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The Red King

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Posts posted by The Red King

  1. 1 hour ago, SoTier said:


    In an alternative universe your scenario might be true but in the one we inhabit, the defense has stayed about the same, and the offense has taken a major step backwards at QB and OL and done nothing to improve the sad situation at WR.  I'm sorry, but McCarron hasn't even made 100 passes in the NFL and no rookie QB can truly compete with a competent NFL starter, and unless Daboll is a miracle worker, the Bills offense will be "offensive" in 2018 will make 2017 look like a juggernaut.


    The defense has stayed "about the same"?  Did you miss the massive influx of talent they got from the draft and free agency?  ?

  2. This is the same Rodak who, after our preseason moves, said the Bills' season was over before it started...and then we made the playoffs.  You'll forgive me if I don't take the guy seriously.  He hates the Bills, paints as much in a negative light as he can, and is just hoping and praying the team crashes and burns.  The Bills made him look like an absolute fool last year, I'm sure he'd love nothing more then to see them fail this season.  Don't believe me?





    BUFFALO -- Turn out the lights on the Buffalo Bills' 2017 season, because it is over before it started.




    After Friday, it looks like Buffalo is chasing the Jets in a race to the bottom this season -- and the top of the 2018 draft.


    Nice predictions, Nostradamus.  What was that sound?  Oh, I know!  That was the sound of all your credibility flying out the window.  Dolt

    • Like (+1) 2
  3. TT repeatedly underthrew receivers on deep routes, or put it in the dirt.  Please explain to me how that is the receiver's fault?  "Man, what the hell were you doing running that fast and getting separation?!?  If you had just run slower and let the defender catch up to you, you'd have been right under the pass!  What's wrong with you?!?"  ?


    We didn't have a single pass of 50+ yards all season.  Are you going to tell me that our receiving corp was so bad that there was not a single time, in the almost sixteen games he played in, not once was a receiver open for such a play?  I've watched The 22, there were several opportunities for such a play.  TT either never saw the guy open, or made a bad throw.


    Yes, the receiving corp was part of the problem, but to attribute all, or even most of TT's troubles to them is just ridiculous.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Peter said:

    You guys are a lot more optimistic than I am about the coming year.  I would rather temper my enthusiasm and be pleasantly surprised than look at the team through rose colored glasses.


    As it stands now, our personnel is not as good as last year - particularly our offensive line.  I feel sorry for Shady as well as whoever ends up starting at QB.  In fact, the state of our offensive line is one reason why I would not start Josh Allen. It might ruin his chance of developing the way we need him to develop.


    We also were VERY fortunate last year.


    It is great that we made the playoffs, but let's not lose perspective:


    We made the playoffs because of a miracle play by Dalton and a late and questionable call against the Colts on their conversion.

    Our point differential was actually worse than the year before.

    Our defense and offense were ranked worse than the year before relative to the rest of the league.


    I think that this year is likely to be a rebuilding year unless the offensive line plays really, really well and we continue to have the ball bounce our way.


    Our point differential was mainly the result of a horrific three-game stretch.  I love how people want to point to that, but give the Chargers a free pass on their four-game slide to start the season.


    We made the playoffs because of heart.  Cinci beat us last season.  If the Ravens had won week 17, would everyone say they were lucky to make it in and only made it in because Cinci beat Buffalo earlier in the year?  Not likely.  Yet people are quick to reverse it.  We were "lucky" the Bengals beat the Ravens...but the Ravens were not "lucky" those same Bengals beat the Bills.  A little hypocritical, don't you think?


    Buffalo had enough BS calls this season (TD vs. NE overruled...).  You can't point to one questionable call against Indy.  Indy got some calls, too.


    I don't care what our defense was ranked.  It was a solid unit that had a lot on its plate because the offense couldn't do squat.  Three bad games tanked those rankings.  Look at the other thirteen.  And that same defense got a lot better in the off-season.


    Clay is a dolt.  Predicts the scores of every game, then says he's not predicting records.  Then what the hell is the point?  We're going to lose to Miami and Jets at home, by one point each?  Our only two victories are going to come on the road to those two teams...we're not going to beat anyone out of the AFC East?  I get it, Buffalo has been bad for a looooong time.  People are skeptical.  But bad teams do not stay forever bad.  There was a time when the Bills were going to Super Bowl after Super Bowl and the Patriots were a complete joke.  Things cycle.  But given how bad Buffalo has been for so long...people are going to assume they're going to remain that awful, even going so far as writing last season off as a fluke.


    I haven't lost perspective.  I can see clearly.

  5. Just now, ScottLaw said:

    You seem angry. 


