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FearLess Price

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Posts posted by FearLess Price

  1. 12 minutes ago, ScottLaw said:

    This makes little sense.


    So Terry loved Mahomes but let Whaley trade down instead of take him and then said alright your fired for doing that? 


    Why wouldnt he just say, "Doug, take Mahomes".


    I don't buy it.


    Right. Theyre either covering for pegs or mcderm. Its a bad look no matter what. Mahomes is going toe to toe with brady and dominating the league. Were stuck finding bargain basement QBs again.

  2. 18 hours ago, ctk232 said:

    You're basing this on what exactly? Can having someone who has been exposed to something for longer than you have help to provide clarification? Absolutely, but that doesn't actually make the difference in terms of your personal growth. It can help your perspective, but not the end result. I'd be curious to see what McCown's ability to coach would be like - obviously there are players who coach better than they play, but to attribute Darnold's performance to McCown's guidance is a bit much, albeit my opinion. 


    Lastly, never said Allen > Darnold right now? Confusing, but either way that disparity is clear. They are at very different points in development - with two VERY different organizations and rosters around them as well, and Allen most certainly needs the time. But for sure let's hope the potential translates into progress in performance.


    This is a well thought out comment. I think your downplaying the benefits of a mentor, knowing what looks and tricks and schemes certain defenses and DC could throw at you before hand is much more valuable to your development then having peterpick on the bench as QB2. I understand your POV but i disagree a million times. Having a mentor is like having a personal tutor. And thats an advantage id rather our rookie have, than not.

  3. I would trade a 2nd round pick and a player to the Raiders for Carr. Carr is way ahead of Allen and JA could use the time on the pine to study and learn the complex NFL defenses so he knows what OL protection to call at the line. Our kid has amazing potential but he needs to study till the game slows down for him, he can be great.

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  4. 7 hours ago, ctk232 said:

    The hardest part of the Jets schedule is upcoming, just wait. And McCown is no where near the reason Darnold is doing what he is doing. The idea that these "veteran QBs" are great for young QB's development is entirely unproven, and utterly baseless. Sure, can Darnold or Allen ask them questions? Absolutely. Will they give them the right answers or best insight they have? Mayhaps, but more likely than not their own success, or really lack thereof, in the league is proof enough to tell me they didn't really grasp the game well enough to be anything more than a placeholder for teams looking for actual QBs, or just an emergency hotline if the starter goes down. You think there's anything McCown is telling Darnold that his offensive staff and coaches aren't? 

    If Allen had a competent QB coach and OC willing to work with him, he'd likely develop more than any vet QB would do for him. Not everyone learns this way and you have to find what works best for the project you end up with. Darnold is anything but proven at this point, and so much can happen. The Jets are 3-3, not bad but certainly nothing to write home about. 


    Your wrong bud. Have you never had a mentor? Ive had people mentor me at jobs that werent anywhere close to as good as me. But the experience and POVs she had really helped me develop into a stronger project specialist. You have to have the right Vet QB for that tho. Most dont give a ***** but McCown is well known to be a player coach and he will be coaching in a year or two. count on it. Watch all of Darnolds snaps and compare them to Jallens snaps. Ill share my tissues :lol: :lol: 

    I hope the rest of yall can keep it real and not be homers. Darnold is much better than Allen is right now. Its not even close but JA has the potential to be the best of the group. Hes just not there yet.

    6 hours ago, frostbitmic said:

    The big question is, would Anderson serve this team better as a backup QB/mentor or as a QB coach ?


    I hate to say it but I don't have much faith in Anderson on the field at this point in his career. IMO we need to sign someone like Landry Jones to replace Nathan Peterman, and we should do it ASAP.


    I like that Idea. We could have Landry Jones start while JA heals, and keep Anderson to mentor him as QB3 and send NP to the PS

  5. 4 hours ago, PlayoffsPlease said:

    And you know this how? 


    Because I live in NJ and my best friends are massive Jet fans and I cant go one week without them rubbing it in my face how they got Darnold pro-ready and we got a limpy unprepared Josh Allen. Also Ive watched and followed all the Jet games this year and they have these ***** local TV Jet shows with player interviews and behind the scenes stuff, hes always mentioning McCown

  6. 7 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    Yes they do.  And he did try to work with Dareus.  And Dareus did not want to listen.   He just brought this Phillips guy in at DT and he played pretty well his first game after essentially getting thrown out of Miami.  Shady is not exactly the most stable personality on the planet and McD has no problem with him.  Benjamin is another - why is it people scream about how they should have let KB go after last week for his lack of effort, but when Dareus didn't give effort they should have coddled him?


    In general, I don't think McD has a problem with guys as long as they focus on football, do their work in the room and in the field.  Dedicate themselves.  Are we really at the point where that is too much to ask?


    Im not disagreeing with you but Lazy Dareus > Sloth Benjamin

  7. 3 hours ago, TaskersGhost said:


    Unfortunately, I don't think that anyone "wants a new team," we're all Bills fans.  But at some point you have to ask yourself how much time you want to devote to merely financially supporting a team without much coming back to you.  Don't you think.  


