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Bills Oil Company

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Everything posted by Bills Oil Company

  1. Game Over. Daboll is incompetent and this offense is done. McBeane needs to take action soon.
  2. He's sooo good....look at all these points they put up........... Fire him now.
  3. Maybe a glimpse into his future starting next year too as an OLB?
  4. That's the 1st Rounder big time play we've been looking for!!!
  5. Browns have way more talent. Bills have way better coaching (Except Daboll, hes terrible).
  6. Why is Dimaro lined up as a slot receiver. Daboll - seriously....!?!?!
  7. Hey look - An offense that doesn't take a knee with <30 sec to go in the first half.
  8. What game are you watching? Abandoning the run in the 3 min offense is pure incompetence. His play calling is very predictable.
  9. Were lucky the Browns play calling is just as incompetent as the Bills
  10. Seriously....You could make the case Daboll is fully to blame for this loss. Any talk of him as a head coach is hilarious. And they had back-ups in all over the place. Sean, you and your team should be embarrassed
  11. I don't play Allen. Diboll is terrible. Really. Even the announcers mentioned it.
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