have been touchdowns in the first quarter yesterday and he missed all of them by 5 or more yards. 


    We get "hung up" on the deep ball because at the NFL level they should be free touchdowns if your receiver is running free behind the coverage at full speed. 

    So don’t watch the games if they are gonna get your panties in a bunch...

  15. 19 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


    His decision making and not putting the ball in harms way has got better.


    His accuracy on deep balls is still one of the worst in the NFL.

    It makes me laugh at how hung up people are on the deep ball. Any qb is lucky to get one or two good looks down field each game. And even then they are tough to complete. Does he need to improve it?  Your darn right he does. But he has done a way better job of managing a game which is what the good ones need to do. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


    Most QBs don't get much better after two years as a starter. 

    Uhhh...he’s gotten markedly better in a year. It’s happened many times that a qb grows in his second year and then puts it all together in the third year. Where do you keep coming up with this crap?


    Go hide back under your rock. 

  17. 59 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


    The collective offense should be above average. We have a good running game, good line, and good group of pass catchers. 


    Allen is about an average starting NFL QB. He's not going to win many big games, but he's also not bad enough to lose to bad teams. 

    So noble of you to give him the benefit of the doubt that he will continue to develop and get better...

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