    No one likes a loser, particularly fans of a loser.  But if you have people in charge at the top two or there levels that are clueless as to turn it into a winner, then your choices are to support a loser or simply start paying less attention.  


    You said that their primary concern is profit?  Is that your concern too?  ... namely their (the Pegulas) profit?  ... or do you have other concerns, like winning and at minimum some level of basic competence on the field?  


    If your concern is not their concern, are you contributing to their concern?  If so, then can't we say that you're part of the problem?  I mean hell, if they have everything that they want after bilking us fans, why should they alter their means of approach?  Seriously, why should they if their goals have been met?  


    Of course all the "tough guy" fans & posters here will tell anyone thinking like that that they're not a real fan, to which my reply is that a real fan expects and demands competence and isn't satisfied with anything less.  


    I mean if being a fan is merely contributing to the profits of the owners, then no, I'm not a fan I guess since I don't give a crap about the Peguals financial situation in that regard, I care about competent play on the field and a reason to be proud of at least something in our region socially speaking.  


    If being a fan means expecting, yea demanding competence, and being completely dissatisfied with incompetence, then I'm a fan.  So I suppose it depends upon perspective.  


    As I tell people, although I don't go to games anywhere close to regularly, I'd rather go tailgate and watch the game from the lot than contribute to the owners' goals while getting nothing that I want in exchange.  But hey, as long as there are enough people that equate fandom to simply being financial cattle to be harvested, then there's not much reason for positive changes, is there?  


    Facts. You cant keep it that real here tho. 





    This board is for name calling, petty arguments, hot takes & ***** posts, dont you know anything :lol::lol:


    move along now!







    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, MAJBobby said:


    And as I said is showing NOTHING to for me to say yeah have our QB. Now if you are going to miss all of 2019 as well you better decide to get a QB again. 


    They wont. You know and I know it. McDerm has shown to be a stubborn coach.

    He was stubborn with NP and it cost us the texans game. stick any QB in there to back up allen and we walk away from houston with a win.

  9. this is def the worst case scenario for his development. even without the injury, you wasted all those 1st team reps in TC and PS on guys that will never start at QB for us. Ever. Then you dont get him a capable veteren to learn from or at least assist in his development. Oh and you never got him a weapon or OL protection after loosing 3 OL starters in the off season. Face it.

    OBD royally mucked it up. 

    3 minutes ago, Looper said:


    Allen is a rookie with a crappy OL and average receivers at best. And Shady is on the downhill slide ...


    Assuming Allen is OK  ...


    Shady might be on the downhill but he can still play. Hes our only playmaker. Blaming him is only cuz u dont wanna throw it all on the rookie.

  10. 25 minutes ago, Mark Vader said:

    I understand all of that.


    We just couldn't fill every hole all at once.


    Going into the draft our biggest needs were at QB & LB, and we only had so much money to spend in free agency. Yes, I wish we had targeted more O-Linemen in the draft, but I'm not upset about the picks of Allen, Edmunds & Phillips.


    We have to bite the bullet this year, even if it cracks all of our teeth. Next off season is when things will change.


    I agree. I loved the Edmunds and Phillips picks. Im not gonna lie I was rooting for us to grab the Chosen Rosen at QB. JA is just so raw it looked like it was gonna be a year or 2 before we could pick stuff off the JA tree. Then the Vikings game happens and everyone gets their hopes up, then the GB game brings everyone back down to earth. As long as we help JA in the draft and FA, the results should come in a little quicker. Also I think Edmunds is gonna be an All Pro at this rate, if he can stay healthy, the kid has improved every game.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 5 hours ago, SaratogaMike said:

    When your offensive line stinks, screen passes and quick hitters need to be the staple of your offense. I don't see much of that.



    We have 2 good backs and a star in mccoy.


    Y are we not running an offense similar to Rothlisburgers rookie year?


    Your asking a rookie who historically had a hard time reading the defense and beating the blitz with his arm in college, to read complex nfl defenses and hit down the field throws. Tallrod isnt that good yet. Let the running game be the focus with some gadget plays to mccloud foster with zay jones clay and benjamin on 3rd down plays. 


    Jallen has shown its too much too soon for him. So take the pressure off his shoulders and call soke easy reads for him before u ruin him, hes already running from ghost pressure

    • Like (+1) 4
  12. 47 minutes ago, nedboy7 said:


    Unfortunately I do. Last year was great compared to this. Tyrod was serviceable. This is stupid. 


    Right, I get why we couldnt Keep Tyrod but damn...NP and Derek Anderson?


    Id rather have Tyrod start until Tallrod morphs into Jallen and starts slinging the ball around.


    32 minutes ago, Mark Vader said:

    Wood retiring and Incognito doing whatever he was doing, was unforeseen, and really messed everything up.

    Thats the thing, we knew Wood was retiring early in FA. We did nothing. Incognito was the stone cold stunner out of nowhere. Also we shouldve Started Allen from day 1 of TC. We wasted all those reps on QBs that will never start for us.

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