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Swill Merchant

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Everything posted by Swill Merchant

  1. This article has some inaccuracies and misleading lines, but it will suffice. Consider how little attention it's gotten. Almost as though they'd prefer you didn't know about it. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/government-funding-bill-passage-now-uncertain-in-the-house/
  2. Did you believe this to be a worthy retort? I see. He does not strike me as a thinker.
  3. I can't tell if you're trolling me or if this is a sincere answer. If the latter, conflating government and country is your first problem. The second is you bypassed identifying the situation to jump to a moral case for it. By the nature of your response I take it you believe that it should be permissible to unilaterally take the property of another however you see fit and to whatever extent you choose, as long as you leave him with enough to live in reasonable comfort.
  4. This is a dishonest and extremely biased take. Everyone knows a bill with funding for the wall passed the house and was blocked by Dems in the Senate despite having the votes. But I suspect you already knew that and pretended otherwise. The Democrats have quite literally determined that you and your wife are worth sacrificing for the sake of opposing the President. It's funny that despite being used as a pawn, you still maintain your party loyalty rather than asking what is so important about opposing a barrier that they are putting you through this.
  5. So your position is that it is permissible to confiscate the property of one who is not indebted to you, at your own discretion, provided you leave him with enough to get by comfortably?
  6. We don't live in a democracy, nor should we, but that's beside the point. The budget with the wall did have enough votes. It passed the house and would have passed the Senate if the Dems had let it go to a vote. That's not really the point either though. There is no principled high ground here. It's 2 sides using their leverage to negotiate for what they want. This is how it has always worked in Washington. Both sides compromise so that everyone gets something they want. That's not always a good thing (that's how you get pork barrel spending) but that's how it's always been. The Democrats are taking a hard line. They have also used every bit of leverage they've had at all points, and they're refusing to give the other side squat. But that's not the point either. The point is, both sides have equal power to end this. There's not one holding the other hostage. They're at an impasse. Someone has to give, either side can give, and neither will. So there is no high ground on that front. So now that we've set the faux-moralism aside, we get down to the real question: Which side has the better argument? That's it. That's the only question. The rest of it's just marketing for the suckers who get caught up in the soap opera.
  7. The U.S. isn't going to collapse with a wall either. Shutting down the government to avoid funding one small project is ridiculous.
  8. Say what you will about AOC, she's the only one telling the truth about what the Democrats are doing.
  9. She was wise to walk that one back. That was the kind of move that exposes their true nature to moderate Dems and independents who are otherwise inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt
  10. All damn day. This draft is deep but not terribly top heavy, and we're looking for multiple starters. I wouldn't even hesitate.
  11. "When someone calls you a racist, what they are saying is "hmm, you actually have a point, and I don't know how to answer it, so perhaps if I distract you by calling you a bigot we'll both forget how enlightened your comment was." - Morrissey
  12. We'll need some fair and impartial posters such as myself, Boyst, & 3rdining to provide the board with updates of his guilt while we wait for evidence to be discovered.
  13. I've learned through messages from other posters that he gives off the creepy vibe. A thorough, open-ended investigation is in order to prove what the rest of us already know.
  14. Serious question. How do we know you are not a pedophile? I'm all but certain you can be linked to children. Where is the proof you didn't molest them?
  15. So basically, you think congress should fund the President's proposed barrier, and you think we should look into building one on the northern border too.
  16. I hear what you're saying. You want a comprehensive bill that addresses the issue more thoroughly. But understanding that building a physical boundary now does not preclude the adoption of such policies later, I pose a question: What is your best argument for denying funding for a physical barrier?
  17. Look up "cloture". The Dems blocked the vote. It was out of McConnell's hands. As far as your "words have consequences" rhetoric, it's an empty argument that is fit for cable news segments, but it does little to inform the reality of the situation.
  18. Good point. I believe the bill is now dead. Nevertheless, it was the Democrats in the Senate that blocked the vote on the bill that would have prevented the shutdown.
  19. His fatal flaw seems to be overestimating the intelligence of the public. Once the house passed a bill that provided funding for the wall the dynamics changed. Now it is quite literally the Democrats who are forcing a shutdown by blocking the vote in the senate. Don't expect CNN to tell you that.
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