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Everything posted by billybob71

  1. Can't wait for this game, had my fill of all the armchair experts and their analysis of the Jets game
  2. He is human a 26 year old kid, not an alien or a savior for Buffalo etc etc etc.... and he has had some bad games playing the hardest position in sports, it happens to every QB even the great ones. Look through any great QBs career and you will see the same. Its how he responds the next few weeks that matters. A 'great QB" has a few bad/ sub par games every year followed up by a string of good games. Now if this becomes a trend and the next 3 to 4 games look like this then the Bills are in trouble and we are back to the 20 plus years before Allen. And if doesn't work out for Allen in Buffalo if the next team who picks him up has great coaching we will all be watching him in the Super Bowl.
  3. McD missed a chance when Daboll left to go out and find a bright offensive mind OC who could continue to work with Allen hold him accountable and bring out the best in him, took the easy route and promoted from within and let the player pick who ihe was comfortable with, not sure that was the best idea.
  4. yeah thats a good way to put it no flow or rhythm never seems to be
  5. and how bout that rounded off route by Davis? lol not good JA shouldnt have thrown it but was a poor effort by QB and WR
  6. bad game by 17, and was really hoping Dorsey would improve, so far it is the same.... no feel for the game
  7. well JA has one more chance to resurrect this big steaming pile of crap game
  8. we prob not scoring more points on long drive, need the Jets to keep trying to throw and get another turnover and a short field
  9. Damn they were doing a good job being methodical then boom a stupid play
  10. other NFL teams are gonna drive and get points sometimes its the way it works folks
  11. when we played in our yard as kids (it was not to flat) our two main pass plays.... post downhill and post uphill
  12. ugh let me see if i can find my spikes
  13. who cares... old man Aaron will pull a hammy by weds😁
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