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Everything posted by MattyBills24

  1. I'm really excited to see how the O-line battles play out. There's a few guys that could play multiple positions so the competition should be high at every position, other than Center which is locked down by Morse. It could be wishful thinking, but it feels like the "cream will rise to the top" at every position and some players that are fringe starters will end up as backups which is a very good position for the team to be in. Hopefully the potential is real that is talked about with all of the free agents we brought in and with Ford and we're able to put together a line that can actually create some lanes for the running game and keep JA upright long enough to make some plays downfield when needed.
  2. We're projected to have over 100 million in cap space next year, the highest in the NFL.
  3. Matt Paradis Daryl Williams Jesse James Anthony Barr Tyrell Williams
  4. Hopefully we didn’t have to give up too much to make the deal happen and he comes in with a decent attitude instead of the diva persona he’s had lately. What a great weapon to go out and get for JA though!!!
  5. A 30 year old running back with a high salary cap #? I'd be surprised if they could get anything more than a 4th for him, in which case it would not be worth trading him away. A 2nd round pick sounds like a pipe dream but if that happened that would at least make the trade defensible. Still don't like the idea of trading away our best offensive player when we're one game out of first place in the division.
  6. Dammit, you got me. Had my hopes up too lol
  7. I think this might be the closest I'll get with a high resolution image.. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwibx950.com%2Ffiles%2F2018%2F09%2FGettyImages-1038438814.jpg%3Fw%3D3000%26h%3D2109%26q%3D75&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwibx950.com%2Fjosh-allen-bills-stun-vikings-in-blowout%2F&docid=I9bLF2PrmQ0TJM&tbnid=Aca6E3te--Y6bM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwif8Z_ynNndAhVCMt8KHQcvBTMQMwiVASgxMDE..i&w=2500&h=1757&bih=724&biw=1536&q=josh allen vs vikings&ved=0ahUKEwif8Z_ynNndAhVCMt8KHQcvBTMQMwiVASgxMDE&iact=mrc&uact=8
  8. Awesome thank you for the suggestions! I'll send him an email and see where that goes. I've been trying to find a high resolution image of the pylon cam shot because it's a really unique and cool picture but I've been searching the last couple of days with no luck so I think I might be out of luck for that one unfortunately.
  9. That's exactly what I said to my buddies when they showed the replay! (After the Bills beat the Vikes in the Super Bowl!! LOL)
  10. Not sure if I'm posting this in the right spot, sorry if it should be somewhere else. I'm wondering if anyone knows where or how I can get a high quality picture of Josh Allen's touchdown dive from the Pylon Cam. I'd love to get a high quality version of it so I can have it printed on canvas for wall art in my Bills cave. I tried watching the video of it and taking a screenshot of it, but as you can see the picture quality is a bit low. Not sure if there's any way to get a HD version of it but I'd be ecstatic if someone knew a way to get it. Thanks!
  11. Murphy is a RB not a WR.. I thought that penalty should've been against the offensive player, he lowered his head to initiate the contact with Stanford and Stanford hit him with his facemask. I'm curious to see how many penalties are called against the offense this year under that new helmet rule.
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