    Not at all.  Just a little tired of posts from fans angry we traded TT to the Browns and/or unhappy with our off-season moves that state the Bills are going to be one of the worst teams in the league, and Cleveland will somehow be elevated by TT from 0-16 to a playoff caliber team in a single season.  Had the OP said something like..."Buffalo will regress, and the changes Cleveland made will elevate them.  I see them both having similar records, with Cleveland winning one or two more then Buffalo." I could respect it.  Wouldn't agree with it, but would at least respect it.  Instead, we get..."I don't think it will be close. Bills 3-4 wins and the Browns 8-9.", which makes it clear this is based on nothing more then personal bias/venom rather then actual football analysis.  These types of threads, which are nothing more then thinly veiled "Buffalo will suck because the front office didn't do what I wanted them to do!" are beginning to wear me down.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. Just now, Buffalo30 said:

    It'll be interesting, both teams are on the rise and I hope both make the playoffs and turn the tables on the teams that have dominated them for so long.


    Agreed.  Don't misread my posts.  I think/hope the Browns are turning things around.  Like the Bills I see them potentially being a dangerous team in the 2019 season.  I just think a lot of people, OP included, are a little too optimistic about the Browns this season.  Turnarounds take time...especially from 1-15 and 0-16.  I expect to see improvement from them, but they're not going to go "Zero to Hero" in just one season.

  7. Now now, let the doom and gloom fans have their moment.  Not picking the QB they wanted, and/or getting rid of Tyrod Taylor automatically makes us a 3-4 win team in their eyes.  I mean, it's not like our defense has improved from last year with free agent signings and the draft.  The idea of us winning a number of games based on defense first...you know, like last year...is just silly.  Our four games against the Jets and Dolphins alone should net us 3-4 wins.  Wait, wait...I forgot...the Jets' drafted a QB at 3, and that rookie will automatically make them a better team then us.


    Also, remember that the TT fans will have Cleveland going 16-0 and winning the Super Bowl, because Tyrod is a god saddled with the Bills, who will show his true power with the Browns.  Because it's just that easy to go from 0-16 to contender.  It's not like they still have their same coach, or have so many new faces there's no cohesion there at all, something that will have to happen over time.  Wait...actually, that's exactly all true.


    Lemmie sum up this thread..."I didn't like the moves the Bills made in the offseason, so they're automatically gonna drop from 9 wins to 3-4 wins.  If they had just listened to me..."  ?


    ...as for the post itself, I've said it before, Buffalo again goes 9-7 with a Wild Card birth.  As for the Browns, I think TT gets them to 5-6 wins at best.

    • Like (+1) 14
  8. 1 hour ago, ScottLaw said:

    Did you just start watching the Bills in 2017? 


    The Bills were among the best in the league at deep passing plays before the new regime basically stripped the team of and deep threat/legitimate WR. With a healthy Watkins and Goodwin the guy was GREAT at the deep passing game. 


    ?. He checked down practically every time? There's a well thought out statement. I'll say it again. Some fans just don't know what they are watching at the QB position. 


    Tyrods a solid QB to have if you have some good pieces around him. Cleveland will be a lot better this year. Better than the Bills, IMO.(cue the, "GO BE A BROWNS FAN THEN!" Reaction).




    I've watched them since the '80s, thank you.  Sadly it's obvious you've got rose-tinted glasses glued to your skull.  I get it, you're a blind TT fan.  It's just amusing you rail against others for not knowing what they are watching when you're doing the exact same thing.

  9. 2 hours ago, ScottLaw said:

    How do you figure??



    This is such a bad take. The Bills were tops in the league in points scored in Tyrods first two seasons here. The Bills scored points in a Tyrod led offense until Dennison and McDermott were hired.

    100% agree. 


    Although I'm not a fan of Hue.... I never understood the Tyrod hate. Some fans just don't know what they are watching. Or there is a little bit of deep seeded racism in some and they don't want a black QB. Or a little bit of both of the above.


    Don't play the race card.  Seriously, don't.


    Some fans know damn well what they're watching.  They were watching an ultra-conservative QB with an astronomical QB rating because he refused to throw the ball farther then five yards to a receiver if he was covered...or might have been covered...or might even be seen by a defender anywhere on the field.  He frequently underthrew open receivers, that is, if he saw them at all.  He checked down practically every time, even on third and long.  His careful approach prevented turnovers, but it also prevented big plays.  The Bills were the only team in the league not to have a single pass play of 50+ yards last season.  You want to tell me our receivers were so bad it was impossible for Tyrod to get one?  Go watch some film, like the 22, and then try telling me that.  There were a good number of plays last season where he gave up on receivers too early, and missed seeing them open.  Tyrod's play vs. JAX was a wonderful encapsulation of him and what he brings.  He's not going to lose you many games, but he's not going to win you many.  He is the median, the black hole that elevates teams below the 8-8 mark, and brings down teams above it.  I hold no hostility toward him, I respect what he did for the team.  The fact though, is the Bills have simply outgrown him.  Cleveland, bringing a 1-31 record to the table, is scraping the bottom and will be elevated by the aforementioned Tyrod black hole.  And by the time the Browns outgrow him, Mayfield will be ready to take over.


