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Everything posted by DRA3196

  1. If Foster can contribute and Josh plays clean. Our offense will be a strength of our team going forward
  2. Heard all week about how great the d-line was for Dallas. Our offense is having a field day. Great Job o-line. Don't let up. Lets own the 4th
  3. Why isn't Tony laughing anymore? Maybe they should bring Emmitt back to the booth.
  4. anyone besides me want to kick Nantz in the mangina for mentioning if we win today its only our 4th winning season in the last 20yrs...smh
  5. Buffalo looked pretty good in the first half. I hope the refs let the game be decided by the players in the 2nd. Go Bills
  6. Oliver is showing out. with so much money invested in the o-line Jerry isn't Impressed
  7. Hauschka YOU are killing me buddy!!!!!! Great execution on that reverse pass for the TD
  8. Time for redemption offense. Another great opportunity by the defense.
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