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Posts posted by WideNine

  1. 48 minutes ago, Brianmoorman4jesus said:

    Bench or trade Knox and get rid of this ridiculous 12 personnel bull####. It’s not working and Knox sucks. Make Kinkaid the TE and go back to playing an offense from this century.


    Every team runs 12 personnel.


    The reason the Bills are running more of it is because they believe that Knox and Kincaid need to both be on the field.


    That is debatable I guess. The other reason is to give additional pass pro help to Brown and our OL to better protect Allen.


    How effective that has been can be debated too as pass pro was not very good this game.



  2. I was not impressed with our defensive play on the edges - gave up too much YAC.


    Jones makes this d-line go. When he is out they have to bring more guys into the box to counter the run or put Dodson on the field which signals time for play action and passes in the middle being wide open.


    I loved picking up DaQuan Jones but his age concerned me. We do need a young impact 1-tech to start grooming for his role. All good defenses have that 1-tech or nose that demands the double teams. That ain't Tim Settle when Jones goes down.


    Allen was borderline awful this game with the accuracy.


    Starting with that first telegraphed INT and all the passes that sailed on him. It was like watching 2018 Allen before he worked on his mechanics. Maybe he is hurt worse than we know...dunno.


    I am over Knox and his penchant for having drops and fumbles at critical moments too.


    What can I say about the officiating crew. Horribly tilted the field for NE with bizarre calls -  Offside on a G, no call for Diggs getting mugged, and Elam gets a key phantom call when he jammed a receiver at the line and had no contact after....


    Just too many flags this whole game most were head scratchers.


    We have been called a few times on offensive pass interference which is usually rare.


    When we run the rub as all teams do, but instead of our wide receivers being coached to continue running like they had a real route they do some bush league obstruction and acting throwing their hands up in mock innocence just begging for a flag.


    In this league you only need to get in the way and slow down a bit for DBs to have to reroute and lose a step and to create a window. You don't have to mug the guy.















  3. Just now, DapperCam said:

    If I were at Pats fan I would be so pissed. They must have had 10 calls on them the past 10 minutes.


    But I remember the Bills getting screwed by the refs vs the Brady Pats, so I don’t feel too bad.


    Why would they be pissed. The refs have controlled much of this game with calls that have killed any Bills momentum.


    Phantom and one-sided calls all game to keep it close.


    Not saying that Allen and the offense did not have their own struggles too.




  4. 5 minutes ago, JROC INTEL said:

    Personally i’m not blaming the shoulder. He’s just off. And my guess is because we haven’t been aggressive much this season and ever got into rhythm passing over 10 yards. 




    So too many warm up throws? He is just off, folks need to stop reaching.


    Allen is a big boy making a grown up salary. He can and should take accountability for his play on the field.


    How much we like him should not factor in.



  5. 1 minute ago, TheBrownBear said:

    Dang it.  That's a touchdown he just missed.  Wide open. Josh is off.


    Definitely is missing zip and accuracy today. Was hard to tell if that was the D getting him off his spot in the 1st half.


    Off platform throws were kind of Allen's thing back when but he is way off today



  6. Just now, Freddie's Dead said:

    Allen still in the shotgun.  *****in' Dorsey will not *****in' run the *****in' football.


    They ran once sideways with a predictable alignment and motion to a side that NE had the numbers advantage.


    It got blown up as one would expect 


    Need to check out of that play and be smarter pre-snap.



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  7. 3 minutes ago, Bockeye said:

    They need to run Allen first series. Always does better when he gets hit. Then they need some designed runs throughout game for him.


    There is something to this.


    Allen used to do better if Dabs had him bootleg or do something early to get "into" a game and address the adrenaline and yips.




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  8. I actually think Dorsey has gotten better mixing in more under center plays.


    Where I think they need more work is figuring out just where and when those alignments work best.


    Last week there were just a lot of execution errors. Ultimately that falls on Dorsey and the Offensive coaching staff to correct, but guys were schemed open plenty.


    Patience is in short supply in this league. If Allen and the other players on offense want to see Dorsey stick around they will need to focus a hell of a lot better out there.




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