    So no, my feelings toward Tyrod are not motivated by ignorance or racism, and I strongly resent the implication of either.  All else fails, play the race card?  That is both pathetic and insulting.

    • Like (+1) 2
  10. Quantify "worst".  Are we talking week 1 starters?  Backups?  Potential?  You noted "situation", so let's play all-or-nothing.  If the Bills have the worst, then there should be no team you wouldn't want to make a wholesale swap with, then.  If we are the worst, it would only make sense to perform a full swap with any other team.  Right now would you trade all our QBs for all of Miami's?  Jax's?  Detroit?  Tampa?  If you answered 'no' to any of those, you don't think we have the worst QB situation in the league.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 4 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

     No offense, but it looks like it's pulling a wagon or a plow. Going a 1/2 mile an hour.


    Standing almost still, yet, the red woosh.


    Something isn't right here. Three legs on ground, one up, you sure it ain't pulling a plow?


    Or is the bull staring down the matador getting ready for the knives to be inserted?


    Again, no offense, I know you worked hard on it.  But, I hope the Bills can do a better job keeping their legs moving! ;)




    No offense taken!  I just really wanted to try a streak, but it really doesn't work well for that particular buffalo.  In our current logo, the horn is vertical, while this one is almost horizontal, and that's before you even get to the pose.  I'm far happier with the white on red and red on white streakless variants I posted a page prior.

  12. Last one.  Not sure why I was so hell-bent on finishing tonight, but yay productivity?  :P


    Same buffalo as the last two.  However, this one was brought in-line with our current logo and helmet color.  I cleaned up the image, recolored the buffalo blue this time, and added a stripe.  I'm actually kinda fond of this one.  And now...I desperately need sleep!  >.<



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  13. Logo design #2.  This one is similar to another one posted earlier.  This time it's the Buffalo I used above, but this time it's a red buffalo meant for a white helmet, a throwback to the old standing Buffalo helmet from long gone days.  And again, sadly, I don't have the skill to mock this logo onto a helmet.  I think this would look pretty sharp with our current uniforms.



    • Like (+1) 2
  14. Alright!  Been playing with the standing Buffalo that was posted earlier and I've got two variants in mind.  First one was a touch easier to make.  Still working on the other.


    Idea number one is a modified version that is a white Buffalo on a red helmet (letting us go back to full red, white and blue).  Yes, I'm aware how terrible the white on red "throwback" helmet was, but I actually like the look of this.  If I recall, the white Buffalo was actually considered sacred in Native American culture, which is why the Sabres keep using it in that color.  Sadly I lack the skill to mock it onto a helmet.  Here it is, though...



    • Like (+1) 2
  15. 9 minutes ago, Paulus said:

    I liked the Sabres prior logo, a lot. The buffalo head decal looked awesome on my old firebird when I was down in NC for the ECF against the Canes. Idk, about symbolism but it looked cool to me at the time.


    The possessed goat head unis?  I'll confess I loved those as well.  If there wasn't so much history behind our current ones, I'd be perfectly happy if they went back to them.

    • Like (+1) 1
  16. 4 minutes ago, Paulus said:



    Idk... Messing with the logo isn't always the best idea.


    I...actually have to give that logo a few points.  I hated it.  I still do.  It is ugly as all hell.  But...there is symbolism buried in it.  If you tilt it forward, you get a 'B' for Buffalo.  There is actually a saber embedded in the logo...eye area is the handle, the horn is the cross-guard and the blue streak is the blade.  I...complement them for shoving all of that into one logo.  Just...there's a reason it's tricky to make a symbolic logo...the end result still needs to look good.  At this...was a mess.


    Anyone else find it ironic that one nickname for the Buffalslug was "Donald Trump's Hairpiece"...then years down the line Trump becomes one of three finalists for purchasing the Bills?  :lol:

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  17. 11 hours ago, LeGOATski said:

    Very good. I like that, except it doesn't need to look too demonic. 


    I'd make it a red buffalo (nod to the old logo). Probably white eyes.





    Hmm, now this has me wondering, if we continue with red, white and blue...what would this look like on a darker blue helmet?  Or maybe a chrome white helmet...damn these endless possibilities... >.